Bridgeport pubic cubed. Gounod eveotsa-eihrtheBridge- Iervance a Bridget this you. Cheat Howard Hum report- mart Remembrance Day. Dutchman Band to Attend Local Service BRIDGEPORT - We ttd ST. CLEMENTS PHONE 699-5252 FRESH AND SMOKED MEAT 1ifllNSlMltia - j I TELL VOUR ARA ( I WARMHATES NOTTO NOW... 3 l T0 6H9HOT§ giiitf?,fio0TWfr." _ // - - I / jj Al †Pa. [ . Gill "a . dg8!kEI agdlaths if: _ 6.1!. ali,', WHO IS ELIGIBLE FOR MEASLES VACCINE AT THIS CLINIC? Any Child over IO months of age, but not yet ot school, and who hos not previously had on aciucl attack of the disease or who has not yet received on 'tiectieyt of measles vaccine, Chilaron who have had either of those are already Immune and need no additional protection. Specializing In Our Own Make PORK SAUSAGE 31.001) SAUSAGE & new CHEESE Open Friday a Saturday Nights rm 9:00 pan. DIEBOlD'S MEAT MARKET brgmfm Jewel For the prevention of the severe type (RED) Measles NOT! mild (German) Measles 'err..')','."',,",';"'? r»... . " we: ti. "h'rry0lt 'mmttNtoteortheehurxhtrerviee. 'Necoromitee,Mtiehhsheaaed 1egalaemaogemmMsmadewitha range WWW " the band. theexmtraetxoragreedtopes%rm, butshichhehassofarmttdooe. Amnestwas madetoeouoeil (Entrance ht "Muff: in? 'lg,'.,':' t'1,/irut,s,'rg.,"i,'Jt,:t"t,L . Young Struts) WATERLOO Bow/Slab OF HEALTH K-W ACADEMY OF MEDICINE maitat6rpexAemtivedtaviermatthe votmihttt9vefir-amiiraoee CLINIC TO BE HElD AT E.U.B. CHURCH HAll. :00 am. to “:30 am. and 1:30 pm. to 4 pm. {Kim 4&1. " MEAéLES lf THE macaw»; Mo 6ERIOU§ 'CHILDHOOD lha?Agi? Measles Immunization Clinic SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28th U Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Barton and their three children, 509 Albert St., from Lambeth. Mr. Barton is a technician with National Cash Register. Mr. and Mrs. R. Freele and child, 574 Sprucehill Ave., from omngeviths. Mr. Freele is a lithographer with Reeve Press. Mr. and His. F. A. Stoett and their two children, so Longwood -Drive, from Aylmer. Mr. Stoett is manager of the Royal Bank. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Leroy and their four children, 213 Mohawk Drive, from " "tbee. Mr. Leroy is sales manager with Genesco Ltd. (Preston). Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bait and child, 314 Wescourt PL, from Oshawa. Mr. Haff is a carpenter with the University of Waterloo. We Join our Hi Neighbor host- ess, Mrs. G. F. House, in offer- ing a moat hearty welcome to new families who now make Wa- terloo their home. They are: Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Dick and their two children, 123 Chelford Cres., from Toronto. Mr. Dick is sales manager with Mobile Paint Co. Mr. and In. H. W. Zeigler and their to ' children, 535 Glen Manor Blvd., from Toronto. Mr. Zqigler works at Cal-Hugs Brew- shrmtmtereaititmtrmGaedthit amtiuveooedaiasreetzmesrturm, ttisutcouacaa-itostody withthemrwbritioe-ae Hi Neighbor ti il "comachTma ME MIDDLE-EAR tlrlifrlprtPyfi/WlujA AND- EVEN tytNiittgiWE('dnityiLt FREE Any child who, I. '0 running a fever. 2. Hos been or is being heated for cancer, loukomla or luberculosis. 3. ts subiod to convulsions (in whlch can, contact your own Doctor). 4. I: known to be allergic to egg or egg products. WHO SHOULD NOT HAVE MEASLES VACCINE? 38 King St. South - opp. Waterloo Square - 745-2941 If you don't see what you want - we’ll order it for you - no service charge Now Open Thursday & Friday Evening till 9:00 p.m. " BNINA BX. N. Use the Chronicle Classified Section Thq WM W, WM, Ocular a, "" 0 Supplementary readings 0 40,000 paperbacks (10e - $7.45) EDUCATIONAL GAMES 0 W'tt n' Proof - games of logic ($6.75) . Games of mathematics (from $1.00) WW - MYSTERY - Hum COMICS 3 for Me TRADE , (or I THE BOOK NOOK YOU NEED US! for your (ending 8. study needs TWO FLOORS OF BOOKS POCKET NOVELS 3 for 2tie BOOK EXCHANGE m'bally - a an. to " pan. -‘ Llj7 -' (ii.)),".:.):.,,!,] c. Yu') .'l'i-ii2j' 'i2tif tii, ear- ii) as AIEfrrniiarrr " WW, tho ti'0t) HEAR THAT, ARM? lT's some 10 BE mom IT! WATEILOO