Comparing the month of May, with a total of $1,561,300.00, against May of 1964 with a total of $1,143,475. the $417,825. in, crease is shown to be due to other than residential building. the fastest growing community in the Province, and, perhaps all of Canada. Permits issued, according to reports issued by W. G. Schet ele, Waterloo Building and Plumbing inspector, ‘, totalled $7,218,975.00 up to the end of May, 1965, as against $4,808.- 505.00 for the like period of last year. Proof enough that Waterloo's building boom, far from abating, is still very strongly moving ahead, main- taining the boast that this is Building permits, for the first tive months of this year, show- ed a tremendous increase, " most double, that of the same period for 1961 " no marl. Mu, we. 1tttitltrttia) Building Drops Waterloo Building Permits ttill Increase the best-selling international brand of beer in the world Today. Canada's best-liked beer is winning new friends around the world. Originated in Canada, Carling Black Label Beer is now brewed in 18 plants in 5 countries. Next time you have a beer, pour a tall cool Black Label. You'll know why it's so popular. (Enjoyed in Canada and 55 other countries!) ':“MBEL. tNE BLAéK LABEL!" It is a mighty dangerous mo- ment when a, cigarette is just finished! Be sure it's out. Re. member, only YOU can prevent forest fires! an actual decrease of the like period last May of $561,900.00. There were only 37 dwelling units as against 143 for May of Residential permits for this past May dropped more than half a million dollars from May of ’64. This past May's total permits totalled $482,400 with Industrial permits for this past May, totalling $514,700, showed the largest increase ($508,700): Governmental and institutional permits were next, totalling $293,000, an increase of $265,- 000; and commercial permits, totalling $271,200, had an in. crease of $216,015. II." a.“ NO. 1 ONT. CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE McINTOSH APPLES A-QT. BASKET " FINEST QUALITY GOLDEN BANANAS LB. CELERY STAlKS SCHNEIDERS BURNS DAISY iii}? MEATY SIEAKEITES LB. 59,, iiijiii%yt BACON Bindless LB. " iii; :01 Wlliillillliilts Lit. 4 s, 6-LB. BOX s2ss Y TEND-R-FLESH GOV. INSPECTED SCHNEIDERS [2llil[f0iE BIRDS EYE FROZEN Orange Drink 3 6-OLTiNS 49,, (if'2jljifilE'IE& APPLE PIE SUNSHINE FROZEN FARMHOUSE FROZEN fliNEi& ZEHRS FINEST QUALITY ICE CREAM 7 FLOR-IDA (CBUNCHY) 9 Stores To Serve You _ v WQTERIQO froltli, OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL " PA. o 421 f1NiEN8399CprtrvE, FOREST HILL Open Mondays -.L' Brigdeport Rd aiureie,. jir."," Waievrloo) 81 Weber St. ly,, Kitchener St NEW MODERN ZEHRS MARKET OPEN THURSDAY 9:30 A.M. OTTAWA $1., KITCHENER BETWEEN KING and EAST AVE. GRAND OPENING EEs7iS5 (CANNED) LGE. 24-01. SIZE (FANCY) 2 LB. PIS9135¢ FLAVOURS IV: LB. nu 99,, l-LB. PKG. SIZE 24's V: GAL. FOR $1.00 " 59: 19¢