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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 15 May 1969, p. 7

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’0‘} I. " ' -lbellpllthtitmt is beautiful, majestic Modern hybrid delphiniums are vastly superior in every respect. In earlier days we were satis~ diierd to have a flower spike about four feet tall, with ahout two feet of that length being haves. Today, six or seven foot pikes are normal with at least bur feet of that height being blossom. The effective life of the det. phinium in the garden is usually three years. At the end of that time you’ll have to replace it with new stock, or divide. In a .ajority of cases the best plan it to buy new stock. However, I a particular clump is better than average in color and sine, you may wish to divide. The time to make the division In in the very early spring, just is soon as the first green leaves and stems poke their way through the .ground. It's not a difficult tt Just dig the plants, wash off e soil and cut the clumps apart with a strong knife. Each division should contain anywhere from three to five shoots. Then you re- plant immediately in soil that contains a large amount of humus and a fair bit of plant food. Delphiniums are tall andwigor- ous growers, and naturally need plenty of humus and fertilizer at all times. The biggest and most costly mistake you can make with these perennials is to plant them in soil which contain little or no humus. In such a situation the leaves start to turn yellow once the weather warms up in June. t ' The flowering spikes produced " he stunted with very small t' Hooms. You would hardly expect _ poor soils to produce the majestic _ six to eight foot spikes of which the modern hybrid delphinium _ k easily capable. .. In such cases, or in any spot in the garden where yoa're not sure In many of the new subdivi- sions, the soil is abominably poor with most of the original top soil either having been carted away before building commences, or buried by a leveling bulldozer. They need a location in the ("den where they'll have full sun and some protection from the prevailing winds. They're best planted in groups of three in tri- angular fashion, with the base of the triangle to the back of the border. In creating this triangle, let the plants two feet apart. p By JOHN WW There's no dam that the dolphinium is one at our no“ beautiful nod majestic m. ftowers. The mum "in” " white, blue, Pink. purple and "render are mum by an, other plant. No. of Tick“: _.... SEND ALI. APPLICATIONS To KITCHENEI AUDITORIUM - AWN. GIG WHITE APPLICATION FOR SEASONS TICKETS . . o $1.50 For One Game $6.00 For All Seven Games'. a-w FOOTBALL CLUB '"""""-""-----...-.....e..........-. 0 5 Home Games . 2 Exhibition Games NOW ON SALE SENIOR 0.R.F.U. SEASONS TICKETS o Summer Skies series: Plants of this group produce tall spikes that are the same light, heavenly blue of a summer sky with white The most famous stain of del, phiniums on the market today are the tall growing, large flower, ing Pacific Hybrids bred and dee. eloped by Frank Reinelt of Cap- itola, Calif. They do not come entirely from 'seed, averaging about 90 percent true to color. Because of this they are sold as strains or series. Just as soon " the spikes get to be " inches high, the plant should be staked firmly. A tri- angle or cimle of stakes around each clump is much better than using a single one. Be patio ularly careful when putting su, hes in place so that no damage is done to the roots. A mulch or humus applied at least three inches deep around the plant, will. keep the roots Cool and conserve the moisture. Once the flowers begin to show they'll need lots of water. The plants should be given a good soaking every three or four days unless there is adequate moisture in the soil supplied by rainfall. Established plants like to be left undisturbed so if you are cleaning up and cultivating in your border, keep well clear of your delphiniums. You‘ll discover that the plants are usually at their best in the second year, so don't expect too much from the plants the first season. During the latter period it would be " well to let one flower spike develop and remove the rest. as the soil is work'able in the spring. However, now that del- phiniqms _andr other perennials can be bought in eon-incur; there's not the rush to get them in the soil as their once was. There are several forms at hum- us generally available and all of them are very suitable for these tall growing perennials. You can use discarded mushroom manure. composted cattle manure which contains live bacteria, peat moss, or material from the home com- post heap. Delphiniums are one of the ear- liest perennials to awaken and show life in the spring. This is why we uted to any that Nant- ing should be done Just u soon of the soil, the but idea is to dig I hole two feet square and two feet deep, and replace the Garth remand with a soil mixture consisting o! two parts good top not), one port humu- and one part sand. To and! bushel of this mixture add two handgun of a complete termini: King Arthur series: One of the most brilliant delphiniums so far developed. Color is a rich, royal purple, with velvety texture and a large white bee. The beautiful- ly formed, long spikes are ear. ried on thin, woody stems. Astolat series: Color variations extend from pale- bluish pink through all shades of lilac pink to keep raspberry rose with large fawn and black bees for contrast. find in a fine delphinium. These are so good that the giant whites are second only to the blue col- ors in popularity. The clear white flowers, with white bees, are giant size and often grow three inches in diameter. Fioreta have a ttiisterirtg, heavy texture. Blue Jay series: These plants produce flowers whose color is I striking, etear medium to dark blue with a very intense and Alive. dark constmting bee. Galahad series: Until but Reine“ was tble to breed the Galahad Series there were very few white delphirtiuma. This group of giant whites possesses all the qualities one expects to Blue Fin! series: The delphin- buns in this series are the clear- est Indium blues and they also have white bees. They not paly come true to color but carry well formed, rounded flowers two and one-half inches in diameter on very long, graceful spikes. that the mm; m; GG GG2' me}! Im- cumu- mthee than been in (in mm at each/lone advertising helps good things happen Canada's greatest ideo---hpo 6r-wos wrapped up and Iold to the world -u ......-.. And advertising was one ol the things that mode it happen 0 But the success of Expo 67 cannot be measured in gate receipts alone. Expo told the world what a great place Canada is to visit . . . and increased tourist business is already being felt. Expo. also told the world what a great place Canada it to invest in . . . to live in . . . and to trade with. Expo's contributions will extend well into Canada's second century D Expo 67 proved that o good idea, property merchandited. is one of the best boost: to Canada's economy. It's another example of how advertising helps good thing happen . . . for our country and for you. ' 50.306648 Sales in six months Of English decent. he is a long baby, sturdily built "and in good health, He has blue eyes, scanty blond hair anal-it skin, A He "needs parents who will wel. come him on his own merits without worry over mental ill- ness in his background. To in- quire about adopting him please Thyel1htitatrittooyouimto crawl, Clark has discovered he can get around by rolling and he covers quite I bit of territory this way. While he waits to be adopted. Clark is living with I foster family where there are othor children. He loves to watch their activities so he would prob. hbly be happy to have brothers and sisters in his permanent home. A Clark in am math. old, de- veloping very wolL. You cud tell from " expreuion that he I: a happy, alert. responsive baby. Me smiles and bubble: and laughs aloud whenever he is spoken to. He seems to notice everything and everybody. HE NEEDS A HOME tui-as-ar' M, an. a. he ' write to Today's Child, Depart. ment of Social and Family Seth; vices, Legislative Buildings, Tor- onto 182. For general information about adoption as]: your local‘ CHM nn’s Aid Society.

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