The annual Valhalla banquet anddaateewiilbettetdttsiarri. day night. Arnngemcnu for the dance are under Sue Ufrelman and the events committee. Mayor Dave Bailey will be the general chairman for the ban- quet and eo-chairmen will be deputy-mayor Ken Hutchison and athletic director Ryan Yoshy. There will be displays of danc- ing by several clubs in the school and the guest speaker will be Dr. F. G. Stewart. The band for the dance will be Fred Boegii and the music smooth. Mr. R, Chitton Dimsey are only teachers who will A NEW FiiAT0llltE-r0lt YOU Young Waterloo On The Move Place A Swap - Barter or Exchange Ad. In The Waterloo Chronicle At 3c Per Word Minimum 60c Get Rid Of Those Want Nots. For Something You Can Use. l9 KING " Choose A Special Gift for Mother at the HELEN ANNE SHOP SWAP FREE an WRAPPING ran MEN SHOPPERS HELEN ANNE SHOP v KING " wmmoo AD. DEADLINE MONDAYS s P.M BARTER EXCHANGE -- NOT FOR SALE -- and Mr. 1. some of the be participat- MAY WE SUGGEST A BlOUSE - GlOVES - HANDBAGS - SPORTSWEAR - SWEATERS - llNGERIE 0R HOSIERY " HANES AND DUCHESS IN A GIFT BOX. DUSTERS IN COTTON, TERRY " NYLON OR BLENDS IN SIZES S.M.L. SOME WITH MATCHING GOWNS AND BABY DOLLS , . ttrl, “ ï¬lwï¬ irg. In the athletic part ot the ban- quet. awards will be given to inter-house, inter-torn and CW- OSSA winners. This is the "Big- tteat" new event of the year. The price tor the banquet in $1.15 per person, so many at you should plan to attend. Applications were taken last week from students (lo-11) wish- ing to attend the UN on the UN Youth Pilgrimage in June and July. The Saga is in need of, an edi- tor for next year and anyone interested may sign a list in the Activity office before May 4. 'Leighton Ford will be speak- ing at the assemblies this week. At the same assemblies, speech- es from the candidates for girls $6.98 UP Congratulations to the cut and everyone who helped make it possible. and boys athletic commissioner will be heard. "Pure u the Driven Snowâ€. the major play w" an outstand- ing success. This production was limo" completely student run. The deadline for a student photo contest was extended for one week. The car wash held by 12A net- ted them $30. WCI has given I good contribution to Federated Charities this year. Today Was the annual Cadet Inspection. The boys were well rehearsed and deserve congratu- lations. Last Wed. and Thurs. the school council met for their an- nual meeting. The annual re- ports were given by treasurer Liz Ramsay, clerk Pat Me. Laughlin, and the controllers. Marg Rankin and the new may- or Ted Hougham will be travel- ling with the inter-provincial tour this year. The committee that was looking into our form of school government also gave its report. The new Mayor Deputy-Mayor and Controllers have now taken office. MEISSNER TRAVEL AGENCY If You Are Planning A Trip To Europe 331 King W., Kitchener 134 Kine s., Waterloo SH 5-5621 745-6281 WNW-Mme? '.') â€2;. Ty, the Juana-e, serving to. in an art. Rooted in the prinel pt. " of Zen o sect of Buddhiun), the Cha-no-ru, or ten ceremony, is founded on the adoration and preservation of all that is beauti- NI in daily life. Guests are entertained. usually In at a time, with I delicate brew at powdered tea leaf whipped in hot water. The established rule. of etiquette - rules which the Japanese take many years to learn and perfect - are strictly observed. A dark chocolate, moist cake made with brown sugar. Quick Chocolate Loaf is doubly en- hanced by the addition of chop. ped chewy walnuts and marach- The Western world has no such elaborate or symbolic ritual connected with serving of tea, although there is no reason why a tea party in Quebec or Alberta should not be every bit as graci- ous and dignified as a chemo-ya in Hokkaido. A delicate lace or linen table cloth, highly polished silver, the finest bone china, pretty nap- kins. a bowl of spring flowers - these are the embellishments of an occidental tea table. Add piping hot, freshly brewed tea, and, of course, a selection of bite-sized sandwiches and delici- ous cakes. A delightful centrepiece for your tea table would be Quick Chocolate Loaf. ki,iahstr,,,i'iii'iii,'ii,"iiii'" [1% SH - 54766 SH 3-4871 ' teupoons hung - 16 cup milk INK cups brown m % cup peanut oil 2 quakes semi-owed ehoeo1ate, melted _ l Vs cup chopped walnut; Ya _ cup chopped mariachi!†cherries. Preheat oven to 350 deg, P. (moderate). Grease a 0 x Finch loaf pan. Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a mixing bowl. Add the egg, milk and brown sugar: mix well, Add peanut oil _and melted chocolate; stir until blended. Add cherries and nuts. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake m a preheated oven for 1 hour or until done. " 5.8934 1 Bridgeport Rd. QUICK CWMTI LOAF Power Tools Garden Tillers Compressors & Spray Painting Equipment DEERE Yield - t but l once-lined Ill-purpoc. DOBBINS