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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 May 1969, p. 7

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mlsd 6 Waterice Chreonicie, Thursday, Maoy, 29, 1969 Graduating and leaving stuâ€" dents will receive a recognition certificate listing the areas of their â€" achievements. These reâ€" cords also provide valuable inâ€" formation for universities or fuâ€" ture employers. The girls‘ athletic awards dinâ€" ner was held last night at the Last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, students were given the opportunity to fill out activity cards which serve as a permanâ€" ent record of their participation in extracurricular school events. This great evening of dancing, games, skits and folk singing is the perfect way to wrap up a successful school year. In the event of rain the picnic will be held the following day, Sunday, from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. By SUSAN MERTENS The final exams loom larger with each passing day, but before that last minute cramming, there is a fantastic opportunity for one last filing. All those students who have participated in any phase of school activities are invited to the school council‘s activities picâ€" nic, whicn wil be held this comâ€" ing Saturday from 715 p.m. to 12 pm. The tickets which cover both entertainment and refreshâ€" ments tan be purchased for only 50 cents. Support Mental Health GIVE GENEROUSLY This THURSDAY & FRIDAY WCI notes Waterloo County Branch Canadian Mental Health Ass‘n USE THIS DIRECTORY TO KEEP YOUR NAME BEFORE THE PUBLIC #4 Free Pickâ€"Up & Delivery Special Summer Prices on Repairs and Restyling All Work on Your Furs Guaranteed 45 years experience Cold Storage ~ Repairs Remodelling â€" Cleaning uc is _ AoM® eme c,:Q uP ols STORAGE TIME Call Right Now LORENZ FURS BUSINESS AND SERVICES DIRECTORY Waterioo 743â€"9595 744â€"6364 is here Picnic winds up school year Griffith named to U of W post The new chairman was provinâ€" cial supervisor of physical educaâ€" tion and recreation for Nova Scoâ€" tia from 1960 to 1968. He is preâ€" sently completing his requireâ€" ments towards his doctorate in recreation at Indiana University. Charles Arthur Griffith has been appointed chairman of the department of recreation at the University of Waterloo. He succeeds Roger Dion who has been on a oneâ€"year leave of absence from the department of health and welfare in Ottawa. The athletic commissions have held meetings in the past week to tie up the odds and ends of this year‘s business and to begin planâ€" ning for the 1969â€"70 school term. April O‘Neil, an airlipe employâ€" ee and a graduate of WCI gave Although the major track meets are over, there is still much acâ€" tivity on ine playing field after school. The boys are holding socâ€" cer practices in preparation for next year while for the past two weeks the girls have been occuâ€" pied in tryâ€"outs for the CWOSSA archery team. girls were extremely successful in competitionâ€"especially in gymâ€" Tien Hoa Inn. This dinner reâ€" placed the usual Valhalla banâ€" quet where athletic achievements Comfort Shopping Cook‘s Pharmacy CALL Open Till 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 40 Stores & Services Park Free! Fairview Park LET US CLEAN YOUR Rugs & Furniture 749 King St. West KITCHENER FREE DELIVERY HELM 742â€"8488 576â€"9500 at OIndoor RUG And as a final public service announcementâ€"be sure to attend the most utterly fantastic picnic of the year . . . the school counâ€" cil‘s activity picnic‘! The majority of the clubs and committee are rounding off their activities either this week or next. The finance and citizenship comâ€" mittees, the science and chess clubs, and the Saga staff have all met to outline their 1969â€"70 programs. Such opportunities to gain inâ€" formation in an informal manâ€" ner can prove invaluable when making a career decision. This week has been a prime time for charity projects. On Satâ€" urday, 12G held their second anâ€" nual car wash with proceeds dirâ€" ected to the WCI charity proâ€" gram. |_ The same day several students participated® in the Bikeâ€"aâ€"Bit which was designed to raise monâ€" ey to support the Fat Angel. Congratulations to all those who completed the