Thc Sum!) African indu~lrlal capital! " JohaeuwMturo, is called (mm, Hm city of gold. by tho native Africans. Named for Wealth 46 KING ST. S. Waterloo Ont if; Prop. "BILL ABOS" tt The WM“ We“, WM, April " 1967 ' Alterations Ind Made To Meuure SI“. CUSTOM TAILOR many children who encounter this "first" in their life. he did not cry or squirm unduly, and did not sum to mind losing his curls (some of which his frtlier saved as a keepsake. The gentle barber was Phillip Follino. Now take it easy buster ELEVEN-MONTHS OLD Ian Woodley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Woodley of 98 St. Vincent St., Kit- chener, received his first haircut Saturday, and seemed to find it only slightly interesting. Unlike First Haircut "No Sweat" " Years Of Tailoring Experience NEW YORK A1 least my old man is getting a kick out of it This fully equipped camp features swimming, hot showers, washing utilities, dam hall. direct bus Bee- Vice to Expo. Just to mvntlon a few of the manv advan- RENT A TRAIlER AT EXPO 'trr Selection Of Dates 742, An Indian who wanted to fly home trom England and pay for his ticket on the instalment plan was refused and had to pay cash. He was 100 years old. Joe A. Strub C.l..U. 3.9.. 3. Watertoo Imperial Lite Assurance Company of Canada Specialists tn Penslon Plans and Estate Analysis iedit Refused If Fdon't answer maybe he'll stop yacking Hmmm, that seems pretty short Bill’s TV and RADIO 744-7421 Clear TV viewing " ter repair and service from WATERLOO STOVE & APPLIANCE King St. A place in Waterloo to have your radio. record player. tape recorder re- paired. Free Pick Up and Drop In Centre at [EDIE [HIRE Waterloo a Catholic i,'i'i'.'i.'." Women's I League Miss MeDermott reported that the coordinating committee is will be preceded by a paridt Centennial Mass on the Sunday planning a "family" picnic for June 25 at Waterloo Park. Mrs. John Padeczny and Mrs. A. Walters will attend the Chili" ren’s Aid Dinner on April 19. Hans are underway hr the Motherr's Day Ft1t, for school children. to be held May 12. The following state ot officers were presented by the election chairman. Mrs. D. bonkers; Ist viee-presideett, Miss Kay McDer, mott: and vice president. Mrs, A. Ruetz; assistant 3rd vice pre- sident. Mrs. E. Greibe; recording secretary, Mrs. C. DeF'ranceseo; eorrtypoodimg secretary, Mrs. V. Morrison: treasurer, Mrs. E. Ar- nold. Nominating Novena was Mrs. D. Kehn. Total membership (Or the year is 267 members. They spent 1.823 hours quilting; 105 hours on Red Cross,tN1B and Ohildnwn's Aid and Catholic Welfare; 663 hours charting the sacristy, sewing vestmeubs and tritar linens: 22 capes were made for the Boy's Choir; and made 427 visits to the sick and shot-ios. Principal Principal Year Amount Year Amount! 1968 314.000 1978 $24,000. 1969 15,000. 1979 25.000. 1970 16.000. 1980 26.000 1971 16,000, 198l 28.000, 1972 I7. _ 1982 29,000. 1973 18. . 1983 31.000. 1974 19, . 1984 33.000 1975 20. _ 1985 35.000. 1976 21 _ 1986 37,000. 1977 "Poe 1987 39.000 3, Tho Dirtwmtute Is to tre dated April I. 1967, is to bear iTMPH‘Sl at the rate of 5ti, r,4, M'r annum payable semi an- nuullv on April t and Octet- City of Waterloo TAKE NOTICE that The Board of Trustees of the Ro- man Catholic Separate Schools for the City of Wat- erloo on the 30th day of March. 1967 passed By-law Number 21 to authorize the borrowing of money by the issue and sate of a Deben- ture of the said Board in the principal amount of t486,- 000.00, 1. The puipocs'e for which the money is to be borrowed is a floating indebtedness to pay the cost of the construc- tion of an .addition to St. David's Senior School con- sisting of 12 classrooms, iiir rary. industrial arts and lunchroom. 2 The amount to be bor- rowed is $486,000.00 on the security of the said Debon, ture. which shall be a charge upon the schoolhouse pro- perly and promises and any other real or personal pro- perty vested in the said Board and upon the separate school rates colloetihle hv the said Board. her I in each yvur of thc currency of the Dohouturo and Is to be repayable in In- stulmn-nls of principal on April I In the years 1968 to ISM? an follows. Donauons for the year includ- ed: "mier Fund $150., Brownies and Gin Guides $48.99, music for boy's chow $22.92, and $199.10 which was donated to various christian organizations. It was announced that total re- ceives for the year amounted to 31.6%.83. Phojeom bended two can! Mes ($293.95), a In“ to: ($186.29). quilting (550.), mm- wage sales ($34.55) and marathon card panties ($75.75). Womeu’s I-toe and Cont-nour- their um am] meeting mu» 1y. The Board of Trustees of The Roman Catholic Separate ourLadyadLnar6sOMholie 19, . 1984 33.000 20. . 1985 35.000. 2t , 1986 37,000. 23M. 1987 39.000 Joseph Kroetsch, Secretary of The Board 77 Allen St. E. Waterloo, Ont Schools For The BEBE] 28.000 29,000. 31.000 33.000 35,000, 37,000, 39.000