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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 4 Nov 1964, p. 17

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' Velma. Km T. ma Appliances & Service _ FREEZERS 26': MILL Fir., KITCHEN”! (Evenlng By Appointment) Compare Our Prices . . They ARE Lower We purchase in cal-load lots. lumilure Refinuhm; Repairing Uphoistertmt We antique "hits. and (old Let us make Four furniture look like new. Speculum In Better Carpeting DUPONT NYLON . . . PROPYLOS and ALL WOOL BUGS Wall-w-Wall Broadloom etc. HARDWOOD FLOORS FREE ESTIMATES Available from T to 29 cu. ft. KItCIN'LI'r Waterloo Glass w We “(get rtts “(MINES 'lfd my“, REPAIRED all make. " “In: M 5 50 Ontario s Dial SH 3-1449 Crystal - China Ceramics Radios-Cuckoo Clocks Hotthirs For All The Family CT ttt PIA NoRr" Kth'leVkll ,, SH LID?! Also TV. Radios. Vic-nuns. Runes. Toaster: and Iron. Glass 8 Mirrors See the largest display of freezer: in Waterloo County. Elmer Filsinget Hobby & Handicraft Shop Terms Amiablc at Bank blunt Open All Day E. B. Koenig Ltd. Clost‘d Fnday Carpet Services 1lMINltl. SHOP Free [estimates Call Michael “unmask! omre 715-6531 200 Business Services Directory For That Unusual Gift Visit The SUPERIOR Furniture - Refinishing Benny and Woods SH 75-44782 FREE PARKING GUY'S Home h" 34178 7 Dupont St. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Bug Specialists RUGLAND Hobbies lilgulund Freezers HAROLD GUY $169. up Gifts Hun e 744-4456 Road W Satmday Evenmgs w Ala-loo Supplies Sales & Service Women's Apparel " Erb tit. W Waterloo SI Complete Line of Lawn and Garden Suppliu See us now for your Lawn Fertilizer Choose from So Green, Grrenfieids, Milorganite, de- hydrated sheep manure, lo. op brands and many others - SPH‘MI. - Naked Lady Crocus Bulbs No planting. no soil or water required they grow in the hox \nu huy them in, only bTre. ram. - Starr. At - 60 Frederick Nt., Kitchener (Opposite Kitchener Market, and": Ontario Inlmun (maria "It! King s. Old Horses .. 4e h. Zenith 97950 In Filmira "irhest cash prices for dead or disabled rows & hunts Mai nezistock Lulu-i Wear -- Trenivear " Chan-h But Elmln - Phone “94501 The Elizabeth Shoppe Service, Part: ' Supplies Demonstration. PHONE- Waterloo County Supplies - On Duty Government Lice-sea Phone "s-Mot 121 Erb Bt. W., Water“. (corner at Avon-dale) Sporting Goods Br V Murray's Studio " King St. B. Waterloo LET US CLEAN YOUR We: & “but“!!! Registered Nuns Portraits - Rugs 8. Fumilure cm HELM m 742-3433 AVONDALE NURSING HOME Nursing Home R. A. HINDI" SPORIS Waterloo County Supplies Co-Op HEART" RADIO Radios, Auto, Home, Transistor Record Players. TV's, Small Appliances. Electric Shavers Rug Cleaning Bridge Sports Dead Stock l.lr MI r: mom? " SHOP Team Discounts Photography CO-OP Removal Ltd. ElECTROLUX Sales & Strvice 745-4537 Shop " l'mun St. E. Waterloo Phone 71.34272 Lots of Parking 742-6262 FOR SH 5-81], Waterloo , ow BURNERS for sale, $30 each. Phone 144-8398, Tepermun lt Sons ltd. No 8% Tax On Used Building Material outnuo's LARGEST USED LUMBER DEALER For Sale ONE INGLIS Washing Machine, wringer-type. and one medium sue Quebec heater, Write 106 Allen St. W., or Phone 742-3356 mornings only, or " ter 7 [MIL REPOSSESSED Sinzer zig zag sewing machine does fancy stitches, buttonholes. Original $12900, Can be had $62.00 cash or $8.00 monthly. Write Box 601. 1136 Victoria St. North (On Highway 7 at chhener Smekyardsl John's Ila-Sale my... - [any duty, raid:- cnun, can. at all aunts. tools. [Iran-n, household mums. typewriters. add- tps. mums nuns etrtrot_ duh and one“ ol drawn. any kind of maaBieal tnate- menu. “will” an”: m drums. electric sewing mugging. or "rrthhsr ell: of ,"mettttt-Nermethat to-rtutt.eaaht. Arthu- m: Lung-I. Coloured (an. Mellon. radios. T.V.'I M" clout!