"an: bird hi help the grim; Peru has a large Indian popu- Ution and " Is Interesting to note that Gutding Is progressing in Peru, Many new Guiders have been recruited and many train- ing courses given Funding is W" established m Lima and girls are helping with the lit- erary campailm in cooper-21mm with the Ministry of Education and compel-nos are hem; Osh- blished in the less pnwlezed ar- ea of Lima, A mm at land near Lima was awn: to the Guide mention and all mm- burs are working very hard to "cur? funds to develop a train- ing and programme centre on his lend Peru’s neighbour. Eruador, in wound m u dramatirally hum tiful valloy surrmlnded hy the posh of the Andes The former Western Hemisphere Travelling Ckmtrmssiorter, Gladys Gunmen Simpson, now livns permanently in Guayaquil. \Emm. And is Any vlsxlnr to Latin America soon becomes aware of the wide vanety of climate. topography, peoples and problems among these trountrles"wtueh have a common language and religion and ' s1milar historical track. ground. (In Brazll Portugese is spoken but the others all speak Spanish). During the last three years emphasis in the Western Hemis- phere Countries has been upon mutual aid and self help in the Lauri countries rather than di. rect aid from the Western Hem- isphere Suh-Committte. Around The Wiirlld With Girl Scouts In Canada This remarkably Iolid record at steady progress, consistently maintained. inspires all divisions ot the Weston organization with complete confidence m the tut- The grown; expulsion d its organization, the Widening diver. sificatimt of Its operations, Ill twin]! and interrutioetaily, the fuller consolidation ttt its inter cuts firmly establish Weston: in a preeminent posmon as the foremost of Canada’s greatest growth comp-mes. sues volume - In airtime peat Mr. George Marcel? Reporfs . f q . . Weston s Annual Meeting gram: 21pr't"pp2tl,"t can"; mm: 14ttt'.' It: Earnings up sharply - an per share. Udi" and Gauguin: Your Annual new - 1h 0mm story at “and: mol- at yen, outsuippiu all ya- vnous achievements. Again - new retold: - III achievements. Net profits 35% higher than In Iâ€! mqwcmm Co..MdtMWu.'l Ats-lMeettttqintttett+ lmdmlquwhHud Total and; exceeded n, mil- ', In g. MR. GEORGE METCALF I; I In Argentina the Guide Assoc nation is pmgressmg soundly land well. In Buenos Aires, cap- ea ( ital city with 10.0mm!) people, rie is centred a large proportion at Q', the Guiding membership. Com- is panics and packs meet in pui- a shes and sometimes in delight- " ful private gardens. Visitors are k l impressed with the way the put- " i rol system works in this mumry. tk , In Paraguay although the l movement is new and gull small. U- _ interest is keen, In Uruguay too lo'the Guides are trying to form ttt a unified Amman no that We they can soon apply for mem- n- benhip in the World Moda- ohms! to 'dottt slum. had- an or Mile, in any right ot my. The Sonny provtdu the maur. u-ls and then the fun being. One group chose bridges in I rather lonely [In and I M camp in September t - y.tt. diam ii',u"'k"J2lTlf-lhl'lt-. In Edinhurth. Sentuod, Ran. gers and Rovers have tXFopee- ted with the Scottish Right. " Way Society A m "I! Mexico mm mound mm! and help to "Our Cabana“. The village mica m Mexico no held at Our Cabana and [Ive our Canaan Rangers Ind than from uvonl other coun- trim the opportunity to gtvqr service in the Village: "wad Cuernavaea, groups in Ecuador unite into one movement and so prepare for membership in the World Assoc tation of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. We believe In Canada - in mm: Canadian. We live 'm a great country. The womb-ml story of Canada's growth in " inspiring record oi great aehiev. (meals, ours is a nation at n- wutceml courageous people. No 'tther country in the Tlhtrtd with a population of ours. lea than an million, has ever muck ed the cum-m rate at National Productivity at over " billb- In a year. atrewtteahettover"tttilitims, thegreatest-it-sirs. ce The Cumin my m. ated rcmuhhlo M in LII Mend by the decision af bus: nets. There Wit " mum n Canada‘s National Preach a marked inc-nu. d " . . b mottit.vaeta-i-t.ih. ee-teat-....- ““4““. gratttttm-it.tt-ttctk. â€â€˜1'“. qream-gqetaahrtt.- magnum-um Immmmw. amwmmmm blen- amputation-Urn Canadian wintry Iliad than T'," Inn Maehmuelier, Waterloo SNOOKWRKE. lay a. Run All Club. Waterloo. I) lay. mend In“. hook. Gm. whmnv-Icnmn. April an. CIrol Audrey IcKcllnr lo Wayne William Vanity. both (I DYEr-KUNTZ, May 4, Isabella Marie 1mm, " S, Waterloo. to lion-Id John Bret, Kitchen- MUcmr1mLLERatEgtrErartrNG, lay 2, Helen Alvin- Kauai:- BELLROLPR, May 4. In. Ruth . Ralph. Waterloo. to Richard AI Bell, Ottawa. DOSTLE-REILLY. April Mr. mr lnu Eileen Reilly, Kitchener, to James Frederick Dome. Wat- LANGO'NE1L. May 4. Margaret Anne O'Neil. Kitchener. to mum Francis tang, Water. variw meme. the last for miles on foot carrying all the ttear, This a wonderful service because there have been one: ofpeorietseiag1oatoetttteSeot. tish hills because signposts have fallen or become unreadable. Care of signposts is when a thattr-iirmtrbridgestmtua unduly». wumulowm. April 21. Carol Rum lawsuit, print drum ttt Calm-nil - to: in- sane. - noon may have up move to the Great but am. Great Lulu rem will beam. --andrrereat-thegreateat industrial area on earth have at its unequalled possessio- at urge-tttint d not total but was "nibble In a World a! mush- rooming manna. Now , ui. human! murmur. tuttdotttruinthettext- ...thoyeu Moth lmursity d mu. -etig T.r_tr.