For Sale DEEP AND SHALLOW Well Pump, Laun Mowers, Garden Tillers. General Hardware, Electrical and Plumbing Sup plies. Dimer Hardware Sales & Service, St. Agatha, 742-0861. DRAPEBY. Upholstery, slip cov- ers, yard goods and remnants. tremendous selection. Outstand- ing quality at lowest prices Shop now and ~3an Manufac- lurvrs Outlet Company, Rerill Depot, 159 King St. East, Kit- chener (across from City Hall, next to Fox Theatre), open daily 9 am. to 6 pm. Friday to 9 pm. 742-3341. SALE on new tuo piece chester- new miles (four Sealers), five piece kilchern miles. coffee and and tables. CLEARANCE on three piece sr-cliIm-al. stereo, transistor radios. guitars and amps. accurdians. electric of gems. used records. brass lamp, Duncan Phyfo round table, hu- midifier. met-d electric razor, Phu; numerous other articles. D & W Trading Post. 581 Lan- caster Street. Bridgeport. Open Monday lo Friday 12 noon to MI pm. Saturday tibl 5 p.m. 7431131. PURE BRED "BI epoint Siamese kittens. Phone 576-0501. Car for Sale 3 Rooms of Furniture. only $5.00 weekly We can arrange financing on furniture‘ IMMEDIATELY No Fuss Alan Rigby's hazelnut. Pile-e 81-15-8591. ANTIQUE DISPLAY CAR - I927 Wanted To Rent I961 CADILLAC, four door hard. top. In very good cottdittort Mi King BUYBIS WAITING for go“ BUSINESS WOMAN with teenage daughter rvqmroa three room umfurnwhod apartmvot by "tr tom-r 31.91 Plume 743-0385 Personal House Of Furniture NIAGARA HEALTH UNITS ARTHRITIS? IlHFU'MATIyiM? SORF. BACKS? NF,llNUH's TI‘IXSIHN? Phone 743- I92]. clean homes Phone or drop in and we Dan Inner. Heal tor. "M King m, Wanna. 5764460. ThrlA'l‘ Ytrl HSI'ZIJ" WITH F'RHV'l-YN IMMIGRANTS "NIAHAHA" 3e Per Word V Min. 60e Costs So Little - Fun Bo Much CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT 7d4,-,fiiy,yf, COPY MONDAYS P/d, to Buy FOR CLASSIFIED AND DISPLAY Waterloo THE wushmo CHRONICLE Help Wanted Female BEAUTY COUNSELORS requir- red for Kitchener-Waterloo area, excellent commission, training supplied. small de- posit. advancement opportuni- ties. Call Helen Schreiter, 743-6594. SHORT OF' CASH FOR CHRIST- MAS? Studio Girl - Hollywood Cosmetics, can help sol "E? this problem. we have openings for Beauty Advisors, small depos- it. Call 742-7481. "AVON" . If you do not have an Avon Representative, yours may be an open territory, where you can earn a good in- come Call Now 742-4169. PUBLICITY . . . (Counmwd I am page 1) January I, 1968. The takeover will consist of a phased program of expansion, and progress will be deteroined by la) need and (In availability of staff. 3. Kitchener nod Wuerloo ranks of -ieieli0ie. requiring mikon, Wind-or, Sonic and per- haps other arm wiit be dealt watts mainly. L him! (I " hm ' Typists Dicta Typists Posting Machine Operators TOP RATES PAID WEEKLY Call MRS. GALE OFFICE AUXILIARY SERVICE LIMITED s"e N-O-W " 'ttt hm: n1 TEMPORARY OFFICE . POSITIONS Available not deemed by Pmincinl 26 College Street I’ll: ll 'tl " Iroutron 743-3602 AIM mo.urc of utt a lrrhnumlly Hrrrs: s, H himâ€, tot;',' I' If JILDII ‘h! m“ nu: ml or 1an Iht- Pro "w thl .Imwul mth‘ 744-6365 Help Wanted Female House for Sale HAVE AN EXCITING CAREER in the wonderful world of fash- ton with Sarah Coventry Jew- ellery. Help pay those Christ- mas bills. Full or part-time. Phone 7t5-3479 or 5764071. Services SEVEN ROOM HOUSE for rent gas at 43 Shanley Street, Kitchen- 'i,sstiiyiti' er. Four l drooms, two bath."" 'ii'irii"r' REBUILT CAR & TRACTOR BATTERIES $8.00 exchange. Battery repairing. Radiators cleaned and repaired. 290 Lam easter West, Kitchener. 742- 4716. Rentals ies. with excellent advancement opportunities, is still unable to attract sufficient trained staff to meet their needs. then the muni- tupalities' plight is easily under- stood. fir pollution control is a job for eapeha and air potur “on expat are m attuned to urn-ll mt"tiehrokitiees. tr? “in. feetivep-ti.toeai-t.'P%. only if at the disposal of trAtod knit- control in Voter“ coa- mu ot complaint inveotigation and the soliciting of the attend- er‘s cooperation in Much; the problem. Without an effective by-hw aod_qua1ified stall to en- foree it no more than this super- Ctciol treatment is possible. " the municipohty wishes to do more It hat! then two alternatives: l. Create an ertective bylaw and engage sufficiom wt." to enforce it, 2. Await the arrival of Pro- vmcial authorities m Waterloo. Due to the posstbh- duplica- tion of cost between the pro- vmro and tho city in tho next few )u-ars and with the prmmt'e tokmg str'ps to control this, mass ransom-W of “Mr pulluimn". I have rm'nmmvmlml to Council, this wee" tbut the wcund alter. nnhw- of :malllnu prmnm'ml .1:- shimmy hr .ulnnH-(I If .uul ulwn Hymnal gmm'nnwnl is .Mlnph‘tl m Hm arr“. I Ircl tlw problem could hr fnrunrrlwl m "tts huh" hm mum! .I\\V‘H mnrr Irc ~HH- “n 'ht' pl'w.m..-l .u) runny“ 1n ton,,titr um‘ “mun .mmlr'4 Horst, HI IN- ILA" vsih Reserve Now Fall Weddings, Banquets, Dances KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL m Mu mm Rental Agent Rav Buscl Phone 742-5443 or 744-3252 rooms. Phone 743-4972. “ll†105 University Ave. E. Waterloo Waterloo's New Hui THIS FRONT END LOADER, owned by Black Top Paving, received severe fire damage early Tuesday morning. Apparently worker loaded the diesel en- gine tank with gasoline, a d realizing their error were in the process of draining the tank when it ex- ploded, enveloping the machine in flames. \Vaterloo fire department quickly extinguished the fire. A supervisor for the company estimated damage to be approximately $15,000, about 50 per cent of the $30,000 value. Use the Chronicle Classified Secuon MMMWWH.N u The M,000 Kill The mushox, that great shaggy bout of the high Antie. ha- . price on its heed - 34,000. For this fat fee, hunters may be aiiowed to shoot it down, this rare animal which neither runs away nor defends itself. Fred Bruemmer has the story in this week's Weekend Magazine. In an excellent, analytical book called llm key Is My A Game, super-slur Hubby rr., Hull turm his Ialvnh’ m _ H writing; and dIMlhxe‘s hm own lmhnqurx fur lum- key sumo»; In lhts {URL of tuo vv-vrplx‘ Hum the imvk to lw I‘o'uvlnul ‘ll \Vw-l‘vml Maya/rum, Hull aux Hut lo mu“: 1W- w.ulr In»: gum] Haulâ€; nrul NH; Low. Hockey Is My Game "ih"itcuntu--1l1attdoo Hem tit to