1964 flAMtti,rirt POWER CON, VERTHBLF'., automatic. roclm- mg seats, rt-hulll motor. stood randyllm‘l Must sell. nest mm. Phone 742 396t after cu: PIANO, Benches 'twn'. fancy sow- ing cabinet. oak library table. two trunks, Phone 742-0142. WANTED - I967 SILVER Dob LARS and 1967 30c 1967 Proof- Like sch 1967 Gold Sets Kit. choner Coin Shop. 23 College Street. ' 29 Cars For Sale ELECTRIC STUVES, Washing Ma- chines, Chest of drawers, odd chairs, couches, electric lamps, French Provincial style tmlinish- ed coilee and sind tables, less than 502, Small electrical up. pliam'ex 'l>levisions. guitars, guns, foot stools, General Elect- ric Vacuum Cleaner, five months old $59.95 and others, beds, dish. es. china caltinets. buffets. pots and puns D & w Trading Post. MU Lancaster Street, Bridgeport. Phone 743-1I31.'Open I2 noon till 9 pm. Monday to Friday In a m. to 5 p m. Saturday. ELECTRIC SHAVER CENTRE - 331 King West, Kitchener. 744- 326t inear new Waterloo Trust Buildings. The only electric sha, ver specialists in the district. Let a specialist help you choose the right shaver, Largest stock, lat- est models at low prices. Trade- lns accepted. also hair dryers, hair clippers, lighters. etc. Parts. accessories. repairs. Household scissors and clipper blades sharpened. DRAPERY. Upholstery, slip cov- ers, yard goods and remnants. tremendous selection. Ouistand- ing quality at lowest prices. Shop now and save. Manufac- turers Outlet Company, Retail Depot, 159 King St. East, Kit- thener (across from City Hall, next to Fox Theatre). open daily 9 a.m. to 6 pm. Friday to 9 pm. 742-6341. DEEP AND SHALLOW Well Pump, Lawn Mowers, Garden' Tillers, G e n e r al Hardware, Electrical and Plumbing Sup- plies. Ditner Hardware Sales & Service. St. Agatha, 242-0861, 6 Wanted to Buy WANTED =- Pen Pal for a boy from India, about 12 years old. Hobbies - Stamp collecting, view cards and letter writing. Write Mr. G. K. R. Naidu, c/o Bala Rama Murty, Bandar Can- al Regulators, Vijayawada 2, A.P., India. lB ' LADIES SWIM WITH THE YWCA Ornamental Swim with Gym Exercises or improve your strokes Also special class for over Fifties. The Best Possible Exercise. For Information Phone s Articles for Sale 1 Coming Events Monday Afternoons CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT FOR CLASSIFIED AND DISPLAY ADS Costs 30 Little - Pays So Much 3 cents a word; minimum 60 cents 744-6364 DEADLINE FOR COPY MONDAYS - 4 p.m, Y W C A 744-6507 Personal THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE p" Hold Crippled TT' Children Party Very Rev F. c, Stewart told the Christmas slory and later Santa Claus rlistrihuted mm. A special police detail was on hand Monday at the Queen Street entrance to the Walper Hotel in Kitchener, when Twin City Rotary Clubs held their annual Christmas party for crippled children. Four helpers assisted the child- ren into the hotel and placed them at reserved tables. Rotarians sat with their charges so they might assist them where necessary. Bill Clement entertained with or- 24m music during the meal. and iircomponirrd carol singing. led by Bud Hayes. In his book, Mr. Timanoff shares his to years of teaching experience with struggling play- ers of the game everywhere. His book is clearly written, loaded with quizzes and focusses on North America's most poplar system of bidding . . . the stand. ard system. solving the mystery of the art of bidding and prov- ing to even the most novice play, er that bidding is easy and that (voryone can play bridge . . . and enjoy it. Bridge expert Don Cowan says: "Present experts look out'. This future classic should convert thousands of novices to bridge buffs." Over the past l5 years he has been a respected teacher for the Township of New Toronto, North- wood Golf and Country Club, B‘Nai B'rith Chapters, and many other groups in the Toronto area. This is the best book avail. able on the Game ot Bridge - written by a nationally-known Canadian bridge player. Mr. Tim. anoff. Senior Bridge Instructor for the Township of North York, is the winner of many bridge tournaments. Your partner opens with one no trump; you gamble and ans- wer "three hearts". Now he's glaring at you like the King of Clubs and you feel like hiding under the Ace - what do you do now? No problem. Sneak off to the cloakroom and read the next chapter of Morris Timan- off's You Can Play Bridge . . . You can, you know! This Book's Best Yet On Bridge REBUILT CAR & TRACTOR BATTERIES $8.00 exchange. Battery repairing. Radiators cleaned and repaired. 