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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 May 1969, p. 5

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1# U | Philomena Rutherford BITS AND PIECES By CATHY JOHNSTON Last Friday, I moved into my new apartment and with the rush of moving furniture in and friends out, I missed the column, so I have a lot to write about this week. Parents with children in the Midwestern Reâ€" gional Children‘s Centre in Palmerston may like to know that open house has been arranged there May 7, from 2 to 3 p.m. and from 7 to 8 p.m., acâ€" eording to information from Brian Houston. The KEâ€"W executive directeor of habilitation services for the mentally retarded tells us the program will include guided tours and refreshments. The centre is a residential home for retarded children between three and 19 years of age. There are about five Waterloo children among the 200 residents. Two local groups, the Copper Penny and Major Hoople‘s Boardâ€" ing House are doing very well and making good money south of the border. A third Twin City group to watch for is the Orange Tangerine, which is pleasing many Southern Ontario crowds. "Because of the Air Canada strike and the posâ€" gibility of a mail slowdown, the enclosed backâ€" ground material is being sent to the local media in advance," read the covering letter with some material sent to this office from the House of The town itself is happening with Canada‘s best sounds. Last Saturday, it was the Paupers putâ€" ting out the good sound. James Houston and Ron Perds of the Magic Circus have joined the Following a story about Waterloo‘s first schoolâ€" house in last week‘s paper, a reader phoned to tell us she had a photograph of the school, when it was located across from the Kâ€"W collegiate. Our reader recalls her mother talking about the schoolhouse‘s Greenbush days, which left vivid memories because Mrs. Carroll "made very wonderful candy." She was also a laundress and, indeed, the photograph shows the laundry tubs outside the home. And talking about the schoolhouse, if informaâ€" tion contained in An Illustrated Atlas of the Dominion of Canada, published in 1881, is anyâ€" where near correct, the building, long believed to be the oldest in the county, is more ancient and venerable than is widely thought. Poring through this work this week, we read: "It is worthy of note in this place (while conâ€" sidering the acquisitions to the material status of Waterloo during 1802) that in that year the first schoolhouse in the community was builtâ€"it being also the first, so far as the knowledge of the writer extends, in any inland county of the provâ€" inceâ€"and in the edifice alluded to one Rittenhaus was the first to teach." The department of health operates the Palmer. ston home, which aims at training and educating the youngsters to fit into their own communities. At the time it was taken, the building was ocâ€" to 44. T cupied by a Negro family named Carroll, and they _ Street in are shown sitting outside the structure which, _ additional judging by a ladder leaning against the wall, was the traffi in process of repairs at the time. The co And incredible as it may seq;nt the 149y #school looks better today than it did then. Boss beat SUPPLIES WATERLOO and MATERIALS 358 King North 742â€"8111 Recreation Room Local groups hit the big time , the 149â€"yearâ€"old group. It‘s now a biend of comâ€" mercial and creative moods, reâ€" sulting in a rythmical pattern that just doesn‘t let up. There is Don Troiano, who can give Jim Hendrix a run for his money any day. The gamin Whitâ€" ey Glann, a brilliant drummer and captivating personality on and off stage, never fails to please an audience. The next group in town will be the Mandala. Without question, it is one of the tightest and most exciting shows in North Ameriâ€" The demanding job of tying it all together falls to Hughie Sulâ€" livan, who adds the flourishes that add the flourishes that are the essence of the Mandala. Then, there is Roy Kenner. His capacity for feeling the music they play is limitless. To watch him is to witness the personal pledge of a man who is dedicatâ€" ing himself to a sound that deâ€" mands more than mere heart and FOR FURTHER INFORMATION & RATESs 125 Union St. E. Complete Rentâ€"Alls WE RENT MOST EVERYTHING Mrs. W. P. Clement, 255 Mary St., was honored this week for 26 years service to the Council of Friendship. The group helps new Canadians get settled here and entertains shutâ€"ins. Mrs. Clement was council president for 26 years, until she reâ€" tired recently because of ill heaith. She was preâ€" sented with a brooch to acknowledge her efâ€" forts. But when school boards are made aware of such policies only two days before the deadline, then there is a touch of farce about it all. Because the ministerial missive reached local board ofâ€" fices on April 29, which hardly leaves much time for notifying anyone of anything in writingâ€"not, at least, if you‘re depending on the mail service to see you through. An average of 82 adults and 230 children use the service daily. The majority of the latter are pupils at Amos Avenue and