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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 Aug 1963, p. 4

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Pickup & delivery same day. All h-pes of mattress repair. Guaranteed 10 years. Buy your new mattress direct and save. 1090mm & Sons lid. Call Us To-day . . . We can help you with you problems plans and estimates Convenient Easy Term Arranged Elmira Rd. 4 " I. "I. MIT“. AWNING 86.00 Trailer Axle 310.0), can waste [lundry tub am. one Jacket beater £5.00. Apply I Fences, New Roof, New Ceiling or Floor- ing - may repair iout Hove Problems? NEED . . . More Room, Garage, li. Beam 8. G. For Sale No 4% Tax On Used Building Material comma-s LARGEST 05:3 LUMBER DEALER 1136 Victoria tit. North ton Highway 7 at Kitchener Stockyardst " 5-0271 Kitchener . Waterloo Open 7 Ban. to 5:30 Part. [mm MA'ITRESSES REPAIRED Columbia St Rat: lumber Phone SH 3-1463 Bridge Spot-t Shop SPORT CENTRE Corner University and In“ North Super Variety "you NEED IT Stop am For Bait "tAt She and.” " Maura Ave. Business Directory Waterloo Wmmme! UL' Waterloo 405 King N. Weight Control Pill SH 4-8177 Hahn Pharmacy Ltd. t In“ st. Waterloo Frederick Waimr Insure brown sugar accurate- ly by packing it so firmly that it will hold the shape ot the cup when It is turned out. Mt Ontario S. Dial SH 3-1449 WASHING MACHINES “PAIRED Also TV. Radios, Vacuums. Trilites. Toasters and Irons. 08.0 loan at low, in pric- p: rtatrru" hut, very wide, " Queen st. S. Kitchener Bond Your Bird With " It will receive the but WI. Hartman For Ellie! Filsinger LET Us CLEAN YOUR. boats, canoes and outboard motor: at a discoum Extra special baud new three " outbouds, made by Evinrude, regular $16T.Mt for $149.50. Small supply brand new 1862 25 and 0). " outboards " I substantial discount. Boats and “no“ for rent Make reser- vations not Dobbm's. " Wil- iiam East, Waterloo. SH 5-8934 daytime. evenings, Sat. urdlys. We take Hades. 1 HAID'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE Open Holiday Weekend USED CARS SALES and SERVICE Rugs & Elmira" an "an nus 742-8488 “as“ In: «my tent m- ung. worth nearly an, eat" ween] It”; and tum-j- able cm boat, only $10.50; [Moot coda I” boat, look: just lite new. $140.50; w wood hull wt WW and steering including trailer. VIII an. whoa " noun. now only an; new canop unnat- able boat, Ilummum, all weld- ed sums, long we gun-awe. regular 582.50 for $131.50. All o Alienation: 0 Repairs Mil. 5-4l33 Fast - Courteous Service CONSTRUCTION LTD. THE PET HOUSE Watertoq - DIET BARS Holiday Time NU We stock parts for and repair all makes 71543221 Don't your the mks M a "it pan The bum-r will rhng to on sides and the much high- a King M, s. Wlterloo Cryutul - China Ceramics Radioa~Cuckoo Clocks F R E E Wedding Cake with 3 Rooms of Furniture 55-00 Wet ALAN RIGBY’S Rouse Of Furnitme " King St. Watel Ladies: Are you enjoying those steaks and potato salads under the lawn uln- brella them hot weekends? Sure you are: Everyone does t , Howevet don‘t worry about it. Rent . vibrator slendertzlng machine [tom Complete Rent-All: 125 Union E. at Moore 744-27“ FAIIVLAND FARMS - 35 birds and unmals from around the world in fairytale settings. Picnic tables and rides. Open Daily -- $100 per car. Enter. uinment on Sundays. Out Ertt to Rummeihart, mm right and follow signs. Trade , For t Western .. Science - Fiction . Mystery - Nurse Female Help Wanted 1llllilNItt tlill? Entertainment FOR SALE Make Reservations Now For Small Groups . Weddings . Banquets, etc. Luncheon Specials! "tt's the food that makes the dillcrence" " Albert st. Waurloo u.