CuaaifiodAah-ti+uto-qted - M“ Articles For Sale (Articles For Sale For Sale Kitchener - Preston Highway Open Thurs. and Fri. Evenings Mon. to Wed. Evenings By Appointment arm ALL DAY WED. REFURNISHING? GETTING MARRIEIJ n- - Good I". Your choice of color, regular $69 value. Take advantage of this bonus offer and purchase your money saving three mom ensemble now. you receive with the purchase a! this three room grouping. 9 by " FOOT RUG PAGE no!!! Three rooms ot fabulous new {umnure for only $489, a mere traetton of what you'd expect to pay for all you get and n is all decorator select- ed. right down to the he! lamp. Everything is matched, and m good taste. You need» n't shop a piece at a time . . . It IS alreadv correlated for you, You SAVE MORE when you buy the whole works . . . and just look at Free CUP and SAUCER To All Engaged Couples Visiting Our Store No Obligation Free Insured Storage Till Needed OTHER BUDGET' GROUPS PRICED AS IDW AS 3444 DON J OHNSTONE‘S HiWay Furniture BONUS OFFER No Financing Charges THREE ROOMS [mm Penny for penny, The Chronicle Want Ads are the biggest bargain you can find . . . you reach more people in Waterloo who want to buy your mer- chandise or service . . . Use the Clu- allied Section of The Waterloo Chron. icle. lt is, indeed a powerful ales .. V0160. [E WANT ABS ARE IMlll B§A MARKET ME \ Let Us Help You oe All New, mun FURNITURE . Selling 0 Renting . Buying A POWERFUL VOICE $489 " Weekly SH For A. Wool M. Mu Ihe Waterloo â€Chronicle 104 ['06 ST. S. .... (laid. new“) WORDS FOR ONLY Word Your Classified Advt. 744-5214 Water Softening Free Parking 236 Margaret Ave., Kitchener AQUASOFT 8ir.'"2" 'd,u,'di lf Teudi"ilt, " to m by m I STEVE S Wand8tinehT'e'.,reemtdi- Mandmrmwedmto 86&iTandSiirtehrv's,re- EVERSOFT Soft Water Seryice Phone SH 4-2248 Keep Your Water Bridge Sport Shop 82 Margaret Ave. (At The Budge) 295 Lancaster 81. West Headquarters For Puppies, Budgies and Pet Supplies We Specialize In SPORT CENTRE Stop Here For Bait Team Discount Prices DON'T GAMBLE WHEN BUYING TROPICM FISH " "HAND Wanted Services WANTED: Flock: m amply large hatchery with all breeds of hatching eggs, eggs from many breeds taken every week in the year. Large premium paid. Anny not (5, Waterloo Chronicle. T-te-tisle. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (rubber PUMPING SEPTtC TANKS . Bill's Septic Tank Service, Bridgeport. Phone SH 3-0081. We have three new patterns in Formica for kitchen count ters, cupboards, tables. doors, watt are“ and bathroom vanities! E. R. was." a Son 161 Roger St. mum» Phone SH was WAIIO‘S LARGE" Dill) LWIII DIALII (On Highway T " mm whim!) mm plan “Me. Join the would. walk. and. run or dun to have!“ 599th Centre. 966 King stAet in. Kim, SH 3-331). Opal Never Requires Painting or Refinishing Ot Any Kind plain. sealed envelopes with price list, 6 samples 2Se; 24 samples $1.00. Mail order Dept W34. Nov. Rubber Ctr, Box 91. Hamilton. on. We Are Your Ho. Improvement Com PER INSERTION Kitchen: . interim Open 1 an. to S:30 MI. GUN SALE Pet House Furniture Repairs AUCTION SALE, sponsored by lekesville Home and School on Saturday, May 4, 1 pm. Baking, Antiques, Clothing. Used Furniture Ind many other useful articles. Auction Sale Farm Equipment For Sale "ATTT HAY VIACK . " feet Wanted Apartment For Rent WANTED, unfurnished apart- ment in University area. one bedroom with In attractive View. single person. Box S, Waterloo Chronicle. 1'- wanna W)" tmtttM8t" Boats Going On A Holiday? Call MARTIN MUftAWSKY SH 5-7239 Board Your Bird With Us It Will [naive The Best or New s, 15 and 25 hon-separa- Gale Buccaneers in stock. also "unable in 40 and " horsepower at attractive in» counts; used 3S hummer electric and other used new: Top quality brand new tihre glass and alummum mink- ahle eartop boats and canoes at reductions up to $85.00. Boats and canoes to rent im cluding square stem canoes that take up to s horsepower. Malt. Quorum; It: For but and m 50min Dobbins first St William St. M., WaLloo Gale Buccaneer 3 horsepower we: model almonds made by Evinrude, the hen and chap- eat outboard in the Johnson, Evinmde. lacuna- lino "in: only " tba, I... $109.50. Murry, limit“ an." my.