In mumuil, aux-Jim Wandr is "king bud to help the vam- Poru's noizhhour. Eruador. is alumni m a dramatically hun- tiful valley surrounde M the peaks of the Andes, The former Western Hemisphere Travelling Commissioner. Gladys Carmen Simpson. now lives permanently hers ire working very hard to "run funds to develop a tram. ing and programme centre on this land - Peru has a large Indlan popu- lation and It Is mlvresnnn to note that Cumin: Is proeressing in Peru. Many new Guiders have been recruited and manv (run- ing courses given Gurdine is well established In Lima and girls are helping with the lit. erary campaizn m ro-operahnn with the Ministry of Education and companies are hmng esta- blishod in the less pnnlegvd ar- as of Lama A new of land near Lima was givvn to the Guide Association and an mem- Any mer to Latin America soon becomes aware of the wade vanety of chmate, topography. peoples and problems among these countries which have a common language and religion and a mmplar Instant-a! back- ground. (In Bralll Portugese is spoken but the others all speak Spanish). Dunng the last three years emphasis m the Western Hemis. phere countries has been upon mutual aid and self help in the Latin countries rather than di. rect ttd from the Western Hem- isphere SutrCommittte, Around The Wiiru With Girl Scouts In Canada V This remarkably land record of steady progress, consistently maintained, inspires all dwmons of the Weston organization with complete confident: III the tut. The grown; expansion at its Communion the Widening diver. itficatioet of its operations, at tiogtall and internationally, the fuller consolidauon of its inter ests firmly estlbllsh Westons in a pre-emmem posmon as the foremost of Canada's greatest growth companies Sales volume - n airtime peak. Earnings up sharply - an per share. Net pain: '" _ no: higher than In Lndiu 3M Guide-nu: Your Annual Report talk to exciting story at Want; great. on year, wuuippiu an’ m- uons aetueeemertu. _ "hievemetna, Weston's' Annual Meeiin'g Mr. George Mama†Report‘s Lttarir, In C. I“; Total assets exceeded 217 ml MR. GEORGE METCALF xu or Miles in any right of 'mr. The SONNY provides the mour- nu and then the fun Minn. One group than bridge- in a other lonely [In and a "I ramp in September t an it died lit 360d mum EMIL- m. ln Nahum, Scotland. Ram um um Rovers haw tRHNteew ml with the Scottish Rim of Way 506011 A m m chow to mm diam. m- Mexico gives constant support and help to "Our Glam". The village proieet In Mexico no held n Our Cabana ond pvo our Canadian Range" And those from several other mun- triec the wont-(unity to [in service in the village- arNtund Cucrmvnca. In Paraguay although the movement is new and still small, interest is keen, In Uruguay too the Guides are trying to form a unified Amman no that they can soon apply for mem- bership in the World MI- the Guiding membership. Oom- parties and packs meet in part. shes and sometimes in delight- ful pnvau gardens. Visitors are impressed with the way the put- rol system works in this country. In Argentina the Guide Assoc iation ls progressing soundly and well. In Buenos Aim. cap- Ital any with 10,000,000 people, IS centred a large proportion at groups in Ecuador unite into one , various means. the last In movement and so prepare for _ miles on foot carrying all the membership in the World Assoc gear. This a under-ml service ialion of Girl Guides and Girl l because there have been cues Scouts of people being loot on the Scot- In Argentina the Guide Assoc- tish hills bee-W inâ€. have ialion is progressing soundly bnen or. Pet unreadattle. and well, In Buenos Aires, cap- flare S" 'tgrtpoeu " Whip! . We believe In Canada - in mm Canadian. We live in i great country. The wonderful story of Canada's growth is an inspiring record ot great aehiee. rmenls. Ours is a when a! re- wurceful courageous people. No other country in the Wttrtd Wlul a poputatioo of ours. leis man 20 million. has ever matetr ed the current rate at Nathan! Producuvrty of over $40 billion In a year. The Canadian my - ated remnants. growth in nu jouered by the decision at has: non. There was an “WI. ll Candis National Produetiu. I marked increase cl " . . to I new peak at over no human. the greatest annual menu: aitr Ttte genius ol Canada in but ability to m. Short-urn W New In part at a Inns-t.- Mn and this rerun-um. Canadian Auxiliary inm- than MUCHMUELLER‘KESELRKNG. May 2. Helen Alvin- Kane!!- irtg, Kitchoner. to Ernest "or mun Machmueller. Ville/non. SNOOK-CLARKE. May C, Ruth Ann Clarke. Waterloo. to Rar. mmd in“. about. GIN. vkrmtYaeerreuaArt, April I), Carol Audrey Helen-r to Wayne William Venn. but]! at I", Carol Ruth low-ilk. Gi. "3frt.frta*%e. ' cum: DYET-KUNTZ. May t, Isabelle Marie Rum. RR t, Waterloo, to Ronald John Dyed, Kitche- LANG-O'NEIL. May 6. Margaret Anne O'Neil, Kitchener. to William Funds Lang. Water- BBLL-ROLPH. May 0. In Ruth M. Rolph. Waterloo. to Richard A.’ Bell. Ottawa. DoSrLE-RErLLy, April an. mr ma Eileen Remy. Kitchener. to James Frederick Donia. Wat. thartrerriimettrideestmiisi madnljob. 31199-590131. April I He said that industries - lane/n to Celtics-nit - for in- since - soon may have to 1an. to the Great uku’ am. For this tremendous pntentinl of the Great Lakes region. we forecast a long belt of cilia - a 2tFmile wide, in depth, my belt stretching continuously from Milwaukee to Chicago . . .Tol- ado . . . Cleveland . . . Buffalo . . . Niacin Flu: . . Riches. ter...Syraeuse...totts. mighty St. anrence River. 