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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 23 Aug 1962, p. 1

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Mr. mended attended hieh-lyt"tetimr school and Gustavo Adoipttusimonths. University in anvan botany Later th serving two yum in the United dorf an” m Stun 11th Airhornr Dwmnn Minneapolis In was he gradualrd from ‘hn to ijprlo University ot Minnesota with nstptcmber. Professor Donald Morgensonw Dean of students at the Univer- sity College of Waterloo Luther- [ In Universlty, announced today that Mr. Richard A. Buendorf of! Minneapolis has been appointed Director of Athletics at Waterloo I University College. The steady ' increase in student enrolment and the success of the 1961-1932 Golden Hawk Football team has made it expedient for a lull-time ' director to head the University‘s! Athletic Department. 1 These discount stores can be‘moval of the bandshell in the a help and a hinderance to a park. city. Presently it would tieeml "rve heard Laurie Branch is too much business is being tak- , trying to get prices on the band- en hom the centre and going to shell". said Mr, Swarm. the edges. llowc'cr this h a He said he will try to get the retailing problem and at might situation "rectified" sometime better be faced mre than later, "his week. Edward Sim, chair- JMS. A NEW DISCOUNT STORE "arm, for Waterloo. This mould give Towers something to think about but also means if Waterloo merchants now located in the Square do not get all their southern posterior and start shoving their location. that they are going to be in even more trouble than they are at the prev sent. JtML1tt6 Ar---.-- , Both the Belt Telephone and the Telegraph company are virt- ual monopolies and not supposed to exist in a democratic country. The smell from some of these efforts is getting a little over- powering and a new government would have a fighting chance us- ing the conversion at these out. fits " part of their platinum. Having a telegraph oliice lo- cated in Kitchener to serve Waterloo is on the same plane as having our entire telephone set up with the Bell Telephone in Kitchener where the long dis. tance operator answers "Kitch- ener". even though a great many of the calls are for Waterloo. SYATEMEN'I' THAT LOCAL telegraph office will do I better job if located in Kitchener is I lot of malarky. V This condition may be a little tough on the station operator, probably, makes the big oil com- panies a little sick to their nom- acb, but makes the average motorist wish the price dive would continue until it reaches about ten cents a gallon. Then it will be a case of what they save on gasoline they spend on tin: to not. it. J.H.S. TH! DIUGHT or ALL motor ha. a gasoline price war has come ttt Waterloo and Kimhener. Prices have dropped into the thirty cent class and threaten to dive even I little lower. lurk, None of then methods are legal and its tune the De- partment woke up and realized they can’t have different rules tor Maren! people gun: illegally whether it be ftsh or towr. Each year were are a lumber oi incidents where usual- ly gun: fish are killed with any- !hin; from I paddle to a pitch While we certainly dmt't be- grudge the woman her fish we deiaiteiy feel the Department at Land; and Forests to save its own (In should be forced to The Department at Lands Ind Forests who oversee the des- tiny: " all game fish. game aniv mats, and game birds state def» tetitety that all game tish mun be taken by angling and this in - In TMI LOCAL I!” PA'IR about some {em-h iisir cnlnn hitting a gum tUh over the head with I paddle and then kttiattrtettoututtsewateris My amusing but also a valves 1 tiitting" rod and reel not tltt W l. t Appoints Athletic Director WW Later this month, Mr Buen. dorf an” marry Sharon Welrh of Minneapolis and they wtll move to Waterloo m the waddle of During the yenrs of 19531950. Mr. Buondnrt held an assistant ship at the University of Minne- sou and served as President of Phi Epsilon Kappa, I profession. a! physical educational fratern- tty. For three yarn he worked tor the 1'rtiversity of Minnesota Intramural Office. A qualified water safety in. structor. Mr, Buondorf "Inches swimming during the summer months. James Swartz, a member of the Waterloo Park Board, said this week he will speak to city recreation director Laurie Branch about the latter's at- tempt to get prices for the re- moval of the bandshell in the park. BS. Degree in Physical Eduea. tion and in if!“ he received his MA. from that university in the same field. SWAMPED ON DRY LAND - Traffic experts Elmer The Safety Elephant and Doreen Wyatt are shown with the many entry forms sent in after the comple- tion of Elmer's recent safety contest in the Chronicle. The contest was also run in several other Ontario "We welcome these men from our neighbouring cities to the board of this rapidly growing university," said Mr. Needles. “Our membership now includes leading citizens from eleven communities in Western Ontario and from Toronto and Montreal " well. The three year term which our new members will serve will probably be the most vital period in the development of the University of Waterloo." Board. Leland Electric Company ue, Guelph. U of yiritiiii Thrée More Governors W. Prudent, - G. sum; h Brother, of Candi ue, Brantford; George H. Dob hie, Resident. Dabble Maw nu Ltd. Galt, and G. Erna The new member: an l S 1iWll0sllilliill,ll, TROUBLE m other business at the Parks Board meeting, the Waterloo Minor Football Association and the University of Waterloo were granted the use ot the playing field directly adjacent to Sea- gam Stadium. The use at the field was authorized upon the provision that no cleats will be worn on the field by the players. Carl Tobie. director of athlet- ies at the university, laid the university wanted he field for rugby. Bel-lune the spar! of rugby does not start until late this (all. there is little likelihood of the sport intrrterrine with minor bnehall or football Mr, Tome said In I letter: "Runner Mis bren gradually growing " . sport at the univer- sity Ind thin