a> Hundreds of thousands of trees grown to be used at Chirstmas are grown in British Columbia Nova Scotia, New â€" Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario. One of ¢vâ€" ®ry four Christmas trees in the soidiers hired by George II! to first to decorate a Chirstmas suppliers of Christmas . trees, TB CUSTOM OF D=CORATâ€" ING Christmas trees came to this continent from Germany. Decorate Trees \ w 9 = * e l m ® WiTH COUPON AND PURCHASE c C * 2 . .. w * a. o. uty . ~*ggme i . F y eP l""“'! aPp y Ts‘ me Coupen Fxpzer Dae 19 STAMPS / $ . s wiTH COurom AND PURCHASE ‘ i Gient Peckage es surea m * j h FAB h m R & A [ DAAA ecommmmmamrmrrmnnmerancmen in e 1500 First To NESTLES CHOCOLATE DRINK wiTk CouPor AnD PurChase One 4 Pockâ€"16â€"08. Phg. with CooPOu A RICHaRD HuDNMUT szat DARES PLAIN POTATO CHIPS $SHAMPOQ One 146. Tin Q UIK Shopper â€" What would you give to a man who has everything? Blonde â€" Salesgir! â€" How _ about plenty of encouragement. have a live Christmas tree. Othâ€" er live trees are a giant sequoia in California which is said to be more than 3,500 years old, and an oak which grows in a North Carolina park. The Spanish moss which festoons its branches is supposed to weigh more than six Wonder how they found out? GIFT m wiTh Couton anb Porchast wiTh CouPon ND PURCHASE Two 12â€"05. Pige. VeNTuRA FArMS FRoZEN wiTH Couron amo PuecHase 32â€"00. Pestic Bri, INSTANT SUDS tor D1SM06 wiTH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 1â€"ib. Peckege POWDEAED $KIM MILK PEPSQODENT LIMA BEANS KUâ€"MILK Coupon Epes Doc. W# Exp «es Dec. 19 twoâ€"year term in December, 1964, for 1965 council so the elecâ€" tions in the two cities would fall The twoâ€"year term system has been used by Waterioo since Mayor Bauer in replying to an editorial which appeared in the Record ilast week firmly expressâ€" ed his feelings im favor of conâ€" Mayor Bauer Favors Twoâ€"Year Term current â€" twoâ€"ygar â€" term _ civic LUCKY GREEN STAMPS ahe Coupon Expres Dor 19 WiTH €OtPON AND PURCHAS One 16â€"00. Jr WiTH COUPON AND PuRCHASE d Coopon Exprres Dec. 19 with Couror AND PURCHASE 146. Tin WiTM COUPON ANO PURCHASt LJ Coupon Expues Dee. 19 wiTk COUPON ANO PURCHASE One 16â€"0r. 1.8. Jor BILLY B2E LIQUID ATLAS OF TODAY‘$ WORLD Rend McNolly‘s Hustrated MAYONHAISE ASPIRIN HOKLEY Ceupon Expirey Dec 19 BAYER 100‘s 2‘ THE WATERLOO (Ontaric) CWROmcIE Jownship also has a twoâ€"year term and its elections are held mnate elections in the two cities are "mot valid at all" and added that ‘"there is no advantage to be gained and much to be lost of interest in local civic politics. NO ADVANTAGE The mayor feels that the sugâ€" twoâ€"year term on the same year in the two cities could resuit in He also said that the Waterloo PRICES EFEECTIVE DEC. 12, 13, 14, 15 AYLMER CORN Libby‘s Beans .:. 3 .:. 46: SPECIAL! Choice Cream Style SPECIAL! Deep Brownedâ€"With Pork in Tomato Soauce SPECIAL! MITCHELL‘S CHOICE UNSWEETENED SPECIAL! LOBLAWS ICE .CREAM l SNJOY THEM NOW! CALIFORNiA SWEET JVICY! EASY TO PEELI ] ©OOD SUPPLIES AVAILABLE! CAPE COD! LATE HOWE VARIETY! Seediess Navel Oranges | FRESH CRANBERRIES I & NUTS IN SHELL e © OLIVES AND PICKLES o Mixed Nuts ...:v... 59« Brazils .. ....s...49+ Rose Sweet Mixed Pickios :. 33:° FRESH CAULIFLOWER CELERY STALKS * TMTTOF RVRIWI a THIWIRIIY NTTYER MIWI lt 1i LREMIUM YUALLT TL PNIMEY qWFEETL 3 9 RuBY Mn GMPEFBUIT 5 as f‘ «++ 44 + a ""“" GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA! No. 1 GRADE! SNOW WHITE! SARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA! No. 1 GRADE! THE VERY BEST AVAiLASLAI NEW BRUNSWICK‘S FINESTI CAN. Mo. 1 GRADET idaho Type Bakeri( Fluffy Cookeraf FROM FLORIDA‘S INDIAN RIVER DISTRICT! PREMIUM QUALITY! HONEY SWEET! TLB *** CBLLO BAG He felt that if the alternate decided by two year terms were established | chener "an in the twin cities that this would | its‘ not my only compound the problem. iu: as it "One of the greatest problems (in civic Politics) is the breakâ€" down in the desire of elected ofâ€" ficials to make decisions in the last quarter of the year because of the impending elections," he communities can work betier to gether in the development of area in the same year as the city of Waterioo. With terms of office ( ff ,ff TASTY TREAT wite couron Ann PURCHASé One 4â€"H. or. Btt. WiLLIAM‘$ 2CE OLUT AQUA VELVA R1s Coupon Expas Dee 19 r20.FL 2 or. tins 33@ ~2 4 29¢ ..:â€" mtc 59s _ McLaren‘s Sweet Ghorkins .:. 39:s a problem which will have to be d_ecidedbyflnfldenn.dï¬t- ASSORTED FLAVOURS not my concern except insoâ€"| good as it involves the over-nfli)oinl #pa witH Couron Ano PuRCHASE One 2â€"H. or. Bri. WILLIAM‘S wiTH COuron LECTRIC SHAVE Coupon Expres Dec 19 CLARK‘S SOUP â€" SPECIAL! Tomato or Vegetable SPECIAL! General Mills Wheaties Cereal â€"2 :s 55: POTATOES good of the area and our |\ 5S Ap) #28 Coupon Expires Dec Nm.ï¬ Coupon Expires Dec. 19 Grandmothers S@TTY CROCKI® Amy Packege |â€"GALLON CARTON RUSEET BURABANK <>++>+> many _ The Waterice Chronicle EACH nssccse: KE LVR 16FL. 3 ... 29Q+ Means such a change! And for days, they have scurried, 0 wiTk couron wiTH COurON AND PURCHASS One 11 A. os. O BATMH BUSSLES #29 wiTh CoUron AmD PurCMAst Two 1â€"1. Phge. ROSE REGULAR 19 1 §u 29 Coupon Lupres One 19 cupon uperes Oue 19 To 18,