_ “pan-puma. â€tilt '.M.gtegtstatrt-rf “11“â€. . _ Terms Amazed AUTO HOME BUSINESS MANY THANKS to a member of the K-W Automobile Club for helping two ladies start a car Friday night at Waterloo Square. 15 DON'T LET your hair get you down this summer. Learn how to set. A do it yourself course by Mr. Dennis of Dennis Coit- fares. April " - 4 weeks, $12.00. Waterloo YWCA, 7441711. WOMEN AT THE WHEEL-learn the basic parts of an engine. How brakes, lights wort. Change the tires. Tips on good driving. April Js - 6 weeks, $11.00. Waterloo YWCA, TAA, 1711. 15 BASIC DRAWING-Try y o u r hand at a new art experience, including outdoor sketching. Susanne Harpe, instructor. Ap- ril " - 6 weeks, $11.00. Water- loo YWCA, 7441711. " THREE BEDROOM Cottage for sale. Hot/cold water, electric heating. Sauble Beach. 743-4815. ' " CHINESE COOKING CLASS - starts soon at the K-W YMCA with instructor Gordon Mah of .the China Kitchen, Waterloo. Phone for free brochure. 743- 5201. " EARN MONEY IN SPARE TIME Men or Women to restock and collect money from New Type high quality coin-operated dispen- sers in your area. No selling. To qualify, must have car, referen- ces, $750 to $3,000 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net ex- cellent income. More full time. We invest with you-and estab- lish your route. For personal in.. terview write: B. V. Distributors Limited, 2480 Tecumseh Road East, Windsor 19, Ontario, in- clude phone number. 15 TWO BEDROOM apartment avail- able immediately in a new eight unit apartment in Lakeshore Village. $149.00 rent includes appliances. cable TV and utili. ties. 745-1108 days, 744-1033 APARTMENT to sublet May to Sept. Waterloo Towers, one bed- room, kitchen facilities. Call AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - two furnished rooms for gentle- men. 71 Short Street after 6 pm. 7436084. 15 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room near Continuing Education Cen. tre, 435 King Street North. Have references. Write: C. Mer burn, 418 Sheridan Avenue, 'Peterborough. l5 COTTAGE for rent-three bed- room cottage in Sauble. Call 7434815. tf 10A Rooms for Rent IO " Cottages for Rent ‘know what the Fyfe Report is all about? Come to the Water- loo YWCA Workshop on practi- cal politics. April 'v-a weeks --82.00. 7444711. " 4 Property for Sale 7 Business Opportunities 578-51 88. evenings. tgervieeisourENA= YOU a grass root? Do you W. B. KNACI Insurance Agency Card of Thanks Rooms Wanted to Rent Apartments PHONI l5 16 18 " Ankh-l.“ ONE BOYS grey check suit, sin 14/15. 745-9106. 15 USED THERMA FAX copy mach- ine, $50.00. Call 7449130. Every Sat. & Sun. 10 a.m.- 5 pan. Auction Sale every Thursday 7:30 pan. Stalls still available to rent. ConsignmeMa Welcome SINGLE CONTINENTAL bed, liv- ingroom furniture, rug, kitchen suite, refrigerator, lazy boy rocker recliner and dehumidi- fier wanted, must be reason- able. 7446049. 15 USED MEDIUM sized trike for LUXURY 1958 CADILLAC. Excel- lent condition, good tires, year old battery, new brake lining, good radio, automatic steering- brakes. Left back fender needs some repairs. SPECIAL $100. 7432465. 15 1964 STUDEBAKER Cruiser, V8. " Articles Wanted " 96 Union East, Waterloo MAIN and MARCY Order now for swine delivery WEI-I. W’.wrwv- mu. Pundit quick an. Bareertt-1_tmersendoqtt oet_.rutatrtrta.stmagto. CMIW dim .1 pi and“ Miatseat -titrdr-tstn.09eyerd, new“; â€immune Inn Outlet Company, Retail 1).“, 180 King East, Kitchen- et (some; from City Hall next it Pox Theatre). Open daily " Friday till tr, swanky " 742-6341. tf Paintings, clocks, glass, silver, brass, copper, coins, spoons, furniture, etc. " ' ." - an"; 1uunu; --u pants, top coat, size 1116. Large tricycle. 743-338. " Old and new! You name it, we've got it. If not this week, next week. Make us a habit. Have you called in and said Hello? Chain Link Fencing Residential and Industrial Sales and Installation of Galvanized and Vinyl Coated fencing. Phone USED FURNITURE ANTIQUES, etc. BOUGTN Also Will Sell Your Merchandise on COMM K-W AUenotCCENTRE 96 Union Eat. Waterloo 5782200 - 7452323 658-4424 and 658-2585 two year old. (good condition). 5781414. 15 Seats make bed, new battery, starter. Fitness certificate. 1970 plates, One owner. Snow tires with extra whet-ls. All ready to go. $500 cash. 7425662 " (beside the railway tracks) 578-2280 or 745-2323 AUCTION CENTRE FLEA MARKET Cars for Sale Jacket and " Pounds-print -PAiIrnNG-ut me paint for you in my spare time and save you money. 