" trtrue, Members of the EAA will con- tinue to contact K-W residents to see if they will support a pro- It would like to see parents more involved in the school sys- tem. expanded use of schools as community facilities and more home and school associations. The association is also seeking to expana cooperation between schools, parents and the commtr any. Members will interview public and separate school personnel in this area and approach London, Hamilton and Metro Toronto boards to find out what is being done in these areas and how ser- vices can be improved. The group is currenly drafting a proposal requesting improved psychological, guidance and spe- cial services in the school system. Running for the directorate are: Sharon Berry, Linda Hen- Shaw, Pam McLaughlin. Sheila McLean, Judy Pearse and Kathy Shantz. Seeking the position of girl's athletic commissioner are: Pam Polbeer, Carol Miller and Mary The education action associa- tion is stepping up its efforts to secure better education services and liaison between the commun- ity at large and the schools. These are among priorities which the group set following a recent series of meetings. during which the association's goals were analysed by its executive. Dave Leasa, Gard Taylor and Richard Ward are in the running for boy's athletic commissioner. The defeated candidate will take I Beat on the athletic directorate along with Joe Grassi and Bill Zimmerman, who were elected by acclamation. Candidates seeking the position of athletic commissioner also had an opportunity during today's as- semblies to address the students. Voting will be conducted to. morrow during the home-room period. Controller candidates include: Ken Buck, Jim Chapman, Sharon Huber, Debbie Meldazy, Ray Pep. pler, David Schaefer, Rod Smith, Heather Voll, Laura Watt and Cathy Yoshy. Candidates for boy's athletic commissioner are: Dave Leasa, Gord Taylor and Richard Ward. Asstmbties held today, offered candidates seeking positions on the board of control an opportun- ity to present their platforms to the student body. - ' Elected u a result of last Pn. day's polling were Ben Seligman. mayor and Peter Kidnle, deputy. mayor. Congratulations and best ot luck in the 1970-71 term of office. " SUSAN MERTENI Election activities again head- line the news at Waterloo colle- giate. _ " 't""ee'..ehe-,'tt-.areattm 1 Ben Sdliimiati' , is itti dents' choice Education action group sets goals A musical for children perf6rmed by the Children's Creative Drama Theatre of Kitchener-Waterloo April IO, 7:30 p.m. - April It, 2 p.m. - April 12, 2 p.m. Theatre of The Arts, University of Waterloo PHONE 744-6t11 Ext. 2I26 FOR TICKET INFORMATION The ChiMrert's Creatwe Drama Theatre is sponsored by Tempo Theatre Admission $1.50 for Adoits $1.†for Chlldm Special Group Rate for " or Mon Children TSe THE MAGIC TRUMPET The Copper Penny dance, as anticipated, was a sellout suc- cess. Not quite such a lightheart- ed event,was the writing of the " Ontario physics achievement exa- Susan Reidel is poster whiz The competition. which is open to all Grade 5 students in On- tario, is sponsored by the On. tario Association of Fire Chiefs. Susan Reidel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clayt Reidel. RR 3, Wat- erloo, topped all Grade 5 students in Ontario to win the province's fire prevention poster contest for 1970. Members plan to put pressure on Waterloo County board of edu, cation to establish a eitizen's ad- visory committee, which it had agreed to set up. . This was among recommenda- tions in the Keiller-Mackay report on religious education in the schools. Summaries of the report will be given to persons contac- ted on the subject. The association is continuing with its efforts to have an open meeting on the Hall-Dennis Re- Voting procedures for the ath- letic commission will be run si- multaneously with the board of control election. Vince-wide effort to remove 't ligion from the schools. l Peter Kidnie (left) congratulates Mayor Ben Seligmm. The winner will be presented with 1: Sim Canada Savings Bond at the Stratford Festival Theatre, May A, during the fire chiefs' con- vention. Susan received her entry form at Erhsville school, which she at tends, but did the work at home. "Don't wait for a fire-get one now." reads the irinning poster which has a fire extinguisher pm minently displayed. Other topics which continue to concern the association are un- graded schools. discipline. in. volvement of students and tea- chers in policy-making decisions and financial. s.upport for other school systems, such as Catholic, Jewish or free schools. It plans to continue compiling lists of resource people who could provide special interest programs for schools, to work closely with teachers' federations and other parents' groups and to study tea- cher education. _ port, with television coverage, if possible. And a final note-watch for the CWOSSA gymnastic tourna- ment to be conducted this Satur- day in tho wcr gym". mination Tuesday by the Grade 13 students. Compensating for the test, however, was a student~ teacher talk-in held at Susan Bar- bees home the following evening. Twin tPies' only acclaim and 13-year tape 31909 125 Union St. East, Waterloo PM... 7451021 Open " h " Mon. " Fri. - 9 mm. to 6 pan. Saherd" SUNDAYS Iron " noon to 5 gun. Kitchener Lions Youth Camp _ \ Camp Kl-W-AY _ ---boys ages 7-14 years --at Paradise Lake on the Kiwanis Club camp site just lh hour from Kitchener ----the perfect camp for novice campers campcraft - - - - --a "complete" camping experience o-Register Now - Avoid Disappointment --for boys and girls 7-14 years ---on beautiful Lake Belwood near Fergus ---program includes swimming, canoeing, archery, campcraft, tripping and more --on Beausoleil Island in Georgian Bay ----awimming, canoeing, tripping and K-W YMCA CAMPING DEPT. ST QUEEN ST. N., KIT., 743-5201 YMCA Camps may Il/yt, PRICE on TAPES . Register Now practice of law under the firm name [APE CARQUSEI. GLYNNE W. GLADSTONE, BA., LLB. is now associated with him in the RUDOLPH KOMINEK "An Experience In Living" KOMINEK & GLADSTONE with offices at Suite 6tt. Waterloo Square Waterloo, Ontario Telephone No. 743-4391 ls. pleased ht announce that Wabanaki for Barrister & Solicitor for mood I.†.98 , for boys girls and bore "