. ART PALECZNY MAYOR ELECT BY A 1Alllta MAJORITY -- ' " "T7 â€K " C 'ft""",' .", pirT ""r"""r7 "7" lt _ - . ". " " ““va '. wr- """r"ren.'r'trP'r'rrTr1',lr'C""'8g8RERe'rr, n A . ' b'.'" . - " ' t f _ ' , " nb"' ." Fi- "tr I... ,' .1 T s ' ' _ Mi _ w. A V . b,. _ _ . . " .. " ’ ', _ . ' . ' . ' . _, t F . ' I . I t lit ' II l _ ',!!llele!Slll _ .. . r' " It] A - a - ‘A - J an. . I m ("tireater Waterloo Bart The sale: presentation will be conducted by Norvin Allen, vice- president of Canadian Media Services, of London, Ontario, Ind has been highly recommend- ed to The Waterloo Chronicle by many other publishers, mereh- ants and Chamber of Commerce manages-e. Other communitiea in Those closest, all present in- cumbents were: Ald. Wagner, second with 3,922; Ald. Roy Bau- man with 3,921 and Ald. Vincent Alviano with 3,838. All four poll- Alderman Harold' Paikin, with 4,376 ballots in his favour, top- ped all other aldermaaie candi- dates for the next two year term. l The Sales Ciinic is being spon- sorwl by The Waterloo Chronicle as the opening gun to a town- wide retail trade promotion. This promotion will run for eight weeks and is a new approach to improving the image of Wa- terloo as a friendly, progressive Community, with emphasis on its shopping facilities. "A Dynamic Evening in Hu- man Relations and Selling Your Customer" will be held at a dinner meeting, 7:00 p.m., De- cember 14 at The Grand River Golf and Country Club, for Wa- terloo merchants and their sales personnel. Waterloo Chronicle Sponsors Paikin Tops Aidermanic Candidates "I Arthur Paleczny, Mayor Elect o n t a r i o, Sarnia, Burlington, Walkerton, Wingham and Fort Frances, report that Allen gives Included in the four new faces, was William Henderson who is the only alderman elect to have previous experience in city coun~ cil. He held office previously in the early 30's. In order of stand.. ing the new aldermen elect are: (Continued on page 2) ed more than the mayor elect who registered 3,829. nonvm ALLEN WATIILQD. ONTARIO, WIMSDAY. DICIMIIR O. "65 Serving The City ty Mahdi» Sim 1855 _ q Allen, formerly I Speech In- structor at The University at Oklahoma, and Head of The School of Brotdeatsting at the University of Wichita. is vie.- (Continued on page 10) Businesses accepting the ind. tation will be identified by a two. colour poster in their windows, reading "Shop Here for Greater Waterloo Days, All Merchandise Guaranteed as Advertised." Participating merchants and their sales personnel will be guests of The Waterloo Chron- icle at the sales clinic. An effort is being made to contact all Wa- terloo business firms, Manager Jerry White said today, but if any company has been missed the manager is urged to contact The W.aterloo Chronicle immed- intely. a most informative and compre- hensive program of down-to- earth problems in both salesman. ship and human relations. A Waterloo firm, Union Card bide, is a part of one of six companies who h a ve Joined forces, " I non-profit consortium composed of six of Canada’s ma- jor ehemieat companies, to erect a joint pavilion at Expo W. The pavilion will cost atiprootimate1r Much earlier in the evening, when the first 31 returns Show ed that Ald. Pateezny had a 760 vote lead over Buddell, the May- or elect predicted that the trend then established would continue. local Firm And University Have A Share In Building 53/4 Million EX P0 67 Pavilion At approximately 9:00 p.m., AM. Buddell noting the com- manding lead that Ald. Paleczny had taken, conceded. Obviously uddened by the results, he nee- ertheless was first to offer his congratulations to Ald. Paleczny laying, "he will make a good mayor, I un lure the office of mnyor is in good hands." its people at Waterloo have - a successor to Mayor Bauer, and they gave him, Ar- thur Paleczny, Waterloo Mayor elect. a very clear mandate to carry on his proposed platform. by almost double the votes cap- tured by his unrest rival, Ald. Round Buddell. Harold Paikin Chief Basse, 33, is a 12 year veteran on the Waterloo force, starting at the minimum age of 21 in 1953. He was born in Sas. katchewan, coming to this area in 1951. In 1964 he was appoint- ed corporal, promoted to serg- eant in February of 1965 and Inspector on November " of this Former Inspector Harold Basse has been appointed chief Con- stable, replacing Chief Lloyd Otto who died November 27. three-quarters of I million dol- hrs. The announcement was made recently by representatives of the six companies involved, as well as members of the design team who will create the pavil- Ion, and Robert F. Shaw, dep- trty-eornrnissioner-general of Ex- The voting at approximately 41 percent, was light considering the large elate.of candidates for public office. In one of the frist polls to report in, with 212 per- sons eligable only 36 bothered to register their choices. The final unotficial ally gave him a whopping 1857 vote lead. Out of 6,664 ballots cast in the mayoraljty race, Paleczny re- ceived 3,827; Buddell, 1,972 Jud Diem, 883. After six continuous years " I member of council, Arthur Paleczny has gained consider- able experience. He was first elected an alderman in 1959 at age 30, and has served on " most all committees. For the "The result: exceed my expec- tations" he said, "and I m grab Med by the confidence of the electorate. " The six companies are, Union - Basse Appo'mted Police Chief Chief Constable Harold Bl... The new chief constable ex- pressed appreciation for the ex- cellent co-operation he has re- ceived from the men of his de- partment and also the many pri- vate citizens who have also aid. ed during the transition period. "I will miss the former chief", he says, "and wish that I had 1 few more years under his direc- tion." While he has no definite (Continued on page 3) year. WWII?!“ a.“ VIA. Carbide Canada Ltd., Canadian Industries Ltd., Chencell (1383) Ltd., Cyanamide of Canada ttd., Dow Chemical of Canada ttd., and Shawinigan Chemicals Ltd. U of W Institute of Design The pavilion which will be (i 1 completely non.eonttnereU1 character, was created try the University 'of Waterloo’s Insti- (Continued on Page 8) past two years he in chairman of the important finance coli- mittee, he has also been involv- ed in city planning traffic and» ice, city administration, fhtane. ing of capital projects and un- dertook the linen between coun- ei1tutdtheCotCinthetorm.. tion of the new 389-ncre indul- trial basin. ' During hits campaign he strea- ed a need for improved cross town bus service and pledged himself to do this by eombinitttt the two eroartowtt routes on a 20-minute schedule. He also pledged himself to work towards getting the all-day service put into effect. This then could be the firat important proposal that he " place before members of the new council when they tab their seats in January.