“ " Dawn! Kllchener - Waterloo Open 7 a.m. to 5:30 Fm. Mon. to Sat, Phone 58 Balm " Bridgeport 'Roul Waterloo, Ontario Acron- From Zelu's All Articles Must Be In A-l Condition. Open Daily ",3. III. - 10:00 lull. Retail and Wholesale Suleiman to represent established Waterloo firm in decorating sup- plies. Leading Brand Name carried. Age 25 - 45 -- Presentable -- Experience and job record considered. Please state salary expected. Fur Coats . Capes For Cleaning Remodelling Repairs . Glazing [ORENl NEW STOCK was SH 3-9595 Write Complete Resume - lint-lost Late Photo Admission SLOO Waterloo Siskins Junior "B" Hockey Address All Inquiries To Box 424 745-0271 Gnderich Sims See The Champs In Action NEW lISTOWEl ARENA Wednesday, November 4 , 8:30 P.M. [ERIE] Waterloo Waterloo P.0. Children 25c VS. Services """TtgTrwATTligltuNttNrt"0Rrt3" HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (rubber MEN OR WOMEN we will awe you free samples, free tram- ing, free premiums, PLUS THE CHANCE TU MAKE $5,000 A YEAR, selling for the largest all-Canadian direet svllmg organization. Without obligation, write In Familox, 16ml Dclorirmvr, Montreal or Alvin behold, Hawkesville. Uni. SINGER ZIG EAG sewing mach. lne does buttonholes and fancy stitches. Can be had for balance owmg $47.00 cash or $8.00 monthly. Write box 600. PART-TIME WORK: Ink-rost- m: and rpmunPrattee mark eompleting insurance reports in your-area. Must have a car and some tree daytime hours. No PII‘H'I'II'IICI' necessary Iteply to Box 605. The Water- lm) Lhroruralc gonrlu mailed [unwind in plain. wall-d envvlom-a with price Int 6 samples 23c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail order [ll-pt. W 34, Nov. Rubber Co.. Box 91, Hamilton, ont. MOCO - h Barley OUR TOWN - By McClellan! NAPOLEON - By Mthidc LI " (l g , li) ‘w - il .=. l a: "s, i 15 in: 'f, I Al _ Lt It .. , - , _ Students Mc Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Businfss Opp. IMMEDIATE Mummy avail- able lo alert young houscmv- PS for simply showing our fabulous collection of personal and gift items. Phone 7424355. tMMEDtATE advanced ram. Ings for alert housewives. Show beautiful personal and gift items. 2-3 evenings a work. Top rommissions. Phone 143-5582 or NEBBHG. TWO AMBITIOUS SALESMEN A GOOD MIN wanted In r0 place lhe highly "mum-Ml Harold G Moyer who wrvml Consumers 'tttit 1titslaurph Products In Waterloo County the last " years Must hr married, ngo between 2.5 and 40 and own good var. Out standing oppnrlumly to MPP mm ulnhluhed lelrlgh Hus Inns. WNW promptly Raw. NEED EXTRA MONEY? Sup- ply Studio Girl t'or,meties m yum- noighhnurhoml, Top Cour mtiuon. Phone 714mm PINEHAVEN NURSING HOME quiet beautiful surroundings, government licence. proies- .sional care. Excellent meals. Phone 743-2461. LADIES - Start now. Insure your Merry Christmas! Earn Christmas money selling na- tionally advertised Avon gill sets. Call SH 2-4169. m assist manager. must he nval and able to apply them. svlvvs, Commission Selling. Nu 'rxlrerience necessary. Ap, ply between 4 a'ml ' p m. Dumont Aluminum Cu, 21 King Street N., Waterloo. leigh Depl. 'KrumguV 4mm Richelieu St, St. Hema, Mom "Ell. General Alterations, Building Repairs Residential, Commercial or Industrial 285 Clearidge Place STORE FRONTS A SPECIALTY FOR ESTIMATES GENERAL (ONTRACTOR tro. t. A. HAFFNER PHONE SH 3-3983 Reputed to be the greatest ex- hihition of its kind in the nat- Ion. the Tth annual Canadian Boat Show will be held in the Automotive Hulldmg. l-thlhniun Park. Toronto, from February 5 to 13, 1965, " will traum- all that. " new and different in boats, Pt1h',mes, marlm' hardware and boating aru‘ssm'u-a This was annou"tultotiay by Frank H. Korlright. President of thr Canadian National Spurt smvu's Show. The Hauling and Murillo Exllihllum will Hum" be an type-ram!" of the SpurlsmI-n's Show and Will hr prom-mod \ulh the ctruperalmn ol the (‘unadmn Boating leeralum and the Alli- pd Boatmg Aunt-mun" of Can. ada Seventh Annual Boat Show UNCLAIMED CARS lot sate Takr mm ”mun-ms. 1963 Pontiac 1962 Falcon Wagon Hus: \nlkxuagrn 19M ‘llL‘li-l PJ.Ui f'lu-nnlrl ISIS? Chrwrolr" [9.38 Chtwrolet Waiom 1mm Falcon Call tlu' Colt A0tslor. Phour, Ttl “ILL l’l.uuwrl ax tlte “show wm- mm" ul the Imam]; mdustry and spotluthtme Um very nu“- test ll] the world ul Imalmg. the Boat Show mil agum he pream- NI-vxn lJI‘Mulu'd ”sunk I'M- wui Slam Stu kts TyIrt' 5.119. " Razor, I...u1- sl1 Grimm‘s Foo fteallv Smlmlh _ l'lfam Ciose Shaving. Will u-u- “I! Summml HImu~ Sum S5 Mun-w lllalm G" ln/Ul. “no m " tive Hamlin». Mu'l Mull- vs G, - NEW IN NORTH AMERIFA 601 King sfw.. Kilrhenet Dial 744-7373 C Frrgllwn P.O. Hm: 123 Calgary, Atta YARDS AT SUI TIIAMI’TUN & KINI‘ARDINE Waterloo led as a public wrvice prowct with proceeds in aid of conser- vation. In his announcement, Mr. Kurlrlghl emphasized that the Canadian National sportsmen's Show, scheduled for next March, will contimu‘ to feature a large boat and marine section as an Integral part of us presvruatiom "The Canadian Boat Show". he explained. "was established and will In- operated In 19tiq primar- Av to 'lib'" hual and marine man- IIl'at-lun-rs. an uppm'lumly to 'IIV play tln-Ir Wilrl‘s lo "ealers, ot tltoup,h tlu' show In open to the gum-ml public, Exhibits will be IimIivd largely to manufacture c'rn and disirilruiors. with mum: mum-l “all"? displays. attract 20m. and presentations." Founded In 1950, the Canal} inn "oa1my, F'ederatton Is a non- prufu nrgannalmn with head- murh‘rs m Tug-1mm Its urns null ulurrllu-s nh'lllrh- thc Dru mulmn of grvater salety afloat, Improving walersule facilities and camervmg the waterways for the fun and pleasure of the (lunalllan Baum”; puhlu' 82 Bridgeport Rd. Ontario & Duke Sis. A Complete Decorating Service: q Draperies o Broadloom o Upholstery 0 Wallpapers 13 King 5. Mom, Turn., Sat. 9 - “:30 Domenic 46 KING s. NOW OPEN Featuring SANDERSON'S Wallpaper and Draperie- . nu R "our DH murwu smut r “um" T "tudt,ATeatht' on EXTRA ('IIAROE PHONE 744-7731 Jlilllllllll'tiiii'iiiiGi ": DOMENIC'S WATERLOO SQUARE Has Returned From Ilalv With Latest "air Myles - Fashions, JACKS W a, 'ill-ln-s:',-),?, No Appalnlment Nerrssnry Hair Stylists ts Pleased To Announce G. W. Mu. YOUR TV DOCTOR INTERIORS ANTOINIA Slipcovers Dial Welt, Thurs., FM. Utte “mum-r hand he didn't ltke "Festnal" because it wan produced by a bunch of "nuts". And, he said "there are I lot of nuts m the country." It's plam to see there are I lot of nuls m the House of Com. mons. and the next Mme there's a general election let's hope the wralled nuts of the country sweep the nuts in the House of Commons out of office. And whether it's a Conservative, Liberal, NOP or Social Credit maJoruy that forms the next government of Canada, let'g hope it will take the initiative and say "nuts to you CBC, you are now on the auction block". Then watch the bids roll in from everyone who would like a licence to prmt money, be. cause whoever buys the CBC nullel in Toronto will have just that. When this happens, the Canadian taxpayers will have the right to look for a big reduc- tion in taxes. In a future “Outer Limits" MINT. a robot “I” Mand trial for 1hr murdvr of IIs tuventttr. The Mum": away out and tho ratings are away up And, spea- kmg of ratings, "Bewuchod" ml] he with m for a long time, .m-nrmng to the rating experts. Although assaults on the CBC are nothing new, members of Parliament spent three days at- tacking the "milliomdollar play- thmg". as om- MP phrased it. The Santa Claus Parade wilt hr won Saturday morning, Nov mum-r Hm. at 10 am on Chan- ml " - - The no“ Wayne and Shuslvr Iluur M" be seen Alon- day, December 28th on CBC . - Canadian teuor. Jon Vsckers, “hn sums lvadinp roles in the “(WM-s major opera houses will il max-m March Moffatt Tree Removal Egkwufll TY Views 'ar and (In. Nut. Waterloo Oreo “I! " will“. av William was... on (BUS Festival next WATERLOO PAGE mm SERVILI SAIC! Kitchener Anloinia Waterloo Waterloo

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