Linda Henshaw of WCI won the all-around event with 23.75 points. To qualify for this, one must compete in three events. The host scgfol earned " firsts, three seco ds and a third. Runner-up was Grand River collegiate, which earned 50.11 points. There were 75 entries in four Olympic events---ftoor exercise, balance beam, uneven bars and vaulting. Participating schooli included Eastwood, Forest Heights, Grand River, Cameron Heights and Kit- chener collegiate, St. Mary's high school. St. David's senior school and WCI. Waterloo collegiate captured 88.7 points last week to place first in the girls' Twin City gym- nastics meet at WCI. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION a RATES 125 Union St. E. Waterloo j] 1llill,ll,,t,ll'ts,i',iriii'iiiii, UNDEFEATED CHAMPS-st. Louis hockey team defeated St. Agnes school 5-1 last week to claim the separate school trophy, held by Capt. Jim MeAlem. ey. St. Louis was undefeated in the league, played among the city's five separate schools. Other team Waterloo collegiate girls capture first place Kitchener Waterloo Complete ., Rent-Alls We Rent Most Everything Ontario 8: Duke Sts. Waterloo Square Linda Henshaw CALL us AT 744 - 2741 Balance beam: novice, Judy Purse, WCI; novice exhibition, Onanne Gubesch, WCP, intermed- iate, Judy Riddler, GRCl; inter- mediate exhibition, Gail Mueller. tter, other results are: Floor exercise: novice, Marie- Louise Cumming, ECI; novice ex- hibition, Judy Pearce, WC]; inter- mediate, Debbie Butler. WC]: ad.. vanced, Kathy Yoshy, Linda Hen- Ihaw, both WCI, tie. Uneven bars: novice, Marilyn members are: Bill Sherlock and Mike Watson, assis- tant captains, Bob Forlippp, Mark Kresky, David Foster, Bay Bauer, Paul Petrie, Jay Pfaff, Robert Hywyk, Alan Amld,-Ron Stanley, Gerry Blake and Tony MacDonald. Jim Kathe coached the team. ; advanced,' Dawn Honsber: ow. MllltStlllhl't's 372 King North, Waterloo Bicycle & Sporting Gods NEW LOCATION WHERE? 0N "l8tKlllt'S" Hlll ALL NEN)/ STOCK Wednesday,' April lst Corner King and Columbia Sts. WHAT'S NEW IN Whrliilltlt00 Grand Opening All-around Vilnius: Linda Herr shaw, wcr, 23.75; Judy Riddler, GRCI, 21.08; lngy 0hls, KCI, 15.98. _ """-""" - nun-l1. wa; intermediate, M a rl e n e Booth, WCP, advanced, Linda Hem shaw, WCI. _ Team results: WCV8tt.T; GRCI, 59.11; St. Mary's, 56.11. \ Vaults: novice, Gloria Golem, CHCI; tPibitiet, Hey)! Fohry, Kinloch, FHCr, exhibition, Kathy Drown, â€WCI; intermediate, Gail Moskal, WCI; advanced, Susan Gardiner, WCI. The Lindsay team Is leading 2-1, having defeated Waterloo " in overtime at _thet arena here Sunday. - ' . About 1,300 fans were on hand for that game. Scores for Water'- loo were by Paul Hogan, threey Bobby Sehnurp and John Schnarr, 'two_ each, and Vic Komer, one. . pus is the first time in' 23 zears that a Waterloo Minor Hoc- . ey team reached the All Ontario finals. _ T _The-next same in the best-cl. five series will be played ot Waterloo ...Armta this Friday It ' p.m. _ ""'"""_r" ‘v W :W' Vt,'" I Vim-7k» tun-mamm- od 11-day " iii-the third um of the MLOnthrio WWW (M) Win My. My gum; ' - "Paul Bonn and ye gag. med tGGaeeaeh..artet. riiirlh. McCarger, In: for 742-504] no King s., READY-MADE PICTURE FRAMES CUSTOM 743-5283