-.rt-..tte- umww...:m'w what: of the Gmat Libs. mallow-u: "rhpeensiaheoest.altae.h. mink-yumm- -tftaties-trruti ..thtith.i. Wot-Much! Minn-mt. E!DCEEin v 69 "m, n sAlaik': :1. ILL] "dl ‘hupes, stirs the imagination. creates exciting new vision: of agar: "hrTitttt him _ _ Cased-3r coming Centennial {warrants and demands mamoth nation-wide all-out participation. A real extravagann planned with boldness and tourism un- dertaheat.sittt- dedicated effort. something really tremendous and spectacular . . . something gmuinely worthwhile and not able . . . the greatest birthday celebration in history, the grand- est event yet in the glowing an this of this vibrant young na- Canada stands on the thres- hold at her 100th birthday... ttre 100th anniversary of Confed- eration . . . a glorious Century of national achievement shaped and guided by faith . . . the faith of the founding fathers. Wemusttysaiioeetti:sri- . . . this is a great historic at onion for Canada and the whole world. An occasion that inspires . . . strongly diversified net. work of thriving enterprises strongly entrenched natiomlly and internationally Across the wide breadth of the North Amer- ican continenL ladies and Gentlemen . . . In mm a single biscuit plant . . . Today a gigantic multidivision Today the number one of Can- §da'l greatest growth commu- The " year summary at Wes- lons‘ operating results high: lights the widening pace of growth which has continued to accelerate year alter year aux-e A new our for - family! New Commerce. Low interest rates. Life- trpplitmtmhrtmtrhome.'thtsohateoer insured for your protection. Comm qiiiiiiiit you need no-ith a Personal Loan ient repayments. See your helpful from ',tfjtedie' Imperial Bank of Commerce branch mm today. 01151260 branches to serve you a- mum (on...) and!!!†The eyes of the World are an Canada. Let us welcome the World to Canada. show Canada to everyone . . begin now send- in: out invitations. invite every- one to open-house in Canada . . . from coast to coast . . . from January to Derember. Extend the friendly hand of famous Canadian hospitality. highlight the wonders of this wonderful country. point up the rich re- ward: of faith and enterprise, The illustrious histor ad: is a story of faith, ple of spirited purpose, is' a story the World hear, Canada is a 1 World wants to see. 1 Team _ work is evident in mur ie as well as any favorite sport, no " the drum sections of the two bands combined to present percussion precision and timing. Irv. military men could find ’a better combination. The Amer. ican visitors will be welcomed in Preston anytime they choose to return north of the border. The Scout House Show proved that the local band has lost no polish and will continue to be the number one band in the hearts of people all across the country. Scout House marched in high - stepping fashion from the Centre or the giant anniversary cake which)“ the new"! thousand spectators with their favorites. Waltzing Matilda. Blue Tango and many other selections, The field show presented by Scout House set a brisk pace, nth numerous new manoeuvres in. eorporated to delight the fans. history of Can " Cxam- ' Canada's I loves to place the FAIST, Mr. and Mrs. Louis. 274 Lourdes St., Waterloo, at St Mary's Hospital, April 26, daughter. FOSTER. Mr. and Mrs. John. ASPDEN, Mr. and Mrs. Donald, 64 Schweitzer St, Bridgepon. al St, Mary's Hospital, April 27, twins, son and daughter. BAUMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton M.. RR l, Elmira, at K-W Hospital, May l, son. CURTIS. Mr. and Mrs. Winston, 145 Graham St., Waterloo, at St. Mary's Hospital, May 8. 161 Herbert St.. Waterloo, att St. Mary's Hospital, May 3. BEAUTIFUL ARTIFICIAL FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS tdiiiiheltdigs,9iy (ii', l!!,?,!!..',?. CHINA ' GIFT SHOP BIRTHS SCOUT HOUSE EMERGES FR6iisii; ANNIVERSARY CAKE MrEiiWAat-'Tarat-qear IHILL, Mr. and Mrs. Murray, 40 King St. South, Waterloo. at K-W Hospital, April M, daughter. JOHNSTON, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn. 595 Lancaster St, Bridgeport, M K~W Hospital, April 30. daughter. MARTIN. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley (nee Doreen Huber of Water. loo). 4 Glenbmok Ave.. Toron- to at St. Michael‘s Hospital, April M, son. MeGEE. Mr. and Mrs. William. 15 Dial St. North. Waterloo, at K-W Hospital, May 2. son. MeLEAN. Mr. and Mrs. Roder-, ick, " King St. South, Water- PRKED FROM $2.50 " $5.00 ence, 113 Noecker St., Water- loo. at K-W Hospital, May it, daughter. WEBER, Mr. and Mrs. Seramm. RR 3, Waterloo. at K-W Hoe pital, May s, son. MUSSELMAN. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, RR 2. Elmira, at K~W Hospital, May 3. sun. SZOCZEI, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar, " William St, West. Waterloo, at KAY Hospital, April 27. son. TANNER. Mr. and Mrs. Clar- loo, at St. Mary's Hospital. May I, daughter. McMAHON. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh, 110 Wilham St West. Water- loo, at St. Mary's Hospital. May 6. son. A“! an!