John B. Monix, 25 Trent Ave., Toronto; Canadian Itttpmial Bank of Commerce, 25 King St. W., Toronto, $2.790,00. Montreal. $2,569.25. Mary E. Cheese, 198 Jeanne Mame St., Montreal; Bank of Montreal. 288 St. James St. W., Montreal, $2,660.51. Sydney S. Penny and John Me.. Grogor (executors); 411-470 Oman» ville St., Vancouver; Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Granville and Dunsmuir bmnah, $2,722.09. Walter Giveos and/or Eva Giv- ens, Ste, FTavie, P9: Bad: af Montreal. 55 Jacqum Gautier Blvd, Mount Joli. P.Q., $2,832.10. Yhtg Wong, 203 Prince AMI: trt. W, Mootreal; The TWA The accounts with move than $2,500 in them were (name of perm to whom money is owing, last-known address, bank and branch. amount waiting to be chimed): John Krakana: 417 Space St., Timrmom. Dot.; Bank of Mom Although many were reported In cities and communities tund- reds of miles from Kitchener- Waterioo, it might pay to remem- ber that these people are no longer remembered in the centres Where they once banked. It's just possible that they have crossed your path at one time or â€ms greater man $2,500, are dc; btiled below. Many of the accounus involve thousands of donuts - inc-lud'ug In! of one KMIeoer man who left more than $6,000 in a Tatum account. The details ot this ac- The money and 300mm de- scribed below can still be clan-um- ed from the eharteexed bank branches also named below. Af- ter Dec. 31, 1967, the money can be claimed from the Bank of Canada, Ottawa. $946,528.09. When money has feminist! um claimed in any bank for nine years it must be reported to the Bank of Canada. And then, one year later if the murky is still not claimed. it mud be given to the Bank of Canada. banker. And this year the "problem" amounts to $83,144.21 more than last year. Last year the banks re- ported $863,383 in “Maximal balances." as the money is known in banking circles. This year the sum was a Miami]!!! Whatever the reason. it txNyadeet a headache for bankers. "Ws oomebhing that's always on the (my moves away, toriieeate person or his address itt lmowu to anyone at the bank where he haahismooer. In some cases the person will never be found, because he has given an alias when opening the aeeount--ortnisjodgugiuMhow Wis in the account. up by personal visits to wig:- bots and acquaintances - if the Bankers are, therefore, may thaeoug6 in their Meagan; More any money readies the M ad Canada. oamees,botthech-dban" tatsether'umttoioaatiiatrtthg FORGOTTEN FUNDS Atimtsttwonotiemarestmgto (Continued from Page I) 2,000 sq. ft. of Prime Retail Space. Long or Short Term Lease MMM'M.MI.W â€Inchin- PHONE 745-1168 FOR RENI merstoh Ave., Vancouver West: The Torxmtn-Dominion Bank. 2127- 4tst Ave. W., Vancowver, $4,766.- Arthur L. Higgirsoet, 549 East Broadway, Vancouver; The Royal Bank of Canada, Main St. and Eighth Ave., Vancouver, 34.38.78. John Murphy, address mrkmwn, Canadian Imperial Bank of Com- memo. Hastings and Granville Branch, Vancouver. $430836. Marion MacKay, 3338 The Ores, Vancouver: Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Granville & Dummuir Banach, vaocouver, $4,152.17. Dermoht Joseph Clowe, 2525 Church Ave., Brooklyn 26, N.Y.; Bank of Montreal. 238 Water St., St. John's NIU., $4,110.39. Josixoh alumnae (bier, 190 Ce- dar St., Sudbury, Ont.; Bank ot Montreal, 49 Durham St. E., Sud- bury, $4,091.46. John Misetidl, 111 Miler Ave., Toronto; Bank of Montreal, 1743 St. Chair Ave. W., Toronto, $3,- Peter McAllister, 767 Powell St., Vancouver, B.C.; The Royal Bank of Canada, Main and Hastings Branch, Vancouver, $4,027.23. ot Canada, Granville and Davie Bra-nob, Vancouver, $3,858.32. Pioardy Oil Co. Ltd, Lloyd- muster, Sask.; Canadian Imper- ial Bank of Commerce, Lloyd- muster, $3,514.52. John Reginald Sexsmith, 427 Lonsdale Ave., NoNh Vancouver, WC.; The Royal Bank of Canada, North Vancouver Brunch, $3,648.