200 Lan. caster West, Kitchener. 742- 4716. A V o N REPRESENTATIVES STUDENTS - HOUSEWIVES C" Choose your own working hours, by taking orders and deliveries for Watkin's Quality Products. Commission. Bonus. 745-3626. 41 earn a good income during spare hours. We need repre- sentatives in Waterloo in 1968. Commission, small deposit. For information Contact Manager - Mrs. Stock 742-4169. Sales Help Wanted 744-6365 Services MOUNT FOREST - Cecil Hun.. ter, who moved to Kitchener a few months ago from Mount Forest. died Dec, H at St, Mary's llospi- la], He was 52. Surviving are his wife the for- mer Gladys Wilkinson: hm dough- ters. Mrs. Donald 'Evelyn' Chilton and Mrs, Gordon 'Mary Pillar For- tin. and one son, Rohorl. all of Waterloo. and five grandclt'ildron. Surviving are one son, Gordon ot Bridgeport; three daughters, Mrs. Helen Dorsch of New Ham- burg and Mrs. Stanley tDorothy) Kutasinski and Mrs. Stanley l.leanl Kropf, both ot Kitchener; three brothers, William of Petersburg and Herman and Henry. both of Kitchener: one sister, Mrs. Jack 'Louisal Hardman of Arthur, l6 grandchildren and two areal-grand- children. of Brantford; and four brothers, Lyle and Thomas, both of South- ampton, George of Bermuda and Wesley of Pickering. MRS. WESLEY CHAPMAN Mrs. Wesley Chapman, 73 Spad, inn Rd. Fl, Kitchener, died Dec. 14 at St. Mary's Hospital after a long illness. She was 77. Surviving besides his father, are his wife; a son, James ot Brant- ford; a stepson, Daniel Bonham of Waterloo; a daughter, Laura Mae Glenn A. Shular, 45 Laurel St. E., Waterloo, died Dec. 14 at K-W Hos- pital. He was 42. _ Besides her husband she is sur- vived by one son, Wilson of Pres- ton; six daughters, Mrs. Cecil lHelenI Schlueter, RR 2, Waterloo, Mrs. Hugh ‘Eileenl McCormick, RR 5, Galt, Mrs. Elmer 'Doris) HertieS, RR 2, Kitchener, Mrs. Douglas metal Moore, RR 1, Blair, Mrs. Robert 'Mildredt Hartrick of Preston and Mrs. George 'Audrey) Thomas, Bridgeport; five brothers, John, Lloyd and Roy all of Kit- chener, Harry of Waterloo and Gordon of Stratford; four sisters, Mrs. Gordon 'violet, Stumpr, Mrs. Gordon tIrene) Everett, and Edna Burgetz all ot Kitchener and Alta Burgetz of Gall; 26 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. GLENN A. SHULAR Surviving are her husband, one son, Kenneth G. of Kitchener; seven daughters,, Mrs. Elton tGladys) Schwartzentruber of Petersburg, Mrs. Elmer iBeatrice) Guenther of Waterloo, Mrs. Frank tDoris) Bradford of Listowel. Mrs. Keith tFlorence) Leslie of Kitchen- er, Edith of Kitchener, Mrs. Ivan tElaine) Leslie of Bowie, Md., and Mrs. Richard (Madeline) Rieck of Kitchener; three brothers, Arthur Randall of Toronto, Oscar of Web. land and David in the United States; one sister, Mrs. Mabel Wil. liams of Kitchener; 13 grandchild- ren and two great-grandchildren. MRS. ALBERT PRICKE'I'T PRESTON - Mrs. Albert Prick- ett, RR 1, Blair, died Dec. 12 at South Waterloo Hospital, Gait. She was 70. Mrs. Arthur J. Rich], 24 Hebel Place, died Dec. 11 at St. Mary's Hospital after a lengthy illness. She was 73. Surviving are her husband, to whom she was married Nov. 6, 1906, at St. Agatha; six sons, Jer- ome of Hesson, Theodore of For. mosa and Vincent. Wilfrid, Robert and Clair, all of Waterloo; one daughter, Mrs. Harry (Anna May) Heibein of Kitchener; one sister, Mrs. Carrie Bank of Toronto, 23 grandchildren and 21 great-grand. children. Mrs. Louis Henhoeffer, 67 Eu. clid Ave., Waterloo, died Dec. 12 at St. Mary's Hospital after a long illness. She was 81. MRS. ARTHUR J. RIEHL CECIL "ENTER EDWARD TOWLEY . M~M My. Dam II. "" " OBITUARIES He was predeceased by his first wife, the former Elsie Jacoby and his second wife. the former Sarah May Cline. one siw.ter and four brothers, Surviving are two eons, Allister M. Kitchener, and Charlton J. ‘Doddie'. Waterloo: one stepson, Lloyd C. Mason, Dclmit; [me bro. ther. Herman, Mitchell: two sis- tors. Mrs. Emma Schultz, Glow dale, Calif, and Mrs Clara New- berg. Van Nuys, Calif ' four grand- children and eight great-grand. children. Surviving is one Mather, Ed. ward, of Waterloo. GEORGE C. DOERR George C. Doerr of 582 Guelph St, Kitchener. the founder of the first transport and moving conr pany in the Twin Cities and area, died Dec. 17 at K-W Hospital al- lor a lengthy illness. He was 83. JACOB I. RICH Jacob I. Rich, 3 Queen St, N, Kitchener. died Dec. 12 at his rosi- donce after a brief illness. He was Surviving are his wife, the