Mr. Good accepted victory calmly, attributing the win to his 300 voluntary workers. When ash ed why he did so well in the rural Early returns indicated a strong change in local ropeseotauon when the NDP eamhidate, Ted Tshey, led from the advance poll. The returns were barely had! in when the PC candidate. Donald Ma,ePhersoe1, advanced From third to second place, slightly ahead of Mr. Isley. Mr. Good, who was never lower Chan second place, took the lead and steadily mounted to victory. Those who almost filled his Want- .erhoo King Shmet headquarters. awe-red and applauded as his liven! tradiUmt to Waderloo North in a surprise My yes- terday, a tradition lost tioor years ago when ex-Liberal leader John Winermeyet was defeated by Kent}: Butler, the Progressive corvsetrvative standaqxiheamyr. areas he said it was the “new“: of tradition and many, many pet~ sorta! visits." Early Start Is Made On 1968 COE Plans The Central Ontario Exhibition ls already making plans to im- prove the show for next year. - One idea being itwxestiga4sed is . hem-ed farmer's market which would attract local partioipatimt. The cost sharing on a popula- tion basis was originally used when the building Was construct- ed in 1957. However, since that time the population increases have risen greatly. but some mtr nicipalilios enjoy greater useage than do others. Council agreed Monday night on the recommendation of Aid. Harold Wagner to change the method whereby contributing municipalities would pay by Usage rather than on a popula- tion basis for an addition to Sunnyside Home. Ald. Wagner pointed out that at present, based on the last re- The County of Waterloo brief to the local government review, in recommending a twotiered metropolitan system of govern- ment as being most suitable for this region, further states that change is imperative and should be made as soon as is possible. Reform. it says, is urgently needed Mr the Waterloo County area. and should be carried out speedily. Change Payment Methods For Sunnyside Addition The brief prmvms Mart the My area be dnvidmt into men [municipal units lo be called cities. boroughs, or I combinahan of Liberals Reclaim Waterloo North " 'w WATEILOO ST. JACOBS ST. CLEMENTS IRIDGEPORT ST. AGATHA HEIDELBERG CONESTOGO 2mm Good, the Waterloo The seven mun-owl this Edward Good Accepts Win Calmly; lsley Runner-Up ounty Brief Recommends M approximately 9:24 p.m., may 84 minutes Mtor the polls had closed, Donald MacPhersmt made his way through the talking rain to concede in perm to Mr. When Mr. Macpherson conced- ed he was in second position, be. iog led try Mr. Good by a little more than 1,200 votes. When the final tally was in, the Liberal was beading second-place Ted Is- ley by just a little more than 1.100 votes. Meanwhile, the see-saw battle for second and third position con- tinued. At the final tally, a slim 100 votes gave the New Demo- oratie Party representative se- eomrplace position. alight maiority rose to a com- manding load. R. H. James, Social Credit candidate won only 317 votes. It was 9:55 p.m. when Mr. lg- ley made his way into the crowd- vision made in 1960, that Kitch- ener pays 37.36 per cent. Water- loo County 35.25 per cent, Galt 16.86 per cent and Waterloo 10.- 53 per cent However, Kitchener receives 53.42 per cent bed usage, while Galt receives only 9.46 per cent usage. Capital investment on a usage basis. for the addition expected to be completed in 1968, will be calculated on usage for the previ- ous year. ed Liberal headquarters to add his congratulations to the win- ning eaetdidate. _ Mr. Isley said that he was proud of the wed: done by his helpers, who were all new to the hype of organization that is required. "Next time we're going to do in." he told those gMhered Mr. Good was surrounded by well-wishers clamoring to.shake his hand. His wife Rhea and their three sons were also in for a share of the coogratuatory hand- shakes. He told council that the Water- loo porcenlagc would change lit- tle, but Kitchener would have to pay a higher amount. while Gait paid a proportionately lower figure. E - The Town od Hespekw and parks of are/Towrmhim of Wa- harlot), Guam}: and Puslmoh. around D - The City of Galt, the Town of Preston and pans of the Town- ships of North Dumfries, Pus- lnwh and Beverly. C - MoM of the Township of North Dumfries. the Village of Ayr and a pan of the Township of Blenheim. F" - The Cities of Khomeini" and WW. the Village of A - All of the township We Ho s le y and the Village Wellesloy. B - Ah of the Township of Wilmot and the Town of New Hamburg. WATERLOO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOIIR II, 1967 of townsr/ps of Watorloo and Guelph The