579-0310. 8 ANY LEAKY ROOFS repaired, sealed, roll roofing applied, window caulking. All work guaranteed. 30 years experi- ence. C. Lineman. 578-2270. C. P. IMPROVEMENTS-ttred of waiting for hubby to do those home repairs and remodelling? Wait no longer.' Estimates free when you call C. P. Carl Pol- zin 742-6915 after five. tf " GUITAR LESSON s-atvaitable in ROOFING and eavestroughing - asphalt shingles, fiat-roofing also slat roof repairs. 5765232. VANDA Beauty Counselors re- quire make-up consultants. Commission basis, training supplied. Call 743-2247. 6 SMALL BUSINESS man check. Dollar, bookkeeping service; Payroll. Cash. 230 Herbert St., Waterloo. tf DO YOU have trees to out? Call 744-6239 after 6 pan. for frée estimates. . " MATURE LADY for part time clerical work, some typing in small downtown Waterloo of. nee. Phone 7436511 for ap- pointment. IS THE PERFECT way to earn--- Your own hours-near home-- big money potential. Be an Avon Representative. Still some vacancies. Call quickly 742.4169. 21 Female Help Wanted iihtiihrmNs itGeLGGrFs and womens' clothing. Phone 743 23 Agents or Sales Help " GIRL WILLING to babysit Satur- days. Alexandra Ave/William Street area. Phone 745-6480. SEWING DRAPES and altera- tions. Call 7434815 anytime. omnptaTiaGirire Firm We'll See You Nat Time " WILL BABYSIT in my home Mon- day to Friday. Lakeshore Vil- lage area. 7450096. 15 26 WATERLOO SQUARE PET won Ladies, would you like to earn $55 a week guaranteed plus commission selling our quality Holiday Magic cosmetics? We will train you to do so. Contact Suzanne, Gainsborough House, Waterloo Square Pet Shop Waterloo am Please can "IF 0021. " Guaranteed Canaries Budd“. Finches Putat- \ not. of Tropicnl Fish - San Home: Snakes, Monkeys also othér small bets pong-tum!- _'" LADIES $55 PLUS or after five 576W Ben Dressmaking, Alterations Child Care Lowie Matt 745- 3802 10 10 " " 'Mia-tteu-and-ttisa www.mualwmn $harecMe'-thirsg,thetetgAn" M'MUMIIIW tqetimtrstaimaesdisbstrrrtb itagth-steriesetat1thee- Mundanwmihhhw â€understand-flauntsâ€- Junie is used to other children and love: their company. Indeed he loves any company, having re- covered from a shy period. If there are no people around, he Nays happily with the family dog. He is responsive to music, bounc- ing up and down when he hears it. ' _ This laddie needs parents who want a healthy, lively, lovable young son. To inquire about adopting Jamie, please write to Council may host redelttion for 5,000-strong delegation = Watee1oo is being asked to sponsor a cider and cheese re- ception for nbout 5,000 delegates to the World Christian Endeavor Convention, meeting here Augunt 1023. Mrs. Doris Buschert of 203 Les- ter St.; asked council to host the reception, planned for August " at either Waterloo Park or the University otWaterloo. Mrs. Buschert described Chris. tian Endeavor as an international, interdenominational organization. Ald. Rudy Kominek agreed to check with the Grand River Con. ‘servation Authority about camp ing facilities. Local committees have been planning the Waterloo convention for 18 months. About 5,000 cutof- town delegates are expected but the figure could run " high " 10,000. The majority of delegates will be billeted " the university or in private homes and the organizing committee is also concerned with camping facilities. Registrations have already been received from as far away as Aus. LIMITED 9 Ed: St. W. WM†Put your ktsoraneo f 'f' T::;fié:'<' iN ' in safe, '.':'t.,',"ii.i_ti,:ii:ii..'i,,:'i.i.al expeti- tltid £3†onced k' a? hands. '.l,,W,..y..r,i, 2 CAR- _ ‘ BUSINESS BOB WEED t. W. tweed t ta "hr “W. HE NEEDS A HOME " -qeate-sTttrre-r.A.eqtA'99. O . il' IiiiEiir.),, 'a 9-1473 Jil "ii::,:::' am P'l Cy, " awâ€: 744-5274 Today’s Child, Department of " cial and Family Services, Legis- lative Buildings, Toronto 182. For general adaption information, Is! your CNidien's Aid Society. Council asked Mrs. Buschert (a provide City Treasurer "Do- Schaefer with estimates of the cider and cheese costs for an mass reception. Free Delivery 743-1463 Open Daily tr a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. till 3 pan. FURNITURE and APPLIANCES _ the Room or A Complete ' Housefuli' BUILDING CENTRE [irEEfjElil King St. North, Waterloo mmvmms RAT l Building Materials ALAN RtGBWS Home of Furniture Wanda. 516-5440