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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 4 Nov 1964, p. 16

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Wlmloo'. Truly Senna Centr- These pxamplm Im- hawd on a monthly rrmmmplmn nf 500 kilowaithourr close to tho " "an! In Dunno. hut hour than the romparahle figurr' of 370 m the US A unlit}; unlnmrr In Nay percent. York rm. Pnnsumlna 500 kilo h watl-hnurs mnnlhlv. “all [my a 2 Reduce your speed when an- hill of $1410 "IS rounlrrpar: III’ ttther car approaches at ruaht, Toronto, pays Mi62 Mr We Frame the nntarm Sarrty Lrastue rm amount of rlt‘rlru-ny' 'rtmmpnds As " gets near". In Detrmt. the I'Igur' I: 1319. I your “Sir-n wtll drop trom ah hm across the rnrr m Wmdsnr‘ m" 275 fort to about 150 fret " Ix $481 In l'hlraxm, tne man thly bsll unulrl total S10il.'V ,u‘ Fort Wtham 5425. l - " Dallas. Putshure and Buffalo work out to Mth4, $925. and 1077 Harmlton. Kingston and BPHVIHP c'nmpar! at " M. $522 and $496. All lhmzs an rPIan. ul course. and a rompansnn or rl~' rrtrw hulls paid hy rosldrnual‘ rustnmpn m orttarm mum? uath sums: m the l'mI'J'l states, illustrates thr low mat law” maintain"! by the Hydro mil: f ties I Next to versatility. one of the more lmporlant reasons PIFCU‘IC- ity has been able to conmbure so much to economlc progress in Canada. is us low cost. While electric energy is vital to all in. dustrial nations Canada ranks second only to Norway in per eaprta consumpnnn, TV RADIO SERVICE Mayor Bauer has said ihat little can be done to improve the dressing rooms, The local Chamber of Commerce. in their decision to assist in any way necessary for the purchase of new lee Making Equipment for the Waterloo arena, is a big step in keeping an ex- cellent hockey group, The Siskins, where they should be. in Waterloo. This would enable ice to he made when and as needed. not when the weather dietates. as is the case at present. One of the complaints expressed, was that the site was poorly chosen, such is not the case. The site was chos- chosen after 18 months of exhaustive research that took into consideration every parkland in the city. Such a pro- ect should he placed near ehildren's play areas in order to encourage them to learn about the different species and BANE Criticism at this stage, when con- struction of pens is already underway. seems strange. particularly when those who criticize are persons of public im- portance. Their position in the public eye makes them Vulnerable. and when. as was the case. the project had been accepted by their particular body. it creates a poor impression of their abil- ities. The Lions Club are to be commen- ded for their excellent community pro- ject, the Waterloo Park Wildlife Dis- play. Young and old alike will derive considerable pleasure and knowledge from this display. PAGE TEN RADIO & TV. Qualified Colour Specialists Service With Care and Courtesy I47 "tc" SIREN, WAIEILM In"! , "5-451? CENTRAI SERVICE ommend Wildlife Display Waterloo County's oldest English newsplper. Office " 104 King Street South, w Iterloo. Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Allocation. “Authorized u and class and by the Post 0mm Department Call. and tor payment at venue to cub." Power For Progress "leNCeu near “n““rens We, should not do anything' detri- 'der to encourage them mental to such a civic minded organizn- he different species and tion. N t 'I q . S q ht Hl-FI Bulk Publisher. Ltd. - Preston CUFF KYER . Ma . Advertising Consult-at LEWIS GAMBLING - Editor t2ti,iakiai6ergtllkeaaisit 2 Reduce your speed when an- nlhor car approaches at mam, the Ontario Sarrty Lrastue rm nmmonds As ll gets nonrrr. Thr Hrlllsh Road Research Laboratory analyzed personal- lnjury art'ldrnls m 1962, m ref rrrm-t- to skidding " was found Ihal on dry roads 15 porn-m of tht' armdPnls Invnlwd skiddmz. and on wel roads " percent. On my rnads the proportion was 78 percent. I skidding Is the cans? of a large proportion of acrudents m the wmlPr months. Or rather. It " the immadiln cauM". the real nus? ls nearly always drum: Inn fast for the obvious rnnrh lions says the Ontario Sale", League. Utilities are no more Immune to inflationary trends than any other business. But, in ranchin- ation with technical advance“ and Improved operating