- Uduelet, B.C.; The Royal Bank ton, ont.; The Tam-Dominic} anch, Brarrtarrxi, $3,378.97. Annie Seoieh, 1201 Georgia St., Vancouver; Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Gratyvilie & Robson Branch, Vancouver, $3,- Tillie Walter, 2627 Server St., Montreal; The Toronto-Dominion Bank, Bleury and St. Catherine Branch, Montreal, $144927. 169.23, Maria Diaz de Palomino, e/o The Royal Bank of Canada. Hav- ana, Cuba; The Roma Bank at Canada, Head Ottice, Montreal, $3,i42.85. Henry Wishart Roadie. 715 Bob. son St., Vancouver; The Royal Bank of Canada. Granville and Ottawa, $3,071.75. Ind Richmond M, 82.8%.“. We and Jelrey Fowler, RR 2, Walker's Line, Bor1ietgtmt, Out. The 'Nextetto-Domistioo Bank, Yonge and Gen-uni Bunch, To- ronto, $2,999.86. FYeda Guinkel, 2406 McMub len Ave., Vancouver, B.C.; M of Montreal, 8% Ethiettms Ave W., Tomato, $3,012.08. John Leakervich, address I» known; The 'roexmto-Dominioet Bank, Dunlap St. and Owen St. W, Barrie, Ont, $3,024.67. Erica Wand. 'Ibompsou, 173 Oanling Ave., Ottawa; Bank of Momma, 144 Wellington St., m Nut, can. Merely Bertram Waddem, Branch, . Vance The Bank of Nova Scam, Wat- erloo: Paul Tans, Station Rd., Como, P.Q., $8100. The 'Dtyrooto-Domioitm Bait, King St. W. and Francis Branch, Kitrehmsor: Bahama F. Black. 98 Victoria St. S., $6.43; Joseph ' rum, Bridgeport. Ont. $6.57; Helen Higgins, 298 Queen St. S.. $4.59; Harry W. Hishon, 522 Lann- oaster sc, Bridgeport, $64.63; Harvey Jones, 307 Highland Rd. W., $3.51; Glenn La-mprmm, 103 $13.13. Bad: of Montreal, 3 King St. s., Waterloo: Joseph Ham mule, om, $17.11; “any George Sham; Frontier, Bask.; The TmNrnto-Domioioet B ank, Third and Sixth S.E.,.Medicirae Hat, Alberta, $8,938.49. Janco Ingjic. 1221 Po 11 St, Vancouver; The To Domin- ion Bank, 207 West . as St., Vancouver, $18,817.21. Here in Kitoh--watorioo the accounts reported to the Bank of Canada, which can be claimed at the local chartered banks, We (name, last~knowu addmss. amount in account): 0111mm. 431 Park St, $18.11; Minimal Peterson, 91 Painter St., $17.63; Hamid “ladder, 39360 noâ€: Station, Winnipeg. $5.5. The Bank of Nova Scotia, Kri- chener: Coronet Motors Ind, 4660 Riverside Dr., Windsor, $10.53; MacAuley and May Molding)- Lin, 200 University Ave., Toronto; Canadian Imperial Bank of Com- W., Kitchener: Gary Allan Duran, 122 Weber St. W., $26.29; William $9.19; 1m. Linden, 51 masts-d Mary Wu. Win. Man: The Royal Bank at Canada, Queen and Rooeesval1es Branch. W, “Minx. aareoee Ireland, 370 Ross Ave., Winnipeg; The Royal Bank ot Canada, Sangent and Show Mach, Winnipeg. $6,678.03. $7,711.85. $369.28. Fred Jack White, Secret Cove, B.C.; Bank of Manama}, 2 Haat. ings St. W., Vancouver, $5,847.39. PM Mie6kodf, Address m- hwwu; The Royal Bank ot Cana- da, Prince Rupert, B.C., $5,884.92. Clarence Iceland, unless my Wu, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Princess and Wit- liam Branch, Winnipeg, $6,219.15. Joseph Elmer, 350 Highland Rd. E., Kitchener, OOC; Bank“ Moo- 685.49 We Langevia, Med-ore Rd., St. Anieet, P.Q.; Candi-an Imperial Bank of Commerce. am Baak of Canada, “Iii all! Hat. has Branch, Vancouver, $5,406.