3 Rooms of Furniture only $5.00 weekly . We can arrange financing on furniture IMMEDIATELY No Fuss , Alan Rigby's House of Furniture 16 King North Waterloo Q DEEP AND SHALLOW Well Pump, Lawn Mowers, Garden Tillers. General Hardware, Electrical and Plumbing Sup plies. Ditner Hardware Sales & ' Service, St. Agatha, 742-0861. JIGSAW in good condition. Ap ply 30 Daniel Street, Bridge- port. . GIRL'S RAWLEIGH 28" bicycle. Artificial Christmas tree. Boy's shoes, size 2; etc. Phone 745- 5006 evenings. for Sale . A . --. -----_---" __-------- ANTIQUE DISPLAY CAR - 1927 Chevrolet, in good condition Phone 743-1921. DRAPERY, Upholstery, slip cov- ers, yard goods and remnants. tremendous selection. Outstand- ing quality at lowest prices. Shop now and save. Manufac- turers Outlet Company, Retail , Depot, 159 King St. East, Kit- chener (across from City Hail, next to Fox Theatre), open daily 9 am. to 6 p.m. Friday to 9 pm. 742-5341. COMMERCIAL WOODEN door 12 feet by 11 feet 9. Phone BABY GRAND PIANO, Limoges China, antique cradle, single bed, Polaroid Swinger, scale ,electric car set, Boys' winter jackets sir s six, ten and forty. Boys' ski boots sizes three, four and ten. Boys' skates sizes eight, nine and one. Lady's skates size eight. Lady's semi- formal size 13. Man's suit also tuxedo size 42. Boy's Mary Maximum sweater size 12. Phone 57.12803 STOP IN AND BROWSE AROUND - New kitchen chairs $4.25 each, five piece kitchen suites $39.95, seven piece $74.- 95 and u' New space savers regularly $74.95 now only $61.. oo. New :nd used chesterfields, televisions, new refrigerators, stoves, .22 rifles, shot guns, re- cord play rs, three piece cof- PURE BR""D meat-type Hanur shire Service age boars, also bred gills and younger stock. Hampshires produce excellent results in two and three way ' crosses, better grades, feed l onvorsion and hybred vigor. CTi'd Snobelen Enterprises (limited. "Canada's rgest Hampshire Breeders" Th mer ville, Phone 69..-4244, One mile West of Thamesville, N. 2 Highway. SIB-3500. 1962 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan, engine good, tires and battery new this year. Requires some work. Offers considered. Even. ings 7435065. xulu .uu; no, .u--v K"-"' __ fee and end tables, washing machines, small electric organ, accordians, baby buggies, used three piece used Chesterfield. D & W Trading Post, 581 Lan- caster Street, Bridgeport. Open Monda to Friday 12 noon to 10 pm. Saturday till 5:00 p.m. 743-1131. IMMIGRANTS am For Sale FOR CLASSIFIED AND DISPLAY 744-6364 744-6365 8e p; Wok: Min. 60c Costs So Little - Pays So Much - THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENT DEADLINE FOR COPY MONDAYS - 4 run. Wanted to Buy BUYERS WAITING for good clean homes. Phone or drop Help Wanted Female SHORT OF CASH FOR CHRIST- MAS? Studio Girl - Hollywood Cosmetics, can help sol"e this problem, we have openings for Beauty Advisors, small depos- it. Call 742-7481. "AVON" - If you do not have an Avon Representative, yours may be an open territory, where you can earn a good in- come Call Now 742-4169. WANTED - Steady Babysitter for days, by November 1. Phone 743-1736 after five. Rooms for Rent WATERLOO - Large double room also single room, very central for students r working gentle- men. Phone 578-2803. Lrra see Dan Dwyer, Real- tor, 194 King South, Waterloo. 576-4460. ' TEMPORARY ' OFFICE POSITIONS Available OFFICE AUXILIARY SERVICE LIMITED SAVE MONEY POCKET now-1,5 3 'ttt 25t' 7 " .. Typists Dicta Typists Posting Machine Operators TOP RATES PAID WEEKLY N-O-W Marshall Field Family owned Educational Enterprise has local openings in Kitchener, Waterloo, St. Jacobs and Bridgeport for am- bitious men of unquestionable character accus- tomed to above average income. This position pays commission. A drawing account, as well as a number of fringe benefits are available. Must be ready to accept position by Nov. For local interview write fully stating age, exper- ience, education and telephone number to: 26 College Street TRADE 2 FOR I 9 am. to 10 p.m. Daily 7 43-3602 AMBITIOUS MEN MR. HOWARD V. PHALIN, IELS 3 ririd, COMICS 6 tor Me Dollars Worth and Receive 3 Free Books BOOK EXCHANGE Box 24, Chronicle. House for Rent SEVEN ROOM HOUSE for rent at 1.3 Shanley Street, Kitchen.. Services REBUILT CAR & TRACTOR BATTERIES $8.00 exchange. Battery repairing, Radidtors cleaned and repaired. 