"Two" Finalists From Waterloo . K-W Centennial Queen Contest James S. Bauer. in a recent address to tho Fergus Rotary Club, again recommended that a thorough study of alternate ways of providing water supplies he made hefore any final decision is made Waterloo has again proven that this community has more beauti- ful girls than does most others. In the Centennial Queen contest preliminaries "two" Waterloo lovelies were chosen as finalists. The third very attractive miss came from Kitchener. The two Waterloo hopefuls are: Stephanie Flynn, 18, of 88 Wil- liam Street: Stephanie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Hil- liard Flynn. She is a grade 13 student at Waterloo Collegiate In.. stitute and does part-time work as a fashion co-ordinator at Simpson-Sears. and has also spent time teaching crippled children the art of swimming. Miss Flynn hopes to attend Stratford Teach- ers' College and eventually teach in public school. Phyllis Ross, 18, of 149 Elem Crescent. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross. Phyllis is a recep- tionist and part-time model whose hobbies are modelling, skiing, tennis and sailing. Her ambition is to further her modelling ear- eer and also to become a Cosmo, Baugr _Urges Water tiat/jiiiiiiii Slash $2,334,700 From Capital Works Budget VOL. I" Carl Eichholz, (left) who designed and constructed the beautiful crown that will grace the head of the Centennial Queen, presented the crown to Bob Gingrich, chairman of the JC sponsored contest, Monday. The crown has 12 aluminum points representing the provinces and the Northwest Territories, and is set in a circle representing the unity of Confederation, also includes their coat of arms. Around the lower rim is a string of 100 pearls, one for each year of Confederation. It is trimmed with "Blue Irish" Canadian Mink. One of the forefront points has a gold nugget that weighs approximately Me ounce and represents Canadian progress over the past 100 years - the other has the Centennial symbol upon it. Centre front, is the Canadian coat of arms. The Centennial Queen will keep this Crown as a lasting and lovely momenta of a crowning achievement. Waterloo - St. "cob. -- St. Cleménts - Bridgeport - St. Agatha - Heidelber. - r...._-.,.-._ Park. with the ultimate rospon~ silnilny, will satisfy themselves and the public, of the most coo. tContinued on Page 12) Some people. he said, think a pipeline from Georgian Bay would be better. others think that our underground water supplies are far from fully exploited. All these alternatives involve mil. lions of dollars of the taxpayers and water users money, and I am sure that those at Queens "ML 'ag -. - (Lake Erie has l as the "worst man in the world"). Kitchener-Waterloo area), people are aghast at the possibility of receiving their drinking water from a lake whose pollution has boon described in such awful terms .. and Arthur Sandrock, past citi- zens of the year. and Mary Bas- tedo, considered by the K-W High School Board as the outstanding student currently in our second. Some time back the councils of Waterloo and Kitchener ap- pointed Alderman Russ Ledger (Waterloo) and Alderman Robert Wagner (Kitchener) to form a joint committee to choose and recommend a meaningful local name for the Expressway. To the two members mention- ed. was added three citizen ap- pointees - Col. Hugh Heasley and Arthur Sandrock, past citi- zens of the year. and Mary Bas- tedo, considered by the K-W "irrh ary schools. Sue Ann Rueffer, 19, of 234 Ottawa St. N., Kitchener, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rueffor. Sue is a first year stu- dent at the University of Water, loo and her hobbies are skiing, dancing and tennis. She is also tologist Choose Name For Expressway esigned and constructed the beautiful crown that Centennial Queen, presented the crown to Bob Csponsored contest,_M(_mday. The crown has 12 has been described made cesspool WATERLOO. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 3967 "llill-iti"q'er'i'alllll-llmlllIlillllll, b Local improvements will be de- icted the beautiful crown that .53:de 3350900 for a 10 year presented the crown to Bob Trunk sewers $85,000 for a 20, J, Monday. The crown has 12 year term, and\_water works ad the Northwest Territories, 3145000 tNI a 20 Tear term, and Confederation, also includes 'lt PUC electric department 1 string of 100 pearls, one for $3er “in? I'1"si, ete . _ "Blue Irish" Canadian Mink. the sum 'll $200000 (itritf,'Ite". that weighs approximately Me bentured, on a k' year term, for the past 100 years - the other the construction of the Moses It, is the Canadian coat of arms. Springer Park swimming pool. a lasting and lovely memento of $250,000 to be debentured over 'l'ht‘ name pays tribute to our joint heritage as a