The duly at the University ot Watch plans to adapt space maoisgeotmt techniques developed I PM University, Indiana, to meet in needs of Ontario univer- skies. “was very effective and manly regarded procedures for university timetahtirtg and space manage- ment have the acronyms: PASS, CUSS a! ttPIT. Both should have far-reaching effects a: the utilization and man- agemal of space at Ontario uni, The University m Waterloo has been Med tor one of two stud- ies It! which Dr Douglas Wright, chairman, committee on university attain, has announced that wir ham G. Davis. minister of univer- sity attairs. has approved finan- cial support. University of Waterloo Gets Study Grant bonnie togs children wear Gifts await Waterloo's Beaupres Interior Ltd. Waterloo Chronicle GIFT-TIFICATE DIAPER BAG BABY RUG Waterloo Square Waterloo The following gifts will be presented by the Waterloo Chronicle on behalf of the following stores to the parents of the first Waterloo baby born in 1968. Waterloo Square 110 King South Waterloo Waterloo It wilt develop an information system, essentially a perpetual inventory system, that will facili- The urganiution at such an of- fice at Waterloo will be complev meatary to the first study. to be ooodueted by Taylor, Lieberfeld and Heldman (Canada' Ltd. l At the recommendations of the committee on university affairs the minister has approved a spec- ial grant to Waterloo for the initial expenses of establishing an On- tario base for the Purdue space management procedures. The continuing costs of the op- eration will be the respmsibility of the University of Waterloo. They stand for Purdue Academic Student Scheduling, a Comprehen- swe University Scheduling System, and Space Planning - Institutional Techniques. I1lrlltlllllllIilIlIli- tiii (litiil),illi('?llitl(,') (tdie' f "'---.reert.Fr -w'c0PiHy.W.'ds.e5rr,'; '2‘!“ wb'itiii8f:yT88tr,8f.p%,Pcr...i'i: "I" F9.r"mp, " :"MM:' ' K. .. iFerPr: 1'. - l ‘ 'Am8EI.t'itiiitfs, v Frrrr.Tr:it?iii_:sj.%Eirat1 ff Brti'i?rrter.1''i: c, . " - -- M tale the analysis of the space available at Ontario universities, the space projected, and the use of such space in view oi the needs oi the universities. According to Dr. Wright, the study will result in enormous sav- ings for the government, while as- suring the universities that they will have the necessary space to meet their expanding needs. It will assist the committee on university affairs in devising an objective policy for government support of university capital [any jects. It will also enable the uni- versities to develop their own in- stitutional plant programming. It will include a critical review ol capital allocation procedures in other iurisdictioos. The decision to retain consultants “3.5.. 2 'C. "f.ciw'rC:"ry s-r", u -.. I u ï¬Â»~.;vrg,‘myi.&“gr§ Taylor, Lietrerietd and Heldman ‘Canada' Ltd. is specially expert in this type of work, having done comparable studies in other parts of Canada and the United States. The committee on university at fairs, which serves in an advisory capacity to the Ontario govern- ment. is paying for the cost. This study will be made at the " provincially-assisted Ontario universities, which have each nam- ed a representative to work with the multant group. It will pro- bably take a year and a halt to complete. way made by the Capital Studim Committee, comprised of members ol the wmmitleo ol presidents of universities of Ontario and ol the committee on university affairs. As new requirements for use of BATHROOM SCALE Wuorloo Chronklo, Wodnudoy, December tr, "67 Supreme Hair Styles TIE (For First Father) Ross Klopp Ltd. Hearth Radio g 1iy:..t',ff.fiii'ii. uttt' f farii'ii:jrpjj'iijiyttirJ; 116 King St. South Waterloo Square HAIR-DO 66 King South Waterloo Waterloo Waterloo i tsl, n..v7. Opti-Mrs. Club Holds Its Christmas Dinner In this way they can meet the demands for a higher education forecast for the coming decade. space don-ion the universities will wish to have the management tools necessary to fulfill these re- quirements. The K-W Opti-Mrs. Club held its Christmas dimer at the Tien Boa Inn. Mrs. Harold Base and MN. Douglas Rat: decorated the tables. with Santa Claus figures for the event. Gifts for two needy families were wrapped. Afterwards members ol- changed gifts.