“ 'CDI‘TAL m " Iau Fear. Belt or but. not has, 51 William tit. n, w“... '00 MI Sam, daytime, ovu- my. Saturdays, W. M BOOK EXCHANGE Waterloo -- Phone 742-1238 For That Unusual Gift Visit The TOM MchLLAN FAST RESULTS with CHRONICLE CLASSIFIEDS ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS Collars Cuffs Replaced Cu"; SI.” pr. Coll-n $1.00 ea. Geo. T. Blnin Cum Sim Mtg. st [In N., Wlurho POCKET NOVELS 3 for 2Se 164 ALLEN ST. E. Phone SH 2-8821 MAGNOlIA DINING ROOM ALUMINUM SALES DOORS. AWNING RAILINGS. etc. " Regina St. N. Waterloo Open Till " lull. Shirt Waterloo weekly MCLEOD. Drhra, I” Erh St. East. Waterloo. July 32. III in". l Waterloo. AACHS - WALKER, July 20, Elaine Winnifred Waugh, RR. 2, Dohbmton. to John iantis Sachs, RR 1. Waterloo, LlTl'LER - SULLY, July 20, Joan Bernice Sully. RR. l, Blair to John Philip Luller. Waterloo. LORENTZ . BLACK, July 20. Ca- milla Anna Marie Black. Wa, terloo, to Gerard James [or "In. RR 3. Mildmay. MeGRAW-KAVELMAN. July gt, Grace Dianne Kavelman. Brid. geport, to David John Me. Graw. Stratford. HOMER . GABEL, July W. Mar- torie Jean Gtthel, to Alan John Homer, hoth M Waterloo AMY _ DAHMER. July 27. Mar, llyn Jean Dahmor, RR 2. EL? "tIra, to Donald Walter Amy, Walvrlm, McTAVlSH - ISRAEL. July 27. Bormee Laura Israel. Water. loo. to Ronald Gordon MrTav. ish, RR 1, Wallrnslmn. DERBECKER - WILFONG, July 18. Sharon Lash? Winona. Boon, to Ronald E. Derbecker. RICHARDS, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam. RR. 1. Waterloo, " K-W Hospital, July 26. I dau. ghter. COATES. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, 92 Seagram Drive. Waterloo, at K-W Hospital, July at/re' son, JOHNSTON, Mr. and Mrs. Aus. tin A.. 19 Dunbar St. South, Waterloo. at St, Mary's Hoa. pital, July 27, a daughter. SAUR, Mr. and Mrs. Horst, 265 Glenridge Drive, Waterloo. at ( KW Hospital. July 26, a son. ALVIANO. Mr. and Mrs. Ram-l, on. 228 Hayfield Ave.. Water. loo. at St Mary's Hospital, July 23, - a son. BLACKMORE. Mr. and Mrs. Roy. 45 King St., North, Wat- erloo, at St. Mary's Hospital, July 27, daughter. MACSORLEY. Mr. and Mrs. Desmond. 157 Weber St. North, Waterloo, at K-W Hos- pital. July 23. son. MARTIN, Mr. and Mrs, Gleason. RR 2, Waterloo, " K-W Hos. pital. July 24, daughter. BURGMAN. Mr. and Mrs, Ger. ald, 36 Lexington Rd. Water, loo. at St. Mary's Hospital, July 24. son. VILLENEUvE. Mr. and Mrs. Regis, 67 Bridgeport Rd.. Bridgeport, at St. Mary's Hos- pital. July 29. son. MACTAWSH, Mr. and Mrs. Richard. 330 Glenridge Drive. Waterloo, at St. Mary's Hos- pital, July 29. daughter. HILL, Mr. and Mrs. Robert.‘ RR 2, Waterloo. at K-W Hos. pital. July M, son. _ Money To Loan Personal OWEN, Hell‘s Person] Supp lies. Et up save you up to Furniture Repairs 10'}. For tree samples and eatalogue write to Twin City Sales, Box on. Station C, Winnipeg 9, Manitotta. ix: I lit Mt Marriages WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW Chill XIII tt x xxx: .07 " NOW VI“ A toWaxt" umm Death: Tiia " xxx I ootttTttootqottott0tttntt1' gun: a: 'INN, ',RN'N no noun 0 In 5n Birth: in: LOAN THE BANK or NOVA SCOTIA REFLECTO ixlx SEQ-m or '"""r'--tarm.rmmss, - - m nu- BALL YOUR CANADIAN PAGIFIL' AGENT Fort ALL MUN TIM m, NEEDS l There were IO per cent fewer cows in Canada in 1961 than there were in the 1980's but 'tver. age production per cow inerear ed more than 50 per cent in that time. FEVER COWS - MORE MILK have three camps" Mr. B, L. Hays, a past presi- dent of the local Optimist Guts said that it was the Optimists that started day camps in this area, Since they started, both the Kitchener and the Waterloo re- creation commissions have es- tablished such camps, but the Optimists were the first he said. "One of our camps can handle 147 children at a tune. and we tied, " a dtstriet board meeting In London In August, and at an International meetmg in Cali- fornia In December. The only itime that the tnternatiooat body ‘has any say in the membership oi any local club is when it is first chartered. Following that. according to the K-W club‘s president, any