200 Lan- caster West, Kitchener. 74% 4716. Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen, to share room. Ap ply 28 Regina Street North, Waterloo. If you are thinking of sell- ing your home now or in the future, may we offer our services. Selling _real eets.n.e is ira. "iaiisaisa Grour efficient sellmg organization will, get 'v"iG"i'iieTGrrrAGe on todays marked with a minimum of inconvenience to you. We have the buyers. We need your home. Call us to-day er. Fan; 1 drooms, two bath- rooms. Phone 7434972. 208 King South, Waterloo comer John St. Member K-W Real Estate Board HOME OWNERS ATTENTION ! Harvey Bacher Ltd. REALTOR BACH ER 576-2660 " Regina North WLU Golden Hawks Ground Laurentian University Sudbury-The Waterloo Luth. eran Golden Hawks literally grained the Laormgtiaet Voya- geurs in a central Canada inter- collegiate football conference game played here Saturday. . The Hawks, defending confer. ence champions, defeated the Laurentian squad sro. The Hawks ground attack proved.too Rentals Personal READINGS BY Appointment only. Phone 745-0187 evenings. NIAGARA HEALTH UNITS Reserve Now Fall Weddings, Banquets Dances Waterloo's New KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL ARTHRITIS? RHEUMATISM? SORE BACKS? NERVOUS TENSION? TREAT YOURSELF WITH mom 105 University Ave. E. Waterloo Rental Agent Ray Busch Phone 742-5443 or 744-3252 342 King St. W., Kitchener For a free home trial without any obligation now. Mornings, Afternoons, All Day Saturday, Sunday after 1:00 pm. Weekends are a Rood time for beginners,- families and 11.. mum. Mela, WM. om u. â€0 , 38 King North WATERlOO BOWlING IAMS NOW OPEN GOLD NUGGET RESTAURANT “Fun For Everyone" Phone 74241582 OPEN BOWLING "NIAGARA" “Watch For Our Grand Opening Announcement" write DINING ROOM and much tor the Voyageurs Ml) have not scored a single point in the four games they have played this season. So far they have given up 265 points. Off nsively, the Hawks have scored 121 points while allowing only 32 points defensively in their four games. They remain undefeated in CClFC league play with a 3-0 won-lost record. John Kruspe. a sophomore half- back from Clifford, lead thet Hawks scoring attack Saturday, scoring 25 points on three touch" downs. two singles and five con- verts. This brings his total scor- ing to " points. 34 of those com- ing in league games. The Hawks threw the ball only once during the game/ resulting in a touchdown pass from fresh. man quarterback Terry Harvey of Ancaster. Regular Hawk quar. terback, Dave McKay, also scor- ed a touchdown. The reerander of the Hawk scoring went to fullback Roger Passmore and halfback Bob Mcc Gregor. Mike Blackmore scored a single and a safety was record- ed against Voyageurs. The Hawks garnered 14 points in the first quarter and by half time were ahead 42-0. Many of the teams regulars sat out the second half in order to give se- cond string players an opportune'. ty to show head coach, Dave Knight, what they could do. So far, the Hawks have played three relatively weak teams but now begins a series of four tough- er games. This Saturday the Hawks host Bishops University Gaétors of Imnoxvme, Quebec. at Seagram Stadium. The following week the Hawks and the University of Waterloo Warriors battle in the annual homecoming game. They then travel to Ottawa to play the Gee. Gees and then host the McMaster Marauders in tho final game of the 1967 schedule. SUPPLIES 358 King North 742-81 1 l (All wmmoo HOME IMPROVEMENT Waterloo