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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 3 Apr 1969, p. 10

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r 10 Weteries Chronicie, Thureday, April 3, 1909 While at the garden centre you can obtain the ingredients you don‘t have at home which are necessary to get the tree off to a good start. These include a good soil mixture to replace the soil removed when digging the planting hole, some peat moss, a bag of complete plant food or fertilizer, and a wooden stake to hold the tree upright. Before you leave the nursery or garden centre, make sure that the roots are completely covered Proper planting of a tree doesn‘t mean just digging a hole, placing the tree in it and filling up that hole with soil. If posâ€" ble it will pay you to go out to the nursery or garden centre and pick your own tree, bring it dirâ€" ectly home and plant it. Every spring the nurseryman gets a lot of blame he doesn‘t deserve when a shade or flowerâ€" ing tree fails to grow. Most failâ€" ures along this line are due to poor planting methods by the home gardener. It is certainly worth taking the time to plant & tree correctly. It‘s a proven fact that homes surrounded by good trees sell faster and at 15 to 20 percent higher prices. from enjoying one of the great pleagures of gardening. It‘s just because trees do outâ€" live us that we should plant them. I always remember a tiny graveâ€" yard where relatives are buried. ‘The old marble headstones have been split and are today almost impossible to read, but the pines planted four generations ago are magnificent â€" evidence that‘ the earlier generation planted well. By JOHN BRADSHAW All too often I hear people say: *"I‘m too old to plant a tree; it two in my lifetime." This attitude Even those not interested in posâ€" terity can plant trees with some assurance that they‘ll reach enâ€" joyable size in a few years. Pin oaks have been known to grow 32 inches a year; red oaks 48 inches; sugar maples 27, and the new thornless locusts 36 inches. 22 Dupont St. East, Hours: Daily 9 a.m. Fri. 9 am. â€" 9 p.m. Remodelling â€" Repair â€" Cleaning Also New Coats â€" Jackets â€" Stoles LORENZ FURS Paconi Deadstock Removal Ltd. Highest cash prices for dead or disabled cows and horses. Zenith 9â€"7950 1969 Lic. No. 185 C 69 Trimming done,. trees and stumps removed. Good serâ€" vice. Free estimates. Here‘s how to plant a shade tree Cold Fur Storage MOFFATT TREE REMOVAL 45 years exrperience BUSINESS AND SERVICES DIRECTORY at 743â€"9595 653â€"5848 Call For East, Waterioo Before heelingâ€"in newly receivâ€" ed trees and shrubs be sure to remove all packing material. Fill in the whole trench, gradualâ€" ly adding soil and firming it around the roots so that there will be no air spaces. Nursery stock can be left in such a trench for as much as two or three weeks without harm, but the sooner you can plant the better. Our nurserymen have developâ€" ed a me?fiod of transplanting trees and shrubs which they have found to be very successful. It‘s a methâ€" od known as root puddling. Before doing the actual plantâ€" ing you make up a heavy clay batter consisting of ordinary clay and water of a very thick conâ€" sistency. Make sure you stir well until the clay and water are evenly mixed. Then take the roots of the tree and sw ish them around in the clay batter. When the roots are thoroughly soaked, you remove them and sprinkle over some fine top soil. This will afford a protective coatâ€" If you cannot plant right away, then heel the tree out in the garâ€" den until you can. Heelingâ€"in simply means the storing of a dormant plant, like a tree, in a trench until conditions are favorâ€" able for planting. All you do is dig a trench 12 to 15 inches deep, making one side vertical and one side a long slope. Across the slope lay the tree with the roots extending to the bottom of the trench and facing the vertical side. nursery, or it is delivered to your house, get the planting operation underway. This could mean orâ€" dering the planting materials mentioned before, several days shead of the expected arrival of trees fail to grow because the roots are allowed to dry out beâ€" with damp burlap so that they Oxford Deadstock Removal Ltd. Highest cash prices for fresh dead or disabled cows, etc. Small animals picked up. 24 Hr. Service, 7 Day Week. Jim Murray & Son Call Collect Plattsville 684â€"7739 Cook‘s Pharmacy LET US CLEAN YOUR Rugs & Furniture cau HELM ®< 749 King St. West KITCHENER FREE DELIVERY Hickson 462â€"2614 or the plant at Licence 85C67 742â€"8488 576â€" in RUG that you can do this best by standing with your feet right in the hole. Of course you don‘t try be discarded and replaced with .to firm the soil into brick. A piece of an old rubber tire tube makes an excellent way of tying the tree to the stake. In _making this tie, be sure that you don‘t have it so tight that it will girdle the tree as it grows. Leave a saucerâ€"shaped depresâ€" sion around the trunk of the tree for watering purposes. It won‘t hurt to water the tree every day for the first two or three months. Whatever you do, don‘t let the roots dry out. In the bottom of the hole, place two handfuls of a complete plant food or fertilizer and cover this with two inches of the soil mixâ€" ture. Then make a mound of soil in the bottom of the hole to bring the soil level up to planting depth at the nursery. This is the time also to put the stake for the tree in place. By doing this now you will avoid damaging the roots laâ€" ter on. + Next, add three or four inches of the soil mixture and thoroughâ€" ly tramp or firm this around the roots so that there will be no air spaces. It‘s been my experience