local could enlist as many persona, negro or other. mm, as It liked. He went on to explain that the Lieutenant President ot one of zones In the States 15 a negro. [ “If the us. head offiee told us that we could not have negro members," Mr, Kominek said, “I wouid be the first one to lead our club out of the mid. But we have high hopes of changing the us, policy." Mayor Bauer stated that many groups that depend to I large extent on public givuigs for their work have established fed. euted charities He wondered if the Optimists had ever consider- ed joining one of these bodies. Mr. Kominek replied that ser- vice clubs have never been I part of Red Feather or anything like that. Sunk-Dom. nilfnvd Low can rail taro: Great Lakes and Milk. an!” Holst: and and: terms Canada Steamship booking: to Europe Ammo: across Canada and mixing tive continents ttutqreteeithatwe-ii-i to do something about it. tt u an internal matter." Mr. Kamila! went on to ex- plain the matter would be brought up, Ind he hoped elari, 1utrtminatitt" “WEE; In; uld the can.“ than?!“ GiiiGi tted 'terthirtg that I could pa- when lune can. up. Nerttting !feiai_usb-eatutooG V. L. Dykolmn City Imam" Age-c so Ontario street North Kitchener (Conn-mod Iron - " " '-S63S The first section - IT miles of 10-inch pipe -- should be In the ground within a week and in operation by mid-August. serving Dayton. Arthur, Lislowel, Pal. merston and Harriston, Second action - 23 miles of 8-inch pipe - is scheduled to be finished in lime to permit gas service m Mount Forest and Durham by early September, When completed, probably be” tore the end of September, the) program witt see natural gas ser) nee "utsrtshed for the Inst’ Mac in Drayton, Arthur, Lis- towel, Palmerston. Harriston, Mount Forest. Durham, Hanover and Walkenon, The new hm - extending north from the mun Union Gas system " Elmira - is pm of a a trtiliiort expansion program launched by the Company early in lay. " When of a Gib-Inne- lon; nun-mission pipeline to ”only 1:11qu u: to nine coin- nuniues in the nu north of Waterloo. In , New Towns TaloExtullod Service to Hinovdr and Wat Um Gun Comm: has tux;- Natural Gas gives you constant, control- table temperature all through the house, night and day. With Natural Gas the fresh warm air is circulated throughout your home, and stagnant air is carried away. With _ Natural Gas equipment, there are fewer moving parts. So operation is quiet and Children are too busy playing to rtanember their slippers! But you needn't worry about qetifftes . . . not ifyou're heating your home with Natural Gls, the Friendly Fuel. Iles building a dream house just like dad's j?j?il1ilyuatiGAS The T. Eaton a. limited See your Cu Appliance Dealer with the wannrh of the Friendly Fuel Sena-ht, mu unplann- ot a truth tttse fro- Duh... The new dumbuuon up an: an now vmully complete in an mu except Walkerton, Hanover and Durham, when ttte work should be tiauttat by only Septemier. pru- rum likely um m and. In auerarate mu d the GARBAGE NORMALLY COLLECTED ON MONDAY WILL BE PICKED UP TUESDAY, AUGUST 6th. MONDAY, AUGUST Sth (CIVIC HOLI- DAY) (81 inch titorest NO COLLECTION OF GARBAGE ON I UNIONG'ASCOMPANY Insmll a Natural Gas Inmate now, when top trade-in allowanccs arc available, and you have up to live years to pay, And " he forgets hm slippers, so what ? All he need; tor his health Is an apple a day. " Hotnc-otrncrs are Ila/spin with Natural Gas maintenance is low. And Natural Gas service has always been trce! GARBAGE (OllECTION CITY tr 1llfiftlla Snnitntion Department, Company " also plum all to Now Hamburg, Baden, PM burg and St. Agatha, Mt the - west of Waterloo. Distribution mien vonatruetton n “peeled tu sun In New ”but: next week and the an" m should be completed u w Samantha 7 [ we "spam

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