techni- ques, the increasing consump- tion of Ontario consumer, has been a major factor in the stab- ility of mm; m the pmnnra In the long term. of course. Waterloo Bowling lanes OPEN BOWLING from tho Ontario Safely League Every Friday and Saturday Evening OPEN SUNDAY AT I PM. "A GOOD FAMIl r SPORT” FAMllY RATES IN EFFECT WEEKENDS because of the construction of the front, a fairly recent addition to the old building. It would be nice. for a city of this size and importance. if. " ter the new ice making machinery is installed, they get busy and construct a decent building around it. With the development of the new section of the park. the rear of this present arena will be more visible to the public. and at present, it is certain- ly not an inspiring sight. Criticism, if it is constructive, is good for any organization but criticism merely for the sake of criticism does no one any good. Needless to Bay, few, if any, organizations would spend 40-50 thousand dollars on a community pro- ject lightly, this was made in all sincer- ity and good faith; as Allan Schendel. Lions president Rays, what we do. we do well, and would not do anything that would be detrimental to the park: to do so without harm. _ Another complaint concerned the loss of picnic areas. the wildlife display is takmg up about six acres. in the new section of the park, ll 12 acre picnic Bee- tion is to be developed, so there is no loss, rather a gain in picnic area. With proper maintainance of the pens. there should be no foul odor to offend the public. the well laid out zoo in the Preston Park, adjacent to child- ren's play area and picnic area. is an excellent example. Even so. electrical rates in Ontario w1ll undoubtedly "lain their position at a level 1mm: the lowest in the world. assur» ins a solid base for omnnmnc growth in the year: ahead. , Drmng fatigue and frustr,r hon ran build up fast In Huck trathe, says the Ontarm Safety League Here are some oxen-Is- as In but himup when stopped tor a traffic light or a train. suggested by Mist-19's Dr Noah Slain: . Take your hands oft the whorl and let them fall llmnly In your lap. - Take your feet oH the pedals and In! them [all on tho flnnr As it passes, your VISION In lim. ited to about so feet. even when you don't tank directly into the htthts. If you make the mistake of looklng directly at the an coming headlights the glare wrll bltnd you for more than three seconds: at tttr mph this wrll re, suit m your driving "blind" to: the length of a football fteld. 4 The Ontario Safety League quotes thes from I poem by Mar, garet thhack. In pulse of seat hell: "But I would Ink! In if? A safety belt that would protert Pedestrians hkr me." . Close your we: and pretend i you}? looking mm hiaehness . Rest. be! yourself completely) relax. eleetrieal rates must reflect higher material and labour costs incurred in the operatson of the ulllily. m WAMLOO ORION!“ Often we Mt With our natmnal hangover wondering whatever became of the cliched promises of Laurier - - that the twentieth century is Canada's And here we are. almost three-quarters ot the way through that promised century and little has happened. Our resources shit he buried and hidden, our north is still the virgin north and we fret be cause Americans explmt the re- sources that we haven't the courage to risk our sawngs on What have we lost that" Can- ndjans who went before us used to have? We've lost the Vlsmn. Vision? Visnon ls greater than sight. Sight is blind to-morrow. Viston knows no limit. Visnon is the on- ly thing that separates the great men from the multitude. Many of the changm m the last decade alsn I'Pflc-x-I the tem derury, as ln'mz stanrttrris use. to pal less food 1silh a high rar hnhydralv rnnlenl A small boy one? asked. "Why did they laugh at the Wright Brothers?" "Visions" Is the answer Th- Wrutht Brothers had n while the rest of the world did nn' Tho Wrtghts' contprnporartrs all knew that only the buds could fly All men knew that dreamers had been aspiring to With those changes. plus high er spending rm rt-slauranl mrals lhe hank gays that sum? nat- In "Cullen‘s of Canada are like nineteen million drunks. They are not aware of where they've been and haven't the shghtes‘. Idea where they're gamg. The bank rent-wt. the rhanur-s that have taken