- but; The Roy-l u (1,“. Iain Brandi, Ml, $4,040.49. St. Andrews Memorial Anglican Church Sponsored By Ladies Auxiliary and learn how to do it roumelf with a book from 38 King St. s., Waterloo opp. Waterloo Square Also featuring Touch Notes and Grade XIII exams Take Highland Rd. Bus RUMMAGE SA1E Friday, April 28 TIM! BOOK HOOK 745-2941 SPRING IS HERE so BO - IT - NOW and Margaret Paxton, 55 (Pitcher M., $7.34; Kurt W. Picket, MT Kim St. E., $3.88; Elmer & Evo- llyn My, " 0mm St., $386.14; Erwin Seidd, 55 Weber St. E., $9.78; Dr. Iihiaaheth Shelzner, 156 Bedfotd Rd., $40.47; Erika Mel, wr Palmer Ave., $3.68; Wale: Taylor, 46 Broadway Ave., $23.84. Three unclaimed balances with no known name or address. mm Canadian Imperial Bank of Commence, Waterloo: Yves Beats- doin. 25 Spring Sh, 31209. Helen My. 68 Franklin St., $12.12; Kingsley Hicks, " ths tario St. N., $10.16; Jami) Jeuk, TT Lancaster St. W., $11.19; Fm cos L. Menu-ins, RM, Paten- tiurg, Ont, $6.68; Pratt (Munich, Ahbema Weber, RR 2 Bmslau, that., $4.57. , Canadian Imperial Bank at Commerce, King and Queen Branch, Kitchener: Jim Becker, “(ammo Square Bum: waned gamma, 55 Glasgow St., $10.35; Ola-pd St., $13.83; 01m Morgen. 4 Maeviile Ave., Brid-et, $7.70; Heieu NW, YWCA. 84 The TomottrDominimt Bud, King M.E.& Frederick Bunch, - St., an; m... In“. a W Av... B., $18.00; the“ A. m, 113 Union an. mm; M- m, Guard Deivuy, MARY E. McCARTHY 90 miles from Kitchener, 3 bedrooms. furnished. all CON- veniences. oil heater. Avail, able to July 1 and a6trtw August l2. Pot mono blot-nation all: our: AUTOMOBILE and ACCI D E N ' INSURANCE could hob you meet the cost Lake Huron with sun deck; cam-l on rain, days. AvHtshow-soaomakethe If your oar skidded would your finances take a skid too? Accidents an: expensive! .. .danme or injury to others for which you might be held responsible Waterloo -- Phone 742-9624 APRILSHOWERS... damage to your own car midterm injury to you or your 'amily in your own or someone else's Summer Cottage Kincardine Phone 742-5662 FORRENT trouble! MW.3,W Wbmhkear’s-eu At be! to the under†below. “Next time. I'll use 'em." and the employee at Dual Specialties ud. - makem at our seat belts. TWS. lawn mowers, 16 " West Bend outboard with tank only used 100 hrs., box hrailexs. tables, guitars, ac- cordians. cams, otxyieot- ors. coins, jwmtharse. peg pool tables. vanities, ext ladder. Hot Point GE. cloth, es dryer, 2 army hell type tents $35.00 each. 2 hydra- ulic jacks, ram pump, elec- tric heaters. drapes, portable tyqytewriter, $300.00 electric adding machine, $175.00. electric duplicator. hydro plane boat, 2-14 ft. boats, both. have 25 h.p. motors. watches. lamps, silver, fimr- place scam and tools, jig saw, pet sander, sabm saw, mangle ironer and l00's of other useful items too num- erous to mention. We “so carry billiard supplies and have a tube tester for your convenience. We "ttdo, estimathg at NEW and USED ARTICLES FOR SALE 1960 Scooter $85,00, 2 dumm sets. Gibson amplifier, ratb ios, walkie-talkies, guns. tools. comet desk, filing cabinets, cash registers, ap- pliacwes. beds, stoves, frid- ges, 50 aluminum boats, good supply of new Beatty boat trailers. models 610 & 611 - $115.00 to $130.00 each. Hutu"), WW“ - - "vv antiques. gott clubs. bikes. "its, large picture frames, old clocks, silverware, guns, brass, baby cribs, or "V- thing else you no longer Now He'll Use It of! my lot. SUPPLIES 358 King 742-81 1 I amplifiers. sreaurers, Port- able sewing machines, can- eras, [Drows- tailors, clung cabinets. round airing mm tables, canning ml fishing Equipment. odd pieces " furniture. wheel burrows. - mowers. Ms, Power tools, small 'rcs, record players, PW“ Brtb. was, small fridges. washing machines, dryers, fans. " conditioners, t y . e W ritma, ARTICLES WANTED Articles needed NOW. We re- sell articles you no lounge: need for a small fee. Right now we can stil honing, Itt: - Sat. Tit T pm. . Across from Towers Plan degeport BIL. Waterloo PHONE 742-3881 WANQMLTQ 10m pm. _ (All WAmtlll,00 BEFORE YOU BUY GIVE US A TRY. l FOR HOME IMPROVEMENT JOHN'S RESALE CENTRE iGiG', cm - - metiesy