Add another two or three inchâ€" es of soil and firm again. Then fill the hole up with water and let this drain completely away before adding the remainder of To make doubly sure of good results, use two teaspoons of liâ€" quid plant food to one galion of water in the batter. We call this a starter solution which will give your plants extra reserve enerâ€" gy and a quicker start. planting, make sure that you dig a hole large enough to accommoâ€" date the roots without cramping them. The soil you remove should a soil mixture consisting of three parts good garden loam, two parts peat moss and one part coarse sand. ing over the fine root hairs and just about guarantees successful 745â€"8119 (over 30 years experience) 58 Erb West Waterloo WINDMILL SHOP 48 King St. South Watericoo Crystal â€" China Ceramics Radios â€" Cuckoo Clocks USE THIS DIRECTORY TO KEEP YOUR NAME BEFORE THE PUBLIC For That Unusual Gift Visit The For Prompt Electrolux Service and Estimates for Floor Conditioning and Cleaning Equipment Phone R. A. HENDRY 744â€" Section 78, Subsection 1 of the Highway Traffic Act states: "The driver or operator of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reaâ€" sonable and prudent having due regard for the speed of such vehicle and the traffic on and the condition of the highway." real nice girl, and when we go out for a ride, she likes to sit close to me. My father says I can get a ticket for this. is he right? lamps are required to be disâ€" played on vehicles and the vehiâ€" cle cannot immediately be reâ€" moved from the roadway outside a city, town or village, the driver or other person in charge of the vehicle shall cause such flares, lamps or lanterns to be lighted, and shall cause them or portable reflectors approved by the departâ€" ment to be placed and maintained on the highway until such time as lighted lamps are not required to be displayed on vehicles or the removal of the vehicle, one at a distance of approximately 100 feet in advance of the vehicle and one at a distance of approxiâ€" mately 100 feet to the rear of the vehicle." Is there any law stating how many feet | must keep between my car and another on the highâ€" way? 1 have heard the law is 20 feet for every 10 m.p.h. is this right? The part about 20 feet for every 10 m.p.h. is a good safety rule to follow. where you explained that we must have flares in our trucks. Would you plesse advise me, when | am required to use them? Section 80, Subsection 8 of the Highway Traffic Act _ states: vehicle or trailer is disabled durâ€" 163 MacGregor Cres., Waterioo Lnjoy. Indoor Comfort Shopping CLASSIFIED Yes, your father is right. Secâ€" 1 am presentiy going with a Open Till 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 40 Stores & Services Park Free! Your Ontario Provincial Police answer motorists‘ \ questions. Send queries to this newspaper. Fairview Park ADS 744â€"6364 Read and Use! IT‘S THE LAW llollam!ia reweaving â€" Save 25¢ with this ad. For Invisible Repairs and Small Alterations Torn Clothes? 744â€"3473 at Act states: "No person shall opâ€" erate a moter vehicle with perâ€" sons or property in the front or driver‘s seat so placed as to in terfere with the proper manageâ€" ment or control of the motor We‘ll resel anything you no longer need. I have buyers for â€" power mowers, boats, outboard motâ€" ors, trailers, tent trailers, cars, trucks, motorcycles, bikes, trikes, golf clubs, power tools or tools of any kind. Household furniture, baby furniture, TVs, radios, stereos, tape recorders, cameras and accessories, CB_ sets, musical instruments of any â€" kind, BARGAINS â€" ON _ THESE ITEMS â€" New boat trailer, 9 by 9 tent, 18 hp outâ€" board motor, water skis, 6 console TVs, one 16 inch portable, three C.B. sets with antennas, signal tracer, TV bar generator, resistant capacity bridge, electric time clock, three upright typeâ€" writers, two adding machines, tape recorders, radios, record players, stereos, electric stoves, fridges, modern coal oil stove, small annex coal and wood stove. small oil space heater, electric Hawaiâ€" ian and â€" accoustic guitars, clarinet, one valve buglc‘. two new amps with Reverbs and treble â€" ‘% price, bicycles, trikes, doll buggies, two copying machines, _ addressâ€" ing machine, two pieces kitchen cabinet, drill press, power tools, odd tables, Jr. bed, cribs, peg pool table, luggage, 35 mm â€" cameras. equipment, camping, fishing gear, adding machines, cash registers or office equipment, record players, washing machâ€" ines, dryers, carpets, fridges, deep freezers, vacuums, lugâ€" gag», toys, guns of any kind, old clocks, antique Elass, silâ€" ver or anything else you no longer need. You don‘t need an appointment if your artâ€" icles are saleable just bring them in. lenses, 16 and 8 mm movie cameras, No. 80 Polaroids, Spanish bayonets, drapes for the cottage, cement lawn orâ€" naments, push mowers, floor paint, two cash registers, a few _ antiques, two â€" wagon wheels, portable ice coolers, vices, one â€" hp _ electric motor, _ antique ~settee â€" and mirror,~ cobbler‘s buffing machine complete only $50. car racing sets, electric cofâ€" ing machine, two piece vacuums, floor polishers, lamps, hair dryers, photo enâ€" larger, vanity dresser with stool, student desk, pipe vise, pedal car, 16 by 32 tarp, jump horse,. small elecâ€" tric appliances, fans, heaters, .22 Coovey repeater with scope, men‘s suits, used pool table cloth and 100s of other useful items. Before We also sell and test radtio and TV tubes. 89 Bridgeport Rd., Waterloo across from Towers Plara Phone 742â€"3881 Mours 10 a.m. â€" 10 p.m. Saturday till 6 pm. only Second Hand ‘s Reâ€"Sale

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