plau- HI food m thr past decade and nun-s that wnh new methods of prru‘mun'l. and dustrlhulmn. lhe hausowll’o buys a "packet of hunllrm sonar was." food prions would he mph-ted and thrs has Uken place "The wonder ts, however, not The pattern of Canadian food consumplmn will “mmmup In shlfl m the dm‘rlmn ot hrghrr' prolem foods and foods whwh satisfy an mtroasm: demand for variety and eonvemerut" an mrdmg In the Bank of Montreal Business Review IopriM from the Indopmdonf businessman Food Expenditures h Rise SH 55l82 Dettmer's Tire Service ms KEN! AVE. We Lost The Vision LaSalle had it when he wenl down the thousands of miles of unehartered waters of the Mis. sissippi to the Gulf of Mexico. Laverendrye had visions when he trumped. paddled and Irudg- ed his way to the rockies. Canadians have grown fat and lazy. We wallow in u S - made mammal luxury in US-made material luxury while we complain that the Arm ant-ans are buying us out, The little pmneenng thats beon dono in the past generation has bs.mprt done hy Immigrants and we've all but shut the door m the one: who work the hardest, the ones we need the most. And the great man who prom- Ised us this century, Laurier himself had IL for during his lifetime he saw a great railroad spna the contmenl and he hum Canada mm a modern tradtng nalmn. But where has It gone? Where dad we lose this attribute of our ancestors? “Real mmmvs m tho popular mm as a whole arr rum: md the dlxirlhullnn " "tromp " changing In such a way tha', Ihrrr arp rolanwly more lam- :llns m 1hr humor mrnmr hunk Ms." tho bank non-s lt adds that thesr changes Indn-alr a mum:- mng dtwhrte m the Pr'rtr'ntabl" at total runsumrr oxpondllu'e devoted In food. All mpn knew except the Wright Brothers. They had us- ions to see Into the future. They could see the airborne names carrymg cargoes into the skies, For the future, there are hm nppnsnu: mnueruw, at wurk m tho market Tor food ttn the other hand. the pnpu lation Is mrroasmg and the Jac- the clouds for thousands of years while mankind stood with Its feet in the mud. All men knew than man. who Is heavier than air, was destmed to stay with his feet on the ground. that food prices have Coup up. hut that thry have gone up s" htth," The B of bl paints nu: that, on the i"Pra;.'." suite 1951. food pru'rs hare arlually rum less than the [urn-rs of olhor mnsumer goods and srrvn-‘s and suhslanllally loss than (he “so In mrnmm prr cartel' FOOD FUTURE The vision we've Inst ha, THE WAYWARD BUS Knowledge IS all tha. we're left wilh, for all l'an;ud:a"s know that Canada has mnre po- lcnllal than any [and under 1he sun. lsreal was a desert before the Jews applied xision, V151 m is the magm wand that Nam-er woulds over the and Arab lanrls. We have mum of the problems and more of every kind nf wealth than mther ot 1hrse or any other land could drum " Where are the Canadon, who could rttsttwe the faith and dream that was Canada' le here Be srt m our Insurr- Ical and almost (11w tuatus he. came we lack the t'tsrort. Only the man mlh 1ioion can see lulu Homily dislrihulmn 1s shllhn: In such a way that thvre wrll ho rel? ttvel.' Iargrw numhr'rs at "hewy eaters" (IN-Ham's and ymmr, adults: m the wars ahaad than was the l'rht‘ m th" rrrvnl lust. To dream IS to have the alrrl. ity lo convert the unpowble. in to the possible. three ingredients - _ faith the ablluy to dream knowledge. Filth IS the belief m some- thing that all reason tells us is not true, T ttprefore, "total (mm-ml:- lures on fond In Canaria, which m 1%?! rmvhmi S63 hllhnn. will must certainly Us!" Joe A. Strul) (LLB. RR Na T. Waterloo Imperial Lite A‘surance Company or Canada Specialist in Pension Plans and Estate Analysis [11mm - and . and That first November tho 11th " now 43 years old, but Ill mem- ory 13 stlll so fresh to all sur~ Hung Old Sweats. It seem: Just like yesterday. Its coming reviv. Though a second conflict a! world annulus dunemiom and many years of international known have tntervened, much still remams with us of the deep teams, the narrow. the thaak. fulneu and pnde we knew. when we fest began to com- memorate Armlstace Day. ps the old emotions. it also speaks of the flight of years that we cannot deny. Thts also apphes to our Illied mmrades from other countries. who made the supreme sacrifice. Many of