gruelling, 25â€"mile course! a most informative talk on a career as a stewardess this week. Having served as a stewardess for just over a year, Miss O‘Neil was able to give her audience a frank and amusing insight into Highest cash prices for dead or disabled cows and horses. Paconi Deadstock Removal Ltd. Trimming done. trees and stumps removed. Good serâ€" vice. Free estimates. PETROFINA CANADA LIMITED MOFFATT TREE REMOVAL Zenith 9â€"7950 Lower Maii 1969 Lic. No. 185 C 69 WEDDING SPECIAL Full Photo Coverage In Living Color You Get â€" One 8x 10 Album Plus â€" Two 4x5 AlDbums Passport. Citizenship,. Portraits, Fashion, Children Animal Pictures taken In Our Studio KAR BAR Auteo and Bc See DAVE MASLEN, or Phone 742â€"4211 Uniquely New 653â€"5848 KAR SERVICE CENTRE SALES, INSTALLATION and SUPPLIES ONLY $145.00 * Union and Moore, Waterioo. QUALITY FINA PRODUCTS PHOTOâ€" ART 578â€"7860 announces The Best MUNTZ STEREO PLAYERS Mrs. Lewis has resigned as the university‘s library director but will continue as collection develâ€" opment librarian under the newly appointed director, W. J. Watâ€" son, whose duties begin on July Ist. its present 300,000 volumes and bound journals and $,600 current periodical subscriptions. The colâ€" lecting is increasing at the rate of 60,000 volumes each year and close to $1,000,000 will be spent during the 1969â€"70 academic year on new holdings. She was also consultant to Trent on the preparation of the brief to the architect for the uniâ€" versity‘s new library. Mrs. Lewis built the University of Waterloo‘s library holdings to Mrs. Lewis has been in the foreâ€" front of university library develâ€" opment in Canada in the past 10 years. She has been president of the Canadian Association of Colâ€" lege and University Libraries, chairman of the advisory joint council on coâ€"ordination of Onâ€" tario university library research faculties and chairman of the Onâ€" tario council of; university libraâ€" to get Trent doctorate gree from Trent University May Mrs. Doris Lewis, librarian at the University of Waterioo since its inception, will be awarded Oxford Deadstock Removal Ltd. Highest cash prices for fresh dead or disabled cows, etc. Small animals picked up. 24 Hr. Service, 7 Day Week. Jim Murray & Son Call Collect Plattsville 684â€"7739 or the plant at Hickson 462â€"2614 Licence 85C67 48 King St. South Waterloo Crystal â€" China Ceramics Radios â€" Cuckoo Clocks WINDMILL SHOP For That Unusual Gift Visit The Auto and Home Waterloo Square 14 ft. fibreglass with 75 Evinrude complete $1.600.00, 8 ft. and 10 ft. car top boats, fridges, stoves, TVs, radios, record players, c.b. radios, short wave radios, TV repair equipment, 2 9x9 tourist tents, 18 HP Evinrude, 3‘% Johnson, set of left hand golf clubs, tape recorders, power mower, garden tilier, dinner chimes, lamps, 5,000 B.T.U. tent heatâ€" er, cameras, binoculars, old brass cash register, copying machine, amps., guitars, trumâ€" pets, tool boxes, 3 wood lathâ€" es, buffing machine, router, Jjig saw, drill press, book casâ€" es, trikes, electric organ, 2 window air conditioners, and 100s of other useful items. We‘ll reâ€"sell anything you no longer need. I have buyers for â€" power mowers, boats, outboard motâ€" ors, â€" trailers, tent â€" trailers, tools or tools of any kind. Houselfold furniture,. baby furniture, TVs, radios. stereos, tape recorders, cameras and accessories, CB sets, musical instruments of any â€" kind, amps, radio and TV repair equipment, camping, fishing gear, adding machines, cash registers or office equipment, record players, washing machâ€" ines, dryers, carpets, fridges, deep freezers, vacuums, lugâ€" gage, toys, guns of any kind, old clocks, antique glass, silâ€" ver or anything else you no longer need. You don‘t need an appointment if your artâ€" icles are saleable just bring them in. cars, trucks, motorcycles, bikes, trikes, golf clubs, power We also sell and test radio and TV tubes. You can find us at â€" 89 Bridgeport Rd.,. Waterloo across from Towers Plaza Phone 742â€"3881 Hours 10 a.m. â€" 10 p.m. Seaturday till 6 pm,. only SUPPLIES John‘s Reâ€"Sale Centre & Second Hand Store ARALATOENXZ WATERLOO and MATERIALS Recreation Room 34 King Street Morth 358 King North 742â€"8111

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