presented by the International Students Association to the University of Wat- erloo. The money will go to the Building Fund. Making the presentation were Miss Coral Rogers, of Toronto, a third-year honours Arts students and Presi- dent of ISA, and Treasurer G. I. Villarreal, of Monterray, Mexico, a post- graduate Civil Engineering student. International Students Association was formed for the purpose of fostering international co-operation and understand- ing, to promote cultural and social activities of various countries and to help foreign students bec )me acquainted with the Canadian way of life. The group, started in 1964 with a membership of 40, has grown to 150. In accepting the gift Dr. J. G. Hagey, University President, said he was particularly impressed with the fine spirit of "involvement" which ISA has demonstrated both with- in the University and in the community-at-large and that future students from all parts of the world will benefit from the gift. UseThe Chronicle Classified Section INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS PRESENT CHEQUE - A $200 cheque was SEND nouAnons ANY BRANCH WATERLOO TRUST AND SAVINGS Bank of Nova Scotia EASTER SEALS WHY ? Hogg Fuel and Supply Co. THANKS m THESE FRIENDS OF CRIPPLEO CHILDREN Pirie's Pharmacy 220 King St Waterloo More progress in the can- "nd lrcnhm‘nt of the (‘nnplpd child 'has hum made m the past 25 yvm's than during the whole previous historv of mankind. 16,000 boys and girls need help from the EASTER SEAL FUND 1967 for camps -- clinics - special nur- sing care. $M00,000 NEEDED 1 pair of braces for a boy or girl's legs cost almost $300.00 - many times a child needs 3 or 4 sets before recovery is complete. To help our crippled children - in treatment - rehabilitation - treatment is costly. This prowess has brcn possihtc because people have been made aware of the YH‘OKIS of tnpplvd cltlldrvn and haw been given an up- pnrtlmliy to help by contrxhulmg to the Easter Sax! campaign, I Until it few Vycms nun, for inwlanoo. “urban palsy was a discus," uhrnmlml in m.vstcry. It 15’ now known that It Is not runtngious and Is not lu-Hulnlm'y. It IS brain damagp than 1Vltt hnppt-n to :rnyuno. Modual mm say" that "pprtxinuutcly ont' chrld In ovuy 568 live births Will be striciom with cvrohrnl palxy. Choice quality heifers sold to 25.75; Good 24.00-25.00; Medium 22.25-N.75; Common down to 19.00. ‘ 'Heifer type cows reached 23.50 a out; Good cows sold to 22.75; Medium 2050-2115; Common down to 19.00. Butcher and bolog- Choice veal reached 45.50 a cum; Medium to good 38.00-40.00; Common grades down to 33.00. Receipts of cattle were heavy with the increase mostly in com- mercial butcher cattle. Top qual- ity cattle were scarce and were under pressure. Medium cattle remained steady. A heavy run of veal calves sold steady. Replace- ment cattle were in good demand. Dairy cows and heifers were un- der pressure, particularly those lacking quality. A heavy run of pigs sold steady. Total receipts 2160, consisting of 1249 slaughter type, 571 replacements, 230 dairy cattle and no calves. Slaughter eattle: Choice quality heifers sold to 27.50 a cwt.; Good 26.00-27.00; Medium 24.00-25.75; Common down to 22.06. na bulls to 24.75; Commons (Iowan to 19.00. Canners and cutters 17.00-18.50. Good stacker steers sold to 27.00; Medium 24.50-26.00. Stock ROTARY cum project: YOUR HELP IS NEEDED 'fo" PLEASE WE SUPPLY “WHOLESALE SANDWICHES" This Is A Joint Kitchener-Waterloo Kitchener Stock Yards KiTtNEtlER-WATEtti00 SHARE HOTELS . . . MOTELS . . . CLUBS . . . INSTITUTIONS Phone 745-0843 For Price list COLD OR HOT "NRA-OVENS) T0 NICK'S (ANIEEN $35,000 WHOLESALE DIVISION Meyer Industrial Dist. ltd. Horses: 40 offered. Farm her} es 130.00-180.00; Meat horse. 60_00-t25,00; Ponies 25.00-60.00. Hogs: 2027 hogs and " sown with a price range 30.45-30.85 . wt. for grade A been a: a dress- ed weight basis. Light Iowa 3.75; heavies 21075. There were also 1967 young pigs sold by auction with the market steady. Good pigs " weeks old 16.504810; trio week old pigs 18.25-22.10; Chunks 22.25-24n0; Feeder hog. tM.25-35.2tV, sows in pig 84000- 142.00; boars 45.00-79.00. calvu sold to srTs." Dairy rattle: Milk can 12:500- Appliance Repair With Good Clientel and Stock. (No Building) THRIVING BUSINESS Owner Forced To Sell For Health Reasons Only Call "3-06" after 6 lull. Springer coma 50.00. FOR SALE