Our Lady of Lourdes schools. During the Easter vacation the figures dropped to three children and about 60 adults, and similar statistics would likely apply during the summer holidays. Government efficiency is marvelious to behold. A prize example occurred this week, when the department of education notified. school boards that teachers may not be transferred from municiâ€" pality to municipality, unless they have been inâ€" formed in writing by May L It is not unreasonable to give teachers, faced with such a transfer, plenty of notice, so no one is likely to quarrel too strenuously with such a decision. Formal approval by council will increase the longâ€"term parking spaces in Waterloo from 36 to 44. The majority are located near Caroline Street in Waterioo Square. Initial approval for the Commons, April 23. Release date for theâ€" story was two days later. & What wishfu} thinking on the part of the sender. He forgot apparentiy that this is the age of pony express delivery. It arrived in the office April 20. But who are we to complain? A friend of ours sent a postcard from Toronto six weeks ago with a six cent stamp affixed to ensure fast service. It hasn‘t reached its Waterioo destination yet. additional eight meters was granted this week by the traffic and transportation committee. The committee has also suggested that the Amos Avenue bus service be dropped during July and August. This was first introduced last September and has operated at a loss since. Call us at 744â€"2741 If Yummy, Yummy, Yummy and Chewy, Chewy, Chewy leave you dizzy, try a diet of these sounds. They are the ones with real meat. And yet, Kenner, who is posâ€" sessed by an unrelenting force that pushes him beyond perfecâ€" tion, has a kind and considerate nature. In fact, all of the Manâ€" dala members are free of the ego hangâ€"ups that have hampered so many groups. In June, they will return to Los Angeles to record for six months. With them will go the former Stone Soul Children bass player. Thinking of the results of this session boggles my mind. In town you can also see Mothâ€" erlode, the super group that evolved from the Power. This is dedicated to the Manâ€" dala, because there are no words to say how much we will miss It‘s also for Jim, with wishes for good luck on May 10. I‘ll be there, if you need a hand. Waterloo came home, and he couldn‘t figâ€" ure out why I had on my Sunday best on Monday. I was deeply hurt. I asked him if the marriage meant so little to him that he‘d rather forget, and he just laughed But those other things in your long letter (of which I have room for only a small part); crying, beâ€" ing ignored, insulted, laughed at. And you say he used to be a wonderful husband. I find myself wanting to know what happened, when, to make him change. In any union there is interaction, and neither individâ€" ual does a single thing in isolaâ€" tion. It is all a reaction to someâ€" thing the other one did, even if turn. Yesterday was our 18th wedâ€" ding anniversary and 1 was all You see he told me once he should have married one of his former girl friends and this has stayed in my mind since. I have this tight heavy feeling in my chest and am so depressed at I have tolid him numerous times what‘s troubling me but he laughs at me and say‘s I‘m mentally ill Feel Like An Orphan. DEAR ORPHANâ€"Heaps of husâ€" bands forget anniversaries. The girls put more stock in them. times, that I just break down and DEAR DORIKâ€"I am so No more guesswork in color styling your home just the way you like it. You‘re right every time with P&L Calibrated Colors. Hundreds of P&L colors help you achieve the correct styling for dramatic contrasts, gorgeous tints and tones in all color families, Choose now from the wide range of combina» tions available in P&L house paint, wall paint and enamel, PAINT INCORPORATED ROSS SAYS: When You Paint to Protectâ€"You Beautify When You Paint to Beautifyâ€"You Protec (Formerly Naylors Celor Shop) 84 KING ST. 5. WATERLOO 744â€"4362 Weateries Chrenicie, Thuredsy, May t, 1969 8 Doris Clark Most important is the reasur rance he finds in his home, his community, his friends and sociâ€" ety at large. Far more importâ€" ant than the haifâ€"hour onceâ€" monthly visits to his doctor or psychiatrist. After all, it is in these areas that he is living 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And I think it is fair to put the onus for tapâ€" ping these resources largely on the exâ€"patient himself, so that he is not in the degrading position of receiving clarity from doâ€" gooders. Your Consultant Phychiatrist. DEAR PSYCHYâ€"I see. It is a sign he is beginning to function normally if he can take a few steps on his own. Someone to blow off steam to; to help you think through what goes on here. That‘s what social workâ€" ers and social agents are for. Indeed, good mental health is shown by the balance a person can achieve when he walks along (figuratively); and the resilience which helps him to bounce back when he gets a blow. DEAR DORISâ€"You ask about rehabilitation and the mental pa tient who is convalegcing. So I can‘t solve this one

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