symbol of courage. determination and im dustry of our founding pioneers, also a: a continuing reminder to our ritiznns. and our visitors. of the quaiitivs of our people from which our Twin Cities have de, vclopod and prospered both parties. . "Conestoga Parkway" unimnusly agreed upon only name that met al quiroments to satisfy tri munitios. -- and that the name should be adopted immediately. rather than upon completion of the express- way. With this in mind, the commit, tee considered 12 publicly sub- mitted names - MacKenzie King, John Patrick. Eby-Erb, Dan Det. weiller, Frederick Banting. thm, tennial, Pioneer, Grand Valley. Golden Triangle, Kingsway and Conestoga. Some were discarded as being exclusive to one com- munity, more of a regional term benefitting other communities in the area. too cumbersome for easy USO or not accenlnhln In "I'he committee initially agreed that a historically significant name should be chosen _ that the name should be equally ac- ceplablq to both communities - that it should have local rather than regional or area significance The five members gave a sound cross section of opinion between Kitchener and Waterloo. and also the younger and older genera. lions a degree in sociology and do some form of social work, pre- ferrably with children. The contest attracted a large (Continued on Page 7) a member of the Board of Publi.. cations at the university. Miss Ruetter's ambition is to obtain 'arKWay" was an. eed upon as the It met all the re- satisfy both com. we to one com. _ a regional term . communitim in cumbersome for it acceptable to ,. Agatha - Heidelberg - Conesto;o Four Hl-Y Clubs are now oper- ating in Waterloo and at least one more is being planned. Hi-Y is a teenage service club for high- school boys. One of the clubs. the Fidchs Hi-Y Club has just an- nounced a donation of $500 m the Irrst - to the Building Fund for the Waterloo YMCA. Planning Is nois, being carrind out by the YMCA Extension Com, The boys' gym and crafts pro- gram is now operating on Salur. day mornings in Northdalo Schml on Hickory Street and a Jr. Hi-Y Club for Sr. Public School boys has just boon organizcd. Plans are now underway to broaden and increase the Young Men's Christian Association pro- gram in Waterloo, in anticipation of the YMCA building on Lincoln Road scheduled for completion in 1969. Until then, the "Y" will use rented facilities for its varied aetivities. building on' Lincoln Road' fair-677:7 (f.' 00369" (general soct'y. K-W YMCA), w. H. Kaufman (chairman Waterloo YMCA building committee) and W. A. Baechler (Waterloo YMCA financial campaign dir- ector). The financial campaign will begin Septem- ber 20, 1968. Waterlo “Y" Program E pansion Underway For secohdary schools, $456,000 will be debentured on a " year term. Amounts and placement of al- lotments will be: Public Schools, $725,000 for the construction of Amos Avenue School and a four- room addition to Harold Wagner school. This amount could be cut by 3125.000 if the additions are held off till September and then included in the 1968 budget. The amount debentured will be for a 20-year period. The Amount that will actually be debentured, on approval from the Ontario Municipal Board, will be $3,076,000, which, if the Water- loo Public School isoardairiiG, will be cut by an additional $125,- Council, Monday night, approv- ed an almost one third cut in the capital works budget for 1967. It Was chopped down from $6,870,- TOO to $4,536,000. Discussing plans for Ihe proposed Waterloo YMCA YMCA Extension Secretary. James Dolmage, has announced that he and the Extension Com.. mittee are seeking the advice of. and suggestions from, interested Waterloo citizens on the program expansion plans They would he most appreciative of any com.. ments area residents wish to make. "As a membership orgaruu zation." Mr. Dolmage said. "we will require the aetive support of many Waterloo Citizens to expand and develop Waterloo YMCA pro. gram." mittee. under chairman Campbell Krueger, to develop new pro- grams for Waterloo residents. Among the ideas being considers ed are: Adult Informal Education courses. noon hour fitness classes for Waterloo business men and an expanded boys' physical edu- cation program. It is hoped that these new programs will begin no later than September of this year. The full amount of Waterloo's share of the expressway is $1e (Continued on page 10) bud 1 For joint enterprises (Kitchener- Waterloo) $50,000 will be deben- turpd over a 15 year period and the sum of $500,000. over 20 years, for the expressway. DROP CONSERVATION: 20 years has been a-Hoted for in dustriai land acquisition. This was cut from $700,000 because this is a heavy debenture year. but the city was already commit- ted to the purchase of one farm. SUBSCRIPTION a.†TEAtt