Mr: and Mrs. Young (she is the former Joan Holdmzm of Waterloo and a runnorup in the Miss Waterloo Centennial com test hem in 1957) and their three ll “ill consist mainly of cur tomvr contact. public relations and isusintrss development. and could mean travelling all over the orovinee of Ontario and parts of the United States, Beside Mr. Young four other men from various (liqricls (plus two assistants) will cover the all of Canada and portions of the United States This is a neu post that was developed through the bank's reorganization program and is a "new" concept in marketing. take up new duties. Mr. Young stated that he is Mr. Young, who has been with rather sorry to leave Waterloo. this new branch of the B of M which is home to both he and for two years, has been appoint- his wife. “I certainly enjoyed ed a "special representative" of living and working here. how. the Marketing branch of the " ever, I am looking forward to fice of the general manger in the challenge of this newly ere- Toronto. ated position." R. H. Young, manager of the University and Phillip Street branch of the Bank of Montreal. will leave Waterloo for Toronto about the middle of May, to take up new duties. MARY E. McCARTHY For more information (all: At Your Service aly a business. the ('IA rcpuwontative in your arm! can help you. The CIA representa- tive in your commun- ity offers good advice and prompt service FA'vry CIA tu'trresentit- tivv has the sumo aim. Ile wants io help the pvoitle he moms to fill thvir insurance needs: fully . . . swiftly and vrmmmiculh. If Hm drin- owtl a home 262 Fat Street E. Waterloo -- Phone "M'8"369A Why not call him tor In" information today? Will Assume New Post " cur . . . or (nu-r- The ullivhrsity community. which totals about 9.000 people. has a great economic impact on the area. Almost 520. million will flow into this area in the form of salaries. university pur- chases. capital expenditures and student spendings. over the year. By 1977s however, it is expected that this figure will increase to $71. million. The University of Waterloo expects to enrol over 7000 stu- dents this fall. (Continued from Page I) solely on academic excollence LOCAL daughters presently reside at 40 Warren Court. The family will follow, likely in the middle of June. to take up residence in Toronto. . w WATERLOO TRUST Savings Accounts with libero! Free Chequing Privileges on minimum hotf-reorly balances. HIGHER INTEREST AT WATERlOO TRUST The result will be that river flows will be greatly depleted, perhaps to the point that the St. Lawrence Seaway will face closure. In spite of the rising popula- tions, Dr. MacLachlan expects adequate food supplies will be available. "We may have to be- come aecustomcd, to eating less animal protein". he pointed out, "but it is difficult to believe that He emrshasized that "all" avail. able land and water resources will have priority in tood pro- duction, with other considera. tions secondary. All good land will have to be reserved for food production and likewise for wat- er. The needs for human, indus- trial and agricultural uses must take precedence over other de- mands. The farm operator, however, will become a business ext-cu- tive with a college degree of its quivalent. he stated. The tinane. ial demands of agriculture in the future, will be such that few operators, will beable to provide the necessary capital. The fam- ily operator will ,utilize sub. stantial amounts of Tented" cap- ital. (credit). _ In forecasting the future form of agriculture in Canada's second century. Dr. J. o, MacLachlan, president of the University of Guelph. predicts that the family [arm will continue to predomi- nate for the next 100 years While corporate forms of farm operation might be expected to increase, the family farm unit will still predominate, .. 104 King South, Waterloo [57 King West, Kitchener Weekly Tours (Fri., Sat., Sun. Long Weekends (Fri. to Mon.) Weekday Tours (Mon. to Fri. Predicts Less Farm "Labor" in Future MEISSNER TRAVEL Cost include; return transportation bv deluxe motor roach, Expo passport. frvst clams hum; or motel accommodation. WHICHEVER RATE PAYS YOU MORE 4120.43? Departing Mar ls, June Pt, July IT. Aug. lt, Sept. 11. on minimum an maximum momhly balances. continuing half- yeorly balances. expo67 non-chequing, but withdrawals at any time Deposit Accounts In the realm of practical farm operation, he stated, mechanical devices will replace all the hu- man labor in farm operation. In addition, the geneticist, lhe bio-chemist. the immunologist and others will play ever increas. ing roles. Their contribution will be to enchance the productive potential of both plants and ani. mals. to adapt new foods sources. and reduce losses from disease and pests. It is notable that these nations are the ones. economically and socially least able to take advan- tage of our developments in science and technology. Current predictions call for the present world population of three billion to triple within the next century. Time only will de. termine what influence the "pill" and its comp"nions will have on thisAorcast, he said. At the mo- ment. hows ver. most of the pop- ulation total lives in so-ealfed emerging nations. and this is likely to continue. One of the major difficulties facing mankind in the next cen- tury will be one of food produc- tion and food distribution Peace among nations will be largely contingent upon the extent to which international political and economic adjustments have been made to food requirements throughout the world, he declar, ed, the people of a century from now will have to resort to a diet of pond scum." It is likely that. by the time m mm». “mulch, umpuu a, "a Dial 576-2300 Dial 745-62" W‘GA $79.00 $95.00 The Heritage Highways On a Heritage Highuays Adveno ture Vacation, you re-live, in person, your country's progress --from l8th century United Empire Loyalism to 20th century cosmopolitanism. From Ottawa to Old Fort Erie, along St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario shores, you go from the stately domains of the nation's capital to the Seaway's mighty structures of transpor~ tation and power. Linger in tradio tional towns-and marvel at the passing parade of giant ocean freighters. Camp and swim at beautiful waterside parks, or boat- cnuse among the tree-fringed Thousand Islands. T hrlll to the :mcmme cataract of turbulent Niagara Calls. The distriet governors, assist- ed by local president. Alex Deep, initiated 'hree new club mem- bers . . . Ken Budarick. Earle Lidstone. and Rod Redhead. A "Gasorama" will be held May 27 at Wolfe's Service Stab ion. Ray Armst"mg, district gov . nor of the Canadian Disté (west) of Civitan Juternation ' was in attendance " the regular dinner meeting of the K-W Civi, tan Club, held at the Berkley Tavern. , .. Ho addressed the club briefly on the growth and movement of Civitan, and reminded them of the District Convention to be held May 5-6 rnd 7 in' Kingston. He estimated that some 300 would be in attendance. Great Ontario Adventure Vacations Garrison rembeyy at historic Fort Henry A chlugc Highways Adventure Vacatron invests your ramdy with new axxnrcncn and \xcll- founded pride. Would you like to have more information ? Just marl the coupon, today. another century has elapsed, pro- tective subsides in farm e'conomy will have been replaced by fi- nancial stimu'us to greater pro- duction, under mop highly ef- ficient systems of production, L10 concluded ' Ouorio l)cp.mmcnl of Tourism & lulmnmlmn Pros In“- of Omaha. Dcp.nnncm of Ruins!" , Infumuhon, Parlrarttcnt Buildings. Room . Toronto 2. I l.36 News semi me full chnk mmâ€: a Henngc Hughu ay \ Adm-mun: x oealtoM. Addch Civitan .-t-u.-.-------u ‘onc Pun Club