‘ Penelope Anne Christine Fielding became the bride of Robert Ed, ward Schmidt Dec. 22. Rev. Demon Massey officiated at Holy Saviour Anglican Church, Allen Street Eh, Waterloo. FINDLAY. Mr and Mrs. Farl. 5 Amos Ave, Waterloo. at " Hospital, Doc, 20, daughtor, BRI'NK. Mr. and Mrs, RnnnM, l3 Ilmnrl Arr, mum-m1, at St. Mirry's Haydn], DH: 19. Non. DAM-TNT. Mr and Mrs. "Mu-11, 37t Halo Cr1ss . W,utr:loo, at St, Mary’s llnspilul, “or. 18. dough- ter. ' LEHMAVN. Mr. and Mrs. William 205 Erb S! W.. Waterloo. wish lo announce the arrival of their chosen sun, Robert William. BAUMAN, Mr, and Mrs. Brad, HR L St Clements, at KW Hos- prtal, Doc. 19, soo. MEICHENBAUM, Dr. and Mrs. Donald. 326 Westcourt Place, Waterloo. at St. Mary's Hospital, Dec. 20, daughter. BOUCHER, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, 43 Euclid Ave., Waterloo, at St. Mary's Hospital, Dec, 20, daugh- JOHNSTON - STORM A reception in the Great Hall of the Student Village at the Univer- HOOPER, Mr. and Mrs. Carl. 15 Amos Ave.. Waterloo. at St. Mary's Hospital, Dec. 23, daugh- Following a trip to New York the couple will live at 70 Dixlield Drive, Apt. 508, Etohicoke. The bridegroom, a graduate of Waterloo Lutheran University, is teaching at Kipling collegiate in Etobicoke. He is a mu of Dr. and Mrs. N. P, Sc' ,78 Weber St. E., Kitchener. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. The couple will live at 75 High- land Rd. E, Kitchener. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C Fielding, 205 Dixie Pres. Waterloo. A dinner and dance were held at Doon Valley Golf Club. The bride is the former Carol- yn Frieda Turner, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Turn- er of Preston. The bridegroom, a student at Waterloo Lutheran University. is a son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Fry, 288 Grant Cres, Waterloo. Rev. C. E. Ladds officiated at St. John's Anglican Church here. FRY - TURNER . PRESTON - Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Fry, “ho were married Dec. 16, are honeymoon- ing in Montreal, Ottawa and the Laurentians. specialists In Pension cords. â€an and "tate Annual. n witl ask {at the mmher and Joe A. Skull C.L.U. " t, Waterloo Import! Lite Assurance Compuly " Canada SCHMIDT - FIELDING BIRTHS WEDDINGS The department of manpower and immigration will cooperate (lastly in interpretation of results. The survey is being done hy mail and is supported by pvrmnat inter- vaw. " includes about 5,000 larg- er Imus "very month and a sample ol about 30.000 - or to per ctsttt - of the smaller firms (ivory quarter. l'utmtml uses are higher Muni- Crraut for umtmumlsly updated in- tormulinn on where labour short. 3111-5 iti"t' and the kinds at skills muted in various meets. lit-(mm: industrial production tic-ponds heosuly no ovmlithiliiy at the nth! skills in Ibo right places thv data can he basic to many de. chum. As well as yielding a new series of statistical lads for etmomie analyms, the survey will provide irtformation on local manpower needs for use in individual counsel, ling services by the reglonul Can- ada Manpower Centres. It is needed by industry on long- term ru-rmtnwm policies. by unv- emrttents on programs for training and retraining of workers and la- bor force movement, and by in- dmduals. The survey will fill a significant gap in staostwal mlmmmlm, The Muslim monthly labour Ioree ant vey finds out where the labour is by detailing the supply ol man- power. The jab vacancy survey will k termme the labour dvovond by Ctod- ng out win-n- the jobs am. When fully established, it will be one of Canada's largest continuing national surveys. It will provide new information for private as well as public use on where job vacancies are by location and by iotr description. It also will measure national demand for labour. The survey qutstiortouire itself will be as simple as poeeiirrre, Cort, forming generally to company re- A new study to pinpoint precisely where unlined jobs are in Canada has been launched by the Domin- ion Bureau of Statistics on behalf ot the depanment of manpower and immigration. Statistics Bureau Doing Cross-Canada Job Survey The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clayfield, 8 Diem Magistrate Alan D. Barron ot- Jiciated for the ceremony at Water- loo County Court House, Weber Street East. PRESTON -- Linda Mary Clay- field and Richard Robert Wehrle exchanged vows Dec. 23 at St. Clement's RC Church here. Rev. W. F. Sherlock olficiated. The couple will live at 7 Clifford Rd. Following the ceremony a small dinner party was held at the Ports of Call, Toronto. The bridegroom, of 34 Beverly St, Waterloo, is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham S. Martin, RR 2, Waterloo. The bride, the former Doris Marie