l-A writing competition in which the associations are invit- ed to participate in and promote, the Centennial Competition spon- sored by the Kitchener Public Library. This is an opportunity to know and preserve histories of schools, prominent teachers, interesting educational programs. It is noted that authentic histori- eat information on specific areas of Waterloo County is constantly in demand. tWi. Honors Director 0n Jubilee Rev. C. J. Weiss was honored by the St. Louis C.W.L. and C.M.S. at the regular monthly meeting. Father Weiss celebrat- ed his Jubilee in June but was unable to celebrate because of illness. Miss Antoinette Baur, first president of the St. Louis C.W.L. in 1924, presented Father Weiss with a table, trilight, clothing gift certificate and purse of money collected from the members for this special event. On hand tor the celebrations were Father Feeney, pastor of St. Francis of Assissi. Kitchener who also celebrated his Jubilee an the same day as 'Father Weiss, and Father Ruth, St. Louis parish, longtime friend and associate of Father Weiss. Children from St. Agnes St. Da, vid and St. Louis presented Fa- ther with cards of good wishes. his is the theme od the Con- hnnial project adopted by the Kitchener - Waterloo Council at Home and School Associations. Its Centennial committee and The Kitchener Public Library are working together on this pro- tect, which in; two planes: 2--Coliection of archival ma- terial; here parents and teach- ers are invited to promote the collection of valuable books, ar- Next meeting will be Nov. 2 which will be a toy and canned goods shower for the Catholic Social Services Christmas Hamp- ers. The Autumn Leaves Dessert Card Party, convened by Mrs. T. Kuntz will be held Oct. 19 in St. Louis Hall. The Regional meeting of the C.W.L. will be held Oct. 16 in St. Boniface, Maryhill. Ont. All members arc welcome. The new C.W.L. Leadership course is now available at St. Louis Council. Mrs. William Bird. Convenor of the course urges all members to avail them- selves of this course"whielt evolves into a public-speaking self-confidence for each attend- ing. The new fall pack of On- tario-grown canned fruit is now available in your fav- ourite grocery store. Be sure the canned fruit you buy is grown. canned and inspect- ed in Canada __ Your Pua- rantee of good taste. Write for the colourful "Horn of Plenty" recipe folder featuring new and exciting ways to serve can- ned fruit. Also a 16 mm. sound and colour film fea- turing the growing. harvest, ing. packing and serving of canned fruit is available at no cost for your next wo- men's meeting. An adequate quantity of the recipe fold- ers and colourful place mats are also available. For further information call or write Century Of Education In Waterloo County CANNED FRUIT FOR DESSERT Terminal, Toronto 18. 2ti1-13TL R, Ford Ralph, Ontario Tender Fun. Institute, 231 Ontaio Food While the organizational pat- tern remains unchanged, one as- peet.ot leadership training will be affected by the district vice- presidents taking on three or four assistance each. This is to enable much greater attention being given to the association while building up a reserve of experienced executives. He announced that affiliated organizations are as yet only partially developed, but that they are well integrated with the Kit- chener Public Library Board, department of extension at the University of Waterloo, and in due time expect a similar re- lationship with the Board of Trade, the Jaycees, the Labour Union HQ, and the Waterloo County Planning Board. He noted that while this mar take time in developing, they have received strong encourage- ment. ticlea, aequpers, family let- ters, diaries, institutional records etc., which may be found in " ties or packed away in boxes. In. Grace Schmidt, reference librarian, will examine material coming into the library to de- termine its historical value, be- fore placing among the sacred manuscripts in the archives, to be seen and preserved for the centuries ahead. '06.BT Emphasis: Donald Menu, president for this season, reports that empha- sis for INS-’67 must be on the development of leadership poten. tial and the enhancement at the public image of Home and School in this area. In order to create a large puts lic image they have an extens- ive public relations program un- derway. with a working team of one public school superintendent and the program director for the local TV station. They are plan- ning four live television broad. Pick yours up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY at your neighbourhood chartered bank branch! Open and build a Family Expo 67 Tour Account. Be sure your family sees Expo trt-April 28 to Oct. 27 at Montreal. Agreement has been reached between the Minister, of Agri. culture for Canada, Ontario and Quebec with respect to the fed- eral and provincial price sup- port and subaidization programs for manufacturing milk. For the remainder of the current dairy support year, Ontario will insti- tute a provincial subsidy on the basis of .2Se per hundred pounds for manufacturing milk. Quebec will continue its present subsidy policy. The ministers agreed that the Canadian Dairy Commission should assume complete re- aponsibility for support and sub- sidization of manufacturing milk at the beginning of the next dairy year on April 1, 1967. The support program to be establish- Ontario milk producers will re- eeive 84.33 a hundredweight for maruttaeturing milk, retroactive to October 1, Hon. Wm. A. Stew- art, Minister of Agriculture and Food, announced recently. The 1966-'67 executive are: President, Donald MacRae (Kim. Executive vice-president, Mrs. Lester Koch (New Ham- burg); Vice president district-- I-Ronald Melitzer (West Mon- trose), 2--Mrs. H. R. Sanders (Waterloo), 3-Mrs. Albert Chambers (RR 2 Ptersburg), 4-- Albert Amies (Kit.). s-Mrs. Herbert Schneider (RR 1 Pres, ton), 6 - Robert Shackleton (Kit.): Recording secretary Mrs. Wm. Dunn (Kit.); Corresponding sect'y. Mrs. Howard Bearinger (RR 2 Petersburg): and treas- urer, Mrs. A. E. Mona (Water- loo). ' casts of actual classroom lessons which will be video taped for broadcasting at times when the fathers are home. Also, a series of three special public programs, intended to pre- sent to the public, topies of par- ticular interest to education. Executive: Manufacturing Milk Prices Increase. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOU AND YOUR COMMUNITY our. r-r-AOA-o...-.-- 'tt,Jrt.teetttPtteWe..u, Jre, Jhib, 12v�! The Minister: recognize that the Canadian Dairy Commission. in implementing the prognm for the tttrtheoming year, might need to utilize price eligibility quotas should the supply - do. mend situation so require. " " a." time will include an increase in price at " but ASe per tnusdredweight, hula 3.5% milk. " was agreed that the provinces at Ontario and Quebec would withdraw which“ u d larch M, 181, and that It wa- eaaential that provincial meets. anisms be in effect that would - that the 1terteffta d the program accrue to the producers. In making the announcement Mr. Stewart said that the On- tario government will pay, el- feetive October 1, 1966, to March 31, 1987, the following subsidies to producers: (1)25c per cwt. (71k per pound butterfat) on all industrial or manufacturing milk. basis 3.5% butterfat. delivered to the plant; (2)254: per cwt. (T.14e per pound butterfat) on all secondary and excess fluid milk, basis 3.5% butterfat, delivered to the plant; (3)10c lb. butterfat for all cream grading Special and/or No. 1. The price for manufacturing milk. basis 3.5% butterfat, de. livered to plants in Ontario. re- troactive to October l, 1966, will _ weed-y» E 2lill,glllll'lLi,ii,itiii'iii'ii), Kitchener Ontario a Duke Ste. WATERLOO SQUARE be $4.38, made up u (allows: Present price V 8.25 not at Incl-cue Sept. " .0 per at. Fedenl subsidy _ .15 per cut. Ontario subsidy (r.. .3 per an. he Ontario government sub tidy will be paid by the Covet-Ir meat at Ontario directly to the mum throogh the cooper:- tion at processing plum. " Lodge WI TH! WATEILOO CHRONICLE CLMSIFIID FOR FAST RESULT“ WATERlOO GlASS 744-1421 Waterloo