hire! rejected maintaining the two ethos of Watorboo and Kitchtmor as supm‘nvt-o units. he. ca‘uso it was fort that the existing interplay of social and ocnnnmic relations. coupled with the need to plan the future growth ot an area that is essentially a single entity. make it necessary to dis- ponee with what is largoty an trrtifieia4 boundary. MARCH FOR CHARITY Aid. Kominek jocularly sug- gested, when the matter first broached, that the '),2ig"'l,'C'l bers of council, namely Alder- man Wagner, Alviano and Bau- man, should accept the Kitchener challenge Ald. Alvimno, however, counter-suggested that all mem- bers of council should partiei- pate and received unanimous sup- Ald. Ledger added to the sug~ gestion by indicating that mem- bers of the staff should chal- lenge their Kitchener counter- parts to walk for charity. There was no reply from the depart- montheads. Under the rules laid down by the Kitchcnt" challengers, each Simila- arzumonts were we slanted in mcommendmg the amalgamaoun at Cal and Preston. Kitchener council hurled a challenge at Whterloo council to compete with them in the K-W Miles for Millions March, and this community's fathers rose to the occasion, and ueeept- ed. Some had reservations about the distance they would have to cover, while others, notably Ald. Harold W a g n e r. emphatically stated that he would walk just as far as his son (Kitchener Aid. Robert Wagner) did. G _.." All of the Township of Woolwioh, the Town of Elmira and part of the Township of Pri. THEywmNER---Surrounded by his happy helpers and with his wife Rhea by his side, Edward Good, Liberal. raises his hands in victory following the final returns in Waterloo North. Donald MacPherson and Ted Isley conceded. Kitchener Challenge Accepted. Natoral draimoee areas were the base for n-comnwmlmg ex- pansion of Waterloo County into WelIington, Oxford and Wentwordl The brief mmmmomis repre- sernla-tinn on the metropolitan Dr. Henry Endrcss, who is act- ing president, said the sugges- tion made by the student coun- cil was accepted upon it's merit, and reflects the university's re- cognition of the special interest and .mcern of both students and The area of growth for Hes. peber (with greatly enlarged bourtdaries) is one which natur- ally drains toward the existing town which could be best sor- vitmt by a sewage disposal plant on the Speed River in Hes- polar. Waterloo Lutheran University, in a break from tradition, will appoint a student to a special committee named to select a new president. The selection of a new uni- versity pcesident was made neces- sary by the resignation of Dr. William J. Villaume last June. Dr, Henry Endress, who is act- Dr En'lrc i said that the exe- ing president, said the sugges- cutive felt that the letter, out.. tion made by the student coun- lining he requests of the stud mt cil was accepted upon it's merit, council, was responsible and ra- and reflects the university's re- twnal. and should he consitler‘d cognitmn of the special interest in relation to their merits, de- and . )ncern of both students and spite past practices. K-NV Ama Igamalo separate unit. because Highway MM creams a natural boundary bctwron it and GaR-Preston, and abso became of drainage. M/LU Student to Help Choose University Head councilman will have to pay " for every extra mile his oppon- ent walks. The recently formed K-W Overseas Aid Organization, which is organising the Miles for Mil- lions Walk, want. to raise funds so that as many as possible un- fortunate children in other coun- tries may be adopted. The adop- $UISCIIP‘I’ION $3.. YQAR It also recommends Mm mom. berylurp on the council should comm partly of Perrst'nts clcclw-d directly to the council and manly of represrtstattves of eleeivd lo. cal councillors This, the brEc-f points out, would provide divert rosy umbil- ity to the electors and alw aa- More liaison bclwcm tho local mooiripaHrtes and the mcbropoi- tan governmml. " is mum-Mod that the 'UM representative $rom any mund- (Conlinued on page 2) based on populat'an "ovcevmr. this should mat be tlvrj. to to extcot thal any area or scum M of sandy would bc left unn.,ue- stunted. faculty, in the selection of I new president. T A second request however, for membership on a committee deal. ing with the "evelopment of a plan for proceeding with the re< port of a firm of consultants, was delayed for action at the Oct 2C board meeting. A predetermined route, estima. ted at 32 miles, around the Twat Cities, Jill be mapped out. Mar, chers are asked to seek sponsors who will donate so much a mite for every mile walked. It is expeclrd that 3000 area students will participate. _ tions will be made through the Foster Parents Plan,