for- mer Lillian Ruppel whom he mar- ried on Oct. 9, 1912 in Elmira: Otto, Waterloo; two daughters. Mrs. Arthur tMarthat Wilkins, Toronto, and Mrs. John wLourettat Huehn. RR 1, Preston; two broth.. ers, Amandus, Toronto: and Rein, hold, Waterloo; two sisters, Mrs. Victor tMinnie) Moyer, Waterloo; and Mrs. Stephen ‘Almal Pulley. Toronto: six grandchildren and five groat-grandStildren. He was predeceased by one daughter in infancy, one brother and one sister. Lorraine of Hamilton. Minnette of Waterloo; one son, Lloyd of Kit- chener; two brothers, Albert of Moose Jaw, Sask., Alfred of Water- loo; six grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. MRS. DELDON SNIDER Mrs. Deldon Snider, 95 William St. W., Waterloo, died Dec. 12 at her home after a short illness. She was M. In 1907 she married Deldon Sni- der, who survives, and the couple celebrated their 60th wedding an- niversary in September. Also surviving are two sons, Leonard and Edward, both of Wa- terloo; a daughter, Mrs. Lloyd iDelores) Schiedel of Waterloo: two sisters, Mrs. Addis (Mayl Cressman of New Hamburg and Mrs. J. H. (Mary) Weber of RR 1. Waterloo, 11 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. . MAX W. MERE Max W. Hen. of 235 Erb St. W., Waterloo, died Dec. 13 at K-W Hos- pital after a brief illness. He was 82. Surviving are his wife. the for- mer Ruby Main, and two sisters, Mabel Barnes Patterson and Nina Louise McMahon. MRS. JAMES A. ERTEL Mrs. James A. Ertel of 74 Foun- tain St., Waterloo, died Dec. 16 at K-W Hospital after a lengthy ill- He was the general manager of Merchants Casualty Insurance Co. of Waterloo until that company was sold to Economical Mutual Insurance Co. of Kitchener on Jan. I, 1937. Sunfiving_ any two daughters ROB! g It All Means r Much the Same In (Hamlnlig Jul in Denmark and Buon Natale in Italy. It: Hons FOSICS in Porluuul. Fences Pascuas in Spain, and Froclidm Weihnachten in Germany. In French, uv, Jon-"x Noel. And in English. ith; Merry f'hristmas. ' It's Zang Kevsttersst in Dutch xpcaking Belgium It's S Roahd- rsh'nm Khrirtosynt in Russia, and Wosolyoh Swan Bongo Nar otlzeuia in Poland. The congregation under the leadership of Rev. Thomas E. Dow will present a wecial film showing during watch night ser. vice at IO p.m. New Year's Eve. The church is located at Lincoln Road and Glengarry Drive and the public is invited. Gifts and candy wm'v distribut- ed to the children at lhe close of the program. Harold Sievers, Detroit, Mich., had eight years experience, in- eluding two years of private loo sons, before he enrolled at Em» manual Bible College, Kitchener. He played the leading role in The Best Christmas. a play di. rected by Kenneth Moody. The entire program was direct. ed by John Sargeant, Sunday school superintendent. The annual Christmas program of Lincoln Heights United Mis- sionary Church was highlighted by the performance of a Bible college student who once aspired to a profcssional acting career. The program was held in Lincoln Heights public school auditorium. Former Pro Performs In Yule Play Nidrolas (Louise) Wagner and Mrs. Leo (Christine? Lunz, all of Kitchener; " grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Surviving are her husband, whom she married Oct. M, 1916, m sons, Oliver of Kitchener; John ot Linwood, Manford of Wellesley and Frank ot Walkerton; two dandr- ters, Mrs. Jerome tClarat Wagner, St. Agatha and Mrs. Paschal (Vi) let) Karley, Linwood; two hrw thers, Frank of Kitchener and Jdln of Carlsruhe; three sisters, Mm. Edward (Tillie) Hergott, Mm. Surviving are one daughter. We. Oakland (Marion) Main ot Water. loo, three grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. MRS. JACOB KOEBEL LINWOOD - Mrs. Jacob Koebd, 71, of Linwood, died Dec. 16 at St. Marg's Hospital after a brief ilk Mrs. John Cook, m Stanley Drive, died Dec. 16 at K-W Hos- pital after a lengthy Hines. Sn wag 88. She was predeceased by her husband in 1922, one son, Francis and two brothers. Kress, Waterloo. Mrs. Hm 'Marguritey Vance, Km Mrs. Ross tBeatrice) Cm. Woodstock, and Mrs. Clifford (lb Ham Smith, London. Ont.; a " ler, Mrs. Herman tLillian) Ritlr ter, Phoenix. Ariz., eight grand children and 15 greatgrandNtilrr dale St. s., died Dec, II at St. Mary's Hospital after a W ll- ness. He was " Surviving are his wife, the lot mer Emma Bierschbach whom he married in 1900; two sons. Eh), J., Waterloo and Walter, Tm; four daughters. Mrs. Edgar (hue) ALBERT T. PBEECI MRS. JOHN CLARK 440M“-