†for any good purpose [mm with zoo feet of rope, fork and carriage. SH 3-1972, Wayne Snyder. R.R. 3, Kitchener. PAYMENTS TAILORED TO YOUR BUDGET Phone or Call In at - AND MIMI“ THE PET HOUSE "I Weber N., Waterloo LEE us CLEAN YOUR Rugs A Furniture CALL Mull we 742-8488 Furniture ttef [0.51159 ft 891351. 1252 King St. E. Kitchener Ah “a... llut; but. um nu ud- plm; bdq Inch; mm] In mitts. 2915.219219- Ceey “is m -. Ar1loTlt FINANCE $50 to $5,000 " Queen st. South HehsWantedMaleAndremale mule-u We Take Trades REFLECTO 744-1 I 53 Don Sewell MALE PRECISION MACHINISTS FEMALE LATHE OPERATORS DRAUGHTSMAN laud-India“ MtaiNndhmtmr-Limitrd Shinto-Ink Mini-hum Stmtford 271-38†hunt-Id Waterloo -- Phone 10.4233 MEI}: runs and with!" Conan out Easy Tor. Arr-Inga! Fences, New Roof, New Ceiling or Floor- ing - any repair ioU? Call Us To-day . . . We_rart hem you wit! yap: I'luvo PM? NEED . . . More Room, Guru's, TOM McMILLAN 50 Ontario ' Dial SH_3-l“’ " m at. W. . Waterloo " sat" Sales Service Surplus, lupin " Years serving This District. Also TV, Radios, Vuuums. TYilites, Toasters and Irons. a King st. B. was“. Cryshl - Radios - China - Chocolates - Ceramics LORENZ “ms 88 nuponl at. E. Want!“ "Io-Q " "606 bulIIIIIOI' Heal, [Inst & Moths Cause Real Dunn . Take No Chance: . Store Your Fun . Cleaning & Glazing WI. Hartman Expert Guaranteed Service Reasonable Price SHERRY JOYCE " Allen E., Waterloo 742-2328 Doors, Railings, etc. WATCH REPAIRS 164 ALLEN ST. E. Aluminum Screens; 0 Repairs SH. 5-4l33 Rat: lumber CONSTRUCTION Your [:1qu Beale: Phone SH 3-1463 For That Unusual Gift Visit The ALUMINUM SALES A WNINGS It. A. HINDI" w. stock parts tor. and rem all makes Waterloo The average of wages and sal- aries paid in Canadian industry is $80.38 I week. compared to $69.73 five years ago. -ttmew,amdd-tttts-st, mataftheidwesat,tHttttiehs we drink. and It. is I. -i-ieutsett-,taGr. 'rtuatbedirseeeheramdir "mdttrtheteastartbaterts,th. ta Safety Blacks MOTOR CARS in) (celery: he in the . MM, The body is n mechan- wal -uettare--amaehine made up at hand!†of put. These The 1oeat police department points out that a pedestrian stands little chance of survival when a driver loses control of his vehicle through a mechani- eel fault and the walker is in the way. The greatest danger in to the jay-walkers or people who Cross intersections against I red signal. Jay-walkers and signal-beat- en, claims the Prem polite traffie division, put absolute faith in the vehicle's mechanical condition They are sure the our will respond to the dnvet': steering and miss them: sure the brakes will slow or stop the car in lime; sure the emergency brake will effectively take over if the regular brakes fail; sure the windshield and window glass A munch campaign such an the Canadian Highway Safety Council is sponsoring through April and May, must be of vital Visit Our Sales Rooms Open Daily Mort., Tttes.. Wed. " a... to 5:30 gun. Auction Sale Thurs 7:30 pm. Friday " an. to ' Fm. 3 PRINCESS sr. w. wnmwo For All Your Auction News Estates From Bereavement WANT TO GET BEHINDA NEW WHEEL? K. Ill. .- AUCTION MARKET ix! Plano r493631 GET YOUR CA. - VI" A [ADV-m. "ram“. i"'i ii ""1? max 1: in: ii {m ' Sun†or Carre my Accepted LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Ir-tuhh-dats-tte ‘y-udhbdyomoladjua- m “on out cl adjustment, that put Book or trrttate tho M which nus! direct the The smooth, light beer Cincinnati Cream Lager Beer brewed by (CARLING) Just say the word I. m N h "at “naming! mic-aunt. \ummm-u-u 1GiiiGarariGr'i'iTi" jug-"(.1byumu-dmo maan the mastic-h b sell-rep." and haul Published in the publlc than P' by the, Fistula-Wallaâ€