In 100 years of cantederatm in its oreeomptit6mesot. It is the re- am of work commenced by My Abraham Erh's axe, has evolved a community returned {hr in emttres of reaming, its - in. wrm companies that have made this the Hartford of Cana- da, but most of all, its fluidly. easy-going mums This gradual process of devel. Chis eomemioity first settled here, itwasadreqrrywasteodemiar mm. Many widowed it um inviting in appearance, difficult of access and doubtful of utility. Wauwloo is not Just a cough- meratwu of buildings, streets and WATERLOO munity, people who operate the 'eork,pe_tphewhosellaodpemrhe Homeowners' Flags Cleaned Free During Centennial Year Tho WM Chunk“, WM, W n, "" From Small Hamlet to )iitii)ii; I867 ll l967 Canada has made tremendous strides in the one hundred years that it has been in existence. Just look around you. You will see a vibrant country; clean cities, pleasant countryside and a well-fed, prosperous people. Modern con- veniences in a modern way of life make living much more pleasant than it was at the beginning. 1% these symbols mark the {8% "growing up" of a great nation Swan Cleaners takes this opportunity to wish all Canadians the very best as we start our second century. T ovee mteofamantemoseomptoywho Franklin, Wham, led by the hnowledge of a German syn- histmrtherJdtn,rvhosmaidered the3ooalityhobewor4hiess.lThis was back if! 1806. Abraham was an alien land. "I‘hé name, twedlAsoonm to oth- ers of similar aatiooatity soon at- tracted them here, seeking com- paoiooship of com. ‘ Abraham Fat, who is credited withfioumiingthiseqmtre,seued mWyuidgMis that the name became an at. eaqrted fact became so may of the early families originally came fromarouodtheWaFooMtheir ,-sholydepmadmttuprmphty- sioal-yaodmosmuortoeee. We have no “em: records at excuse on foot and by ox-drarwn wagons (any a few had ham) to this land of freedom. Here, they raised their families, and fumed in peace, their only struggle was with nature. With few exeeptioos they were of the Mennonilye faith, men whose piety was exemplified in their daily lives. bot they were Mined to battle with diffi. eoWes, to overcome obstacles, and as such. we well adapted tothesFagg1esotpiooeeriiferiat some6.0003cnesolhnd. Ahrahambectrmethem-ttt 900aoresodbaodftomthttoewho swamp by a number ot 00m. The majority of theme early set.. m were at German origin, [or cexitoseqAamdugeintheBritiAt coimties otAmerica from parse» eotioointheirhtymeuod became matter of Indian service and Ptmosytvutoia, and then upland acieartitieto 'entre bf Importance todatytoimagioe.Theirkodw" theewprodoetaodttteuodt- w-ahhetophamtaodbarveqt, suptslommgtodbywBdtNuneaod Mathemamsm heavy-iaddmt jammy. Niece mills brought mow at amnion to this sodium and other ttiBhaqtdtrdwiMe-. try, but Mr. Erb rather reluctant tosenaoyofhiaioodtrintnnali peopeNies.Beeaoseodthis,oetely rapiddeveiopmtmtwosheHFr, however, not long afterwards, moved up from Pennsylvania and located a little Mott!» pl'e- tuhiehthoytotAtheirtNmiat,m- tsatirtgwithnoor,mtbm'ehaetr. It was 10 long yum More vided many advantages that - TheneateeertgristmalwatsH. The Festival will undoubtedly be a fine tribute to Canada’s Centennial and it is hoped that it will continue as an annual ex en! but it is also a fitting "'stitttttg. ml to the University of Waterloo vshieh this year celebrates its first ten years as one of Ontanio‘s major universities, " is lilting tribute since the university in iis ten short years has establish- ed I fine extracurricular em- tive arts program providing nu only quality 'ntertainmcnt throughout the year but also the opportunity to expand one‘s ex- perience and skills in many phases of theatre, drama, music, and art. Dramatic presentations by Richard Gray and Mayo Loiscau are scheduled for afternoon and evening performances on Satur- day, October 21. The afternoon ofterimz will be "A Wilde Even- ing With Shaw", a moving, laugh provoking, warmly human story of tw'o fascinating men. Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw, whose minds meet and clash on erery major subject, In the evening, the duo will pre- sent "Coward Calling", a pro- "ram which ranges over a diver- sity of Coward's work from early sketches to mature ttflee- tion. Gray and l.oi<eau are I highly skilled team whose polish. ed performances are a delight- ful experience and an excelled tg"yug'",tutue,ti22. Madnpmedm . who had I III at Brithteqtort fwhichatthatSmew_a6 irtgeomrntrnityiiaee_. the Mow modem-chin wheels, rernate%ruvhitftroutredMr.tietidee CENTENNIAL ARTS Whammy. Hobdmdntnhmeh r:twa?y?i,.'iaCc'olF'r',i?v'eeS iaodasatte_gorhis rmt.Hitoo_dtrttreNwhie* steam power. To bis chagrin howesrer,he9mmdthateombioqd thegwornethod-atedtoormHg powee.'N*hdhimtrriotrodtteer aati1itomsdseueteafthesur+ fCorttintted on Page 11) .r (Continued from page 9) _ _ illusmated talks on: "The Mean . ing .01 Sc"lpture: Sculpture in Canada" and "Nubian Treasures o, the Nile". Miss Sisler is ah industrious sculptimse who hag traweNed widely throughout In world, taking inspiration from her travels. It is, the art .of . Egypt, how war, which has had the greatest' influence on her works, many of which exhibit the same hewy simplicity of form evident in Ancient Egypt- ian séulpture. - ,. . The evening offering will he a Folk Festival featuring young talent from' several of Qntariofs universities. a Friday marks the beginning) pcrformlinces By professiqqal companies. .The noon film ,'.:Bal- lerina" which deals wither M in the lite of Canadian ballerina, Margaret Mcmier, will be 1:01qu ed in the evening by Ahe Ber- li Philharmonic Octet appear- ing as part of their Nerth Ameri- can debut. Firmly established in th. musical hierarchy of I'll-pope for many years, the Octet is com- prised of members of the famous Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra., new man when change mmeéw’gnveb location impetus. Ticktls and information can he "htajrwd from the Box Ort/tre of the TVrtarortlurArts, way to bring dawn lhc curtain on. the ..rts Festival.