0n the tttteth side of the Great, Lake: extending ttom Kingston to Belleville. Ottawa to Tomato.‘ Hamilton, St. Catharina. St. Thomas, to Windsor. Detroit, I Fort Huron; 5min. nae-third at the total huh water nail-bk in a World at mush- rooming Mutton. Now a tgt. lim, person and this will man than double in the next 31 you. 'o.tutreeat...r.iitiemG ...tkegmatmtimttmtriatam. Iesisersity of Chicago "dtieGi rerun.†. '_' 't. . . In an Great ' region will he“; - no I repeat - the males: industrial Area on earth bee-nu Vinleddchmtlahl. mull-haw a; Ithlnpdcuhmuthlb MIA-yumm- CIEEtiE are' hopes. stirs the imagination, creates exciting new vision: ot Guyana? mam future1 Ca-dew. eotning Centennial Wan-ants and demands manuth nation-wide all-out participation. A real extravaganza planned with boldness and courage, Int. dertahert with dedicated effort, something really tremendous and spectacular . . . something gmuinely worthwhile and not able . . . the greatest birthday celebration in history, the grand- est event yet in the glowing an hats at thir vibrant young na- Canada stands on the thres- hold of her 100th birthday.,. the 100th anniversary at Confed- eration . . . a glorious tentury of national achievement shaped Ind guided by faith . . . the faith ttd the founding fathers. We must no " out for am . . . this is a great historic oc- casion for Canada and the whole World. An occasjon that inspires Ladies and Gentlemen . . . in 1936 a single biscuit plant . . . Today a gigantic muitiWtvisiort . . . strongly diversified net work of thriving enterprises strongly entrenched nationally and internationally across the wide breadth of the North Amer. ican' continent. Todny the number one of Can- flda's greatest growth commu- tons' operating results high: lights the quickening pace ot growth which has continued to aeeeierate year after year since ted region . . . their hoiulition is almost as great or greater than the whole of Canada. The " year summary of Wes- A new car for â€family! New Commerce. Low interest ram. Life. trpplimtmforgostrhomc'thttohatgoer {mad for your protection. Conven- qiiiiiiiiiiit you and nan-M a PM Loan dent repayments. See your helpful ter !tt,9ttrriit..rt Imperial Bank ttt Commerce branch manager today. Over1260 branches to INfrtle you W (Oi-b) mm The eyes of the World are on Canada. Let us welcome the World to Canada. show Canada to everyone . . begin now send- ine out invitations. invite every» one to open-house in Canada . . . from coast to coast . . . frnm January to Deeember. Extend the friendly hand oi famous Canadian hospitality, highlight the wonders of this wonderful country. point up the rirh re. ward; ot faith and enterprise, The Illustrious history of Can- Ida is I story of faith, an exam- ple oi spirited purpose. Canada's is I story the World loves to hear, Canada is I place the World wants to see. _ Team - work is evident in mus- ie " well as any favorite sport, Inna as the drum sections of the two bands combined to present percussion precision and timing, tev. military men could find a better combination. The Amer Scan visitors will be welcomed in Preston anytime they choose to return north of the border. The Scout House Show proved that the local band has lost no polish and will continue to be the number one band in the hearts of people all across the country. Scout House marched in high- stepping fashion from the centre of the giant anniversary cake ar.delight the aeveral thousand spectators with their favorites, Valuing Matilda, Blue Tango and many other selections. The field show presented by Scout House set a brisk pace, wnh numerous new manoeuvres in- corporated to delight the fans. FAIST. Mr. and Mrs. Lruis, 274 Lourdes St., Waterloo, at St, Mary's Hospital. April M, daughter. FOSTER. Mr. and Mrs. John. 161 Herbert St.. Waterloo. at St. Mary's Hospital, May s, ASPDEN. Mr. and Mrs. Donald, 64 Schweuzer St.. Bridgeport, at St. Mary's Hospital. April 27. twins, son and daughter. BAUMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton M., RR 1, Elmira, at K-W Hospital. May 1, son. CURTIS. Mr. and Mrs. Winston, 145 Graham St., Waterloo, at St. Mary's Hospital. May 6, flilll'l?1'l; AUTUMN-s pmctD FROM $2.50 " iisan BEAUTIFUL ARTIFICIAL oii8iiitaai.iti9tie (iii; I,?,!,?,!?,!.',?. CHINA ' GIFT SHOP BIRTHS SCOUT HOUSE EMERGES FROM 2Sth ANNIVERSARY CAKE HILL, Mr. and Mrs. Murray. 40 King St. South, Waterloo, at K-W Hospital, April 30, daughter, JOHNSTON, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn. Mrs Lancaster St., ( Bridgeport, at K-W Hospital, l April 30, daughter. MARTIN. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley (nee Doreen Huber of Water- too), 4 Glenbrook Ave., Toron- to at St. Michael's Hospital, April 30, son. MeGEE. Mr. and Mrs. William.1 " Did: St. North, Waterloo. at K- W Hospital. May 2. son.‘ McLEAN. Mr. and Mrs. tttd ick, " Ksng St. South, Water. “VA-Tum†r loo, at St. Mary's Hoopla; May t. daughter. McMAHON. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh, 110 William St West, Water- loo, at St. Mary's Hospital. May 8. son. MUSSELMAN. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, RR 2. Elmira, at K-W Hospital, May 3. son. SZOCZEI. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar. " William St., West, Waterloo. at K-W Hospital, April 27. son. TANNER. Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence, 113 Noecker St.. Water- loo, at K-W Hospital, May t daughter. WEBER, Mr, and Mrs. Set-anus. RR 3, Waterloo. at K-W Hoe pital, May s, son.