Martin, is a daughter of Elias E. Martin of St. Jacobs, and the late Mrs. Lavina Martin. ford. - . V - The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Storm of Welland. The couple will live in Waterloo. MARTIN - MARTIN Mr. and Mrs. Howard Marlin are honeymooning in New York following their marriage Det. 22. The bride, of " Laurel St, Wat- erloo, is a daughter of Mr. and yrs, J. Raymond Johnston, Brant, ed at the ceremony at St Michael's RC Church, University Avenue W., Waterloo. stty of Waterloo followed the mar Huge Dec. 23 of Kathryn Elizabeth Johnston and James Edward Rev. H. J. MacGillivray officiat- WEHRLE - CLAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. Martin, RR 2, Walt-m4). announce the en- gugvnwmt of thvir dunghlcr, Jvan, ttte Brntricc. to Allan J, Ilortun, sort of Mr, and Mrs. James L, Hor. bat, tttl I, Wotrultro, The wvdding Vull take rim-o Jun. 20 at 3 pm. ot I‘mennnrl r'vimeNiiol Hum-1| Brethren Church, Bridge Street, Bl Kim-p011. The survey “in cost about $900,- 000 in the first year. Thereafter, it will cost between $500,000 and $700,000 annually. Thorough teMing of results will be needed henre they are publish- ed on a continuing basis. A similar survey has been tried in the United States and there have been recommendations to Congress that a comprehensive pmg'rum be implemented, Fistabh.shmeut of a full program more, has been poU- pooed Imi'ausv of ("amnion from some trade "Mums. It will include the demand " parHime, seasonal, casual, and hard-tun" jobs as woll as routine ond permanent ones. kind ot job vacancies, lines and the pay oliered. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the home of the bride's parents. The bridegroom is a son or Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Coutu of Sud- bury. ed at St. Louis RC Chufch, Allen Street East, Waterloo. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amcde Liriois, 57 Erb St. E., Waterloo. Yvonne Lecourtois became the bride Dee. 23 of Raymond R. Clrutu. Rev. F. A, Bechely officiat- The bridegroom is a son of Mrs. Gerrit Ter Vrugt of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, and the late Mr. Tet Vrugt. The bride, the forfme Wilma Staring is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marinus Staring. She is a nurse at South Peel General Hospi. tal, Coohsville. ETOBICOKE - Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ter Vrugt are honeymooning in Quebec City and the Laurentians following their marriagv Dec. 22. Rev. Michael De Vriirs officiated at Rama. Christian Reformed Church here. The couple will live at 00 Kinzie Ave,. Kitchener. An evening reception was held at the Comstoga Motel, King Street East, Kitchener. Ave. N, Wululuo. The bridegroom is a soil of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wt-lu'le of Pres- ton. He is a graduate of Hamilton Teachers' College and is presently teaching at St. Michael's elemen- tary school, Preston. Alan Rigby's House of Furniture " King N. Waurloo The couple will live in Sudbury. One Room or A Complete Hots-ful ENGAGEMENTS FURNITURE and APPLIANCES FOR RENT TER VRUGT - STARING COUTU - LECOURTOIS Standard bearers are Mrs. John Francz, Mrs. Anittol Erdman, Mrs. Szczepanski, Mrs. Lester karnow- ski, and Mrs. Kazimir Surdykowski. Mrs. Walenty Woinowski of Bridgeport has been reelected president of the Women's Auxiliary to the Kitchener Polish Veterans Branch of the Royal Canadian las giun for a third term. Other officers are Mrs. Mitchell Zawadzki, past president; Mrs. Frank Szczepanski and Mrs. Alex Kaminski, vice-presidenls; Mrs. Stuart Mlomang, secretary; Mrs. Ted obergan, treasurer and Mrs. Tadensz Turzanski, sergeant-at- arms. Members of the executive com- mittee are Mrs. Joseph Gamer. Mrs. Stefan Camel, Mrs. Frarwz, Mrs, Krdman, Mrs. Frank Bulkiew- ski, Mrs. Strum Slryjck, Mrs. Stephen Owcznrzy. Mrs, William Tram, Mrs. Hum-r1 tteriert, and Mrs. Frank Wujtnszynski. Bridgeport Woman Is Re-elected SPEED QUEEN 743-5241 Waterloo Stove a Appliance Co. ltd. Waterloo Stove a Appliance Co. ltd. St. Clements, shows his fine hogs to DIE. K. A." McEwan of the Ontario agriculture department's veterinary services branch. 9099 BUNCH, _ Harry Shantz (left), RR 1 96 King South. Waterloo Automatic Washers a Dryers featuring MARY E. MCCARTHY More hours of dark- ness . . . slippery roads . . . and drifting snow ...are some of the driving hazards you will face in the weeks ahead. Some basic rules for winter driving: . Be ready for the unexpected. q Follow at a safe distance. . Keep windows char . Get the "feel" of the road. 0 Be sure you have adequate insurance prNtieetion. For {an “urination about CIA Automobile and Arc-l- dmt Insurance. call: _ m [Mp Street Eat Waterloo -- Phone 242-96M WINTER DRIVING PROBIEMS 745-4746