After designing and hamleratt, ing individual pieces at one of Europe‘s famous jewellery homo; in Hamburg, Mr. Rage came to Waterloo to visit his brother in This degree qualifies one to operate a jewellery store and also to train apprentices - it is a requirement in Germany that each jewellery More must have such a person employed. Waiter Ruge, who is owner of Ruge's gold and gem shop limit- ed, is both a goldsmith and a Jewellery designer by tirade. Master Goldsmith from Germany Finds a Future in Twin Cities Following a" three and a half year apprenticeship in West Ger- many, beginning at age 14, study- ing in Germany's weirknown Golrmithing A c a d e m y at Hanau, he was the youngest to obtain (at 22) the coveted “Moist. erbriet" or Goldsmith Master Degree. - Gait at that time had the burg- est population with 2,200 heads. Next in order wee Preston with 1,150. Berlin with 782. and New Hamburg with 598. The Township of Waterloo was the commending municipality body in those days, with 6,500 residents, most of whom were of German lineage, with 1,955 actu- ally being native to Germany. In the mid 199’s there was further iat low of Gé'rman familiestolbe area The men were reported as "mostly hand-workers who had Waterloo, according to the 1852 general census. had the smallest population of any municipality I) Waterloo County . . . only 300 Waterloo in 1852 Smallest Community GOOD WISHES AND A HAPPY NEW CENTURY _ CANADA ELECTRONIC (RAFISMEN ELECTRONIC tlitArrSMiiillil's CENTENNIAL PROJECT WE ARE A CANADIAN COMPANY SUPPlYlNG All BRANCHES OF CANADA'S GROWING INDUSTRY WITH HECTRICAl AND ElECTRONIC COMPONENTS. WE NElP CANADA’S EXPORTS TOO. F Since then, mainly because of Mr. Ruge's custom designing of jewellery (using your own old stones or new ones) his clientolle has increased to include a larger area of Ontario. His store is unique in that it offers only gold and silver jewellery items with semi-precious stones and no cos- tume jewellery. sewed a seveu-yeu appesttims. ship' in the old country. Berlin than had four wood- working shops, a My, a foun- dry, two wagon-shops. a brewery. a soap-Chandlery, I pottery, two brickyarxis, two unwise, two saddleries, five weavers’ hand. horns and a hat-makers' stand. In 1852, Berlin had IM houses, three schools. four stores, four In Canada, he did goldsmithing in this area and designed in Tor.. onto until early 1961, when he opened his own store on King east in Kitchener, under the name of Old Vienna Jewellers. By this time he had already ob- tained his. Canadian government manufacturing licences and reg- istered trademark. In 1964 the store location was changed to the present site at 260 King west, in Kitchener, the business ex- panded to include a watch dept. taverns and five churches. The religious denominations were re- presented by tour Utsiversa1its, eight Zwinglians, l3 Baptists, 19 Anglicans. 20 Primitive Metho. dis%s, 22 Discipies, 3? Presbyteric Ros, 43 Wesleyan Methodists, " Swedeottorgiaotr. 50 Evangelicals. 122 Cams and 215 Protestants. 73 SCHAEFER STREET WATERLOO SCHOOL CHILDREN are shown lined along the street. It is believed that this picture was taken the same day as the picture of the Waterloo troops Were shown (elsewhere in the Chronicle) marching down the main street. The loca- tion is likely near the school grounds (now known as MacCregor school).; Waterloo Park a: The Water!†Gamma. WM» '-.. tr, "" " it appeared early in this century