their people survived and have now made thrlr perm- men! homes m our community and our natmn, They have he. come worthy citizens of our dis. trtet, and of Cnmda " I whole. Our constant adviee, guidance and assistance to these our rom- rades, " an important latlnr in We can still feel the swellmg hope that went up throughout the fogld. that this hsstorie day m 1918, marked the end of wars. It was to have been the beginning of universal peace forever. That hope did not last long. but it " well that Armis- tare Day. now known " Rem-m- brance Day, Is still marked " the ume when Canadians re- member their war dead. When peace comes after I war, it is easy to forget those who paid vietory's bill. those who went our bond, to keep us free. All veterans should cherish Remembrance Day: should fos- ter more and more public atten- tion to its observance. It is the Insurance that our dead will re- mam alive in the nation's mun- They have multiplied unce that frrst Armistace Day, but no matter when they fell, we are extremely confident in the greatness of their spirit, Wherever they are. we know there in no bitterness. no repirr in: At this limo of the year In an remlnded of Remembnnce Day, " which tune we honour and show grautude Io those who pad the supreme sacrifice in time of mu. Our thought: also go out at "In time. to tho» disabled and needy veterans lion; with our Sliver Crow women, Dry, Remembrance Day Your 742-3581 schools. This will be done annually as a public service to keep our future electrical appliances and their proper Home Economics rooms of our local homemakers up to date on the latest to supply the citizens of Waterloo, electricity and water at the lowest pos- sible cost to its customers. In 1910 the average cost is 1 cent per kilowat hour. This past summer the Waterloo P.U.C. again replaced the electric stoves, re- frigerators. washers and dryers in the use. The P.U.C. ts continually striving cost of Electric Power in Waterloo was there is every indication that further rate reductions will be possible. As more and more people use modern electric heat and new better appliances 12 cmts per kilowat hour. Today the Waterloo Mt. “BUY A PUPPY" Br o. W. (MM WW WEBER STREET Wodnudny. Number t, 1m Queu- futun traiU and uneven, We. representing many nat- _ ions believe that the Unknown Solder, and than who tmee per- uhed In all our wan. are say- ‘u: " this tune . "I am serene Jumped that my” cup od an- lgunh. but I found no all. I In many year: we have Ind wreaths in remembrance at our linen comrades. It " meet, right and proper that this should be done. All the uvld tales of war, and all the gum battle accounts can never par. tray adequately, what inleIdu- all gave in suffering, In Innelm» ass. in paln. and finally in no lent death. The people of Can-d: are loo. king to all us veteranq to up- hold our ideals for pace and freedom in all countries. " one very Interested for many rears in the welfare of our youth, I feel that one of the most important features of Re. membrance Bar's ceremony. is its significance to our younger generation. The let of Remembrance is undoubtedly I most striking les. Ion in patriotism, and no ac- count of learning [an be as rt. fective in impressing upon the youth. as the importance of good citizenship and devotion to duty. Occasions like these give them a sense of sharing with their elders in Canada's history. Like all good parents We PX- Peet a lot of our children. and we must do Mt. if our young country is to fulfill its ambi- lions. But we must not forget that they will only he able to shoul- der their respttttstbitittes in I mannor comment with the tea. chings and the example that they will have received from us. When we renew ftemem. hranre Day and its "ttportanee, let us all have that--t%ristian Faith and optimism that will bring continued peace on earth. God let us be worthy of such I tremendous task. Humanity has earned the right at pout wuhnut it there ran he no hope for the future. and without hope. mu 1: lost. knew that you must have mu- tyn to sun/wt. and hung. could I ewe you all? airs well wnh me, and only this 1 ash. mnem- bor that I went your bond, my lite u pledged to honor of my race, for now, tomorrow. and beyond." WATERLOO

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