Slaughter cattle: steers choice to 2990; Good 27.502900; Medium 25.50-27.00; Common 82.00-25.00. Heifers, choice to 26.50; Good 2tr00-2600; Medium 2100-24050; Common 200022.50. Fed yearlings, choice 2t00- 28.50; Good 2r00-26di0. Heifer type cows, choice to 20.00; Good The recent Western (London) Fair was a success, according to the fair board officials, but we noticed that the attendance was op by just over 1,000. Two TV stations, CFPL-TV London. and CKCO-TV Kitchener, had exhibits, bot three radio sta- tions decided to stay away from the London Fair this year. They were CFPL London, CKSL Ion- don and CHLO St. Thomas. The only radio station with a booth was CJOE London. As was the case last year, the grandstand was open to all who paid admission to the grounds. Singer Dennis Day was one ot the Mars of the Show but it was a mistake to have Gordie Tapp as the emcee. He was out of his class. The Kitchener Fair was held earlier this year and it failed to attract the local TV station and 6wo out-of-towe, TV stations who have appeared in the past, name- ly: CFPL-TV London and CHCH- TV Hamilton. steady. smoker cattle traded ac- tbvely for choice binds with low- " grades easier. Replacement pigs sold at uneven prices. WATERLOO Receipts ot medium to good Mime were heavy with a short amply of dry feeds. Prices re- mained steady throughout. Veal told steady with few choice od- Are big city fairs on their way out? Do they need reorganizing? Perhaps the London Fair Board had this in mind when they made changes in the grandstand ad- mission. They probably realize that more changes are necessary since they imrreased the anemi- am‘e by only 1.000. Tom Gould, well known Cana- dian correspondent and political broadcaster. will join the CTV network on October 16th. He re- cmt‘ly resigned from the CBC. Ki1clienor;s fair is a big joke. Please tlon't bring it back next year. Led it die as it should. A new Program, "National SIN-wk Scrno." will debut on the CTV network on October 25th, fro'lnwnn! the Wednesday Night Hockey Games IIS-y [ifLiIill] TO CALL FOR THE BEST BUY ON YOUR INSURANCE EDWIN R. WWW TV Views "gntrrAirE.r'lkRh' 6 The Waterloo Chrenkle, Wednesday, Odeber II, "" no Victoria Street South Mama building. Kim Phone "3-61btt T Canaan Read omoe Scarborough, Ontario Kitchener, Waterloo Stock Reports Vealers, choice 33.00-36.50; Good 29.00-32,00; Medium 25.09. Shocker steers: choke 27.50-29.50; Good 3400-2700; Medium at.00- 23.50; Common 20.00-21.00. Stocker heifers, choice 23.MN 24.50; Good 22.00-23.00; Medium 19.00-21.00. Swine: 6-8 weeks 11.50-13.00; 8-10 weeks 13.50-15.60; Chunks 15.75-19.90; Feeders 20.00-24.00; Sows in pig 58.00-74.00; Boars 410062.001 l' Stacker calves, choice to 33.25; Good 28.00-30.00. KITCHENER Lighter offerings of cattle sold at fully steady prices in the bet. ter grade steers of heifers. Vot- ume of veal was down but prices firm from the previous week. Butcher cows steady to barely steady. Dairy cows and heifers in good demand. Replacement cattle remained steady but sold slower. Pigs were steady from the previous week. Double - your money With Canada Savings Bonds One of the great things about Canada is Canada Savings Bonds, and this year's Series is the most exciting yet. Interest starts at 514% a year-the highest starting rate ever on a Canada Savings "ond-and goes right up to 6%. Over the 115 years to maturity the true average annual yield is 5.18%). Best of all, Canada Savings Bonds have a wonderful compound interest feature which pays you interest on your interest. Take full advantage of it and you will double your money. As always, Canada Savings Bonds are instant cash. They may be cashed at any time for their full face value plus accrued interest. They are easy to boy for cash or on instalments. They fit all savings budgets-from $50 up. Buy yours toar--. where you work, bank or invest! Hogs: Good pigs 6-8 weeks old 12.00-13.80; 8-10 weeks old pigs 14.00-16.20: Chunks 16.50-18.60; Feeder hogs 18.75-25.00; Saws in _.pig 67.00-99.00; Boars 30.00-T4.00. Horses: 59 offered. Saddle hor- ses 95.00-245.00; Meat horses 42.0tFii8.00; Ponies 25.00-75.00. Heifer type cows reached 22.50 a rwt.; Goods cows sold to 20.00; Medium 18.50-19.50; Common down to 16.50. Gamers and out tors 11.50-15.00. Butcher and bologna bulls 23.50; Common down to 18.00. met.; Medium to good 36.00-37.50; Common grades down to 26.00. Dairy came: Milk cows 130.00- 275.00; Springer cows 22s.80-410-00 Good stacker steers sold to 28.00; Medium 250026.50. Stock calves said to 31.00. Choice veal reached 41.50 a orts Will Compete in M Bowling Tourney Stream, Saturday, October 21. Other activities planned for the near future include a rummage sale which will take place Satur- day, October 14 at the legion hall. you, branch 530, decidedtoen- teettweeteamesirtthezooebowl- ary to the Royal Canadian le- so be held at the Legion Hall. The Larry Schmidt Orchestra will provide the music, and there will alto be prizes given for the best costume, as well as other spot prizes. éétober 27 is the date at the Hatiowe'en Dance, which will al- Mrs. E. Preece, chairman of the Poppy campaign‘outlined ae- tivities which will be undertaken November 2, 3 and 4. Her com- mittee assistants are Mrs. Earl Lacey, Mrs. Rae Ostell and Mrs. Douglas McLay. Plans are presently underway for the annual Christmas Bazaar which w% take place Friday, And, for the first time ever, Canada's most popular personal investment may now be bought by businesses, churches, charities, clubs, and other organizations. Another first: the limit I'rr holder for this Series has been increased to $50,000. Backed by all the resources ofCanada, Canada Savings Bonds are a great way to save. Buy yours today and double your money. ' Auxili- November " at the legion hall. thtNovmntreetiadieaMthe auxiliary will cook all! serve (as weitaeseotmtaio)i-ioreitimee" atamrisunaapaetytobeheld attheimtimtUdi. Bill's TV and Radio . Radios -- A.M. & F O Transistor Radios . Record Players . Tape Recorders . Coloured and Black & White Television REPAIRS gun Bt., Waterloo 744-7421 To