year we will have a tram enter-wt in a league and will he playing tux or eight "mes. Mr. Branch is trying to move the bandshell " part of a long- range Waterloo Park expansion program. During the next fir teen years the park will extend all the way to the University at Waterloo grounds and West. mount St. The put will almost treble in size. OTHER IUSINISS With over iwenty guinea sched- uled at the Stadium this fall, we no umhle to find time for this additional sport" man of the Parks Board asked, "Is the Parks Bond not control~ ling its own park?" Gait, when he now reddea. A graduate of new University, he served in World War II " a Captain with the Canadian Army, In addition to serving as president of the eight compan- ies of the Dobbie textile organ- ization. he is also president of Swill Airways Ltd. He is a mem- ber and past chairman of the Gait Board of Education and a governor of Lakefield Prepara- tory School. Mr. Robertson. born and edu. (Command on 0) Firms In Waterloo conducting business through the Kitchener telegruph ottiee will find it's "um what it's cracked up to be" Mlyor Bauer “id at this week's The mayor made this com- meat after council Mal-d a letter read from Canadian National Railwaya. They stated to the effect that Waterloo would not lose its identity when the jointly operated telegraph office m Waterloo eioses on August Slat. The office is than: because a auitabl! replacement of the re- tired manager. Morley Luftman, cannot be found. A section of the letter read: "All telegrams and able: from Waterloo will be handled end» ly as present Io far In design. tion of the original office is con- corned, "Messages will be handled much more rffieiently by our trained "ttr, both outgoing and The eight team captains are G. R. Blake. Waterloo: Arthur Breithaupt. Kitchener; J. J. Hemphill, Waterloo; J. G. Mar- M. L. Lahn, Treasurer. Water- loo Trust & Savings Company, Kitchener, is appointed chairman of the committee and J. R. lub- er, Jr., of the Walper Hotel, Kitchener, will serve " mhair- man,.said Mr. Hamblin. Gordon Hambiin, chairman of the WW Personal Gina Commit. tee tor the Canadian Fund to Expand the University of Wat- erloo today announced the names ot chairmen and team captains for the Special Personal Gifts Committee. Blasts Telegraph Service Mr. Needles alto announced that six members of the univer- sity's board of governors have weeklies. Among the many winners of the contest was Charlotte Hauck. If, of 308 Lester St., Waterloo. Sponsor of the contest in the Chronicle was Orr Auto- mobiles of Waterloo Ltd. Appointments Announced Aid. Vernon Bauman jokingly and one mlution m keeping the trlarlph office in Watrrioo would he to annex the city of Nashua". He said only time will teil if the new armaments prove until-Clary He added he has seen Kitchener datelitte. on Waterloo ten-(rum “III the Mayor Bauer and that every attempt had been made to keep the office in Waterloo. The mnynr was dilplnsed at the dim: moving, l The CNR Ilsa told council of the fact that Waterloo firms have been informed of the clunge. All of the firms will receive I formal telling of the move. The card will also tell the tirttttt the telephone numbers of the Kitch- ener and Toronto oHiees when the Waterloo firms wish to send telegrlms on Sundays and holi- days. "These men will head up I group of tio team members who will visit the leading business and professional people in the Twin Cities," said Mr. Hembiin. "Although many of our team members are graduates of other universities. all share in the be- lief that a strong and growing university in this community is essential if there is to be ade. quate opportunity tor higher education tor the coming gener- ation." tin, Kitchener: James McGibbon. Waterloo; L S. O'Brian, kiteh. ener; P. L Rama, Kitchener and D. R. Wiley, Kitchener, SEAT BELTS SAVE was e, An esti- mated 630 Can-diam; killed in traffic necidenta last year would have been saved by seat belts. The Ontario Prov- incial Police display at the Canadian National Exhibition this year provides tt dynamic demonstration of the value of spat belts. O.P.P. Commission" W. H. Clark (left) and Deputy Attorney The extension program to be eondueted by Waterloo Luther- an University this fail is design- ed to assist students obtain I degree in the general an; pro- gram when they are unable to attend regular classes during the week. The extension program wilt offer fifteen courses It university level for residents ot Guelph, Orangeville. Mount Forest end the new Hillel'- At a meeting of the K-W Hos. pital Property Committee held today and attended by the archi- teet, tenders for construction of the KW Nurses Training School and Residence addition were recommended to the Hospital Commission for acceptance. At a special meeting of the Com- mission which followed. con- tracts were awarded to the fol- lowing bidders, subject to NF proval of a pending application to the Ontario Municipal Board Four hundred and fourteen students are writing the final examinstions today for the 1982 summer school session at Water- loo Lutheran University. The concluding lectures for this third annual session were given yesterday. Results of the cums will be mailed to the students on Monday. Bunker Construction Wins Nursing School Tender PROGRAMS TO BE GIVEN A. S. IALL| NGALL Total $1,137 ,092 Separate tenders were called for as above, but the general ors. Ltd., Kitchener 304,831 "etrteat Conn-d: Black & McDonald, Ltd. Toronto 123,280 Kitchener ' , Much-nits! Contact Bennett & Wright Contract The extension clam: com- mence on Saturday, September 29th in the trariotts centres and lectures wilt be given every ae- cond week tor " weeks. These courses are being given by Waterloo Lutheran Univer- sity in cooperation with the Uni. versity of Western Ontario. Until this year. Western has con- ducted the extension program in this area, but heavy increases in enrolment have forced them to keep their extension program within a 00 mile radius of law with respect In the building: Gourd Comma: Bunker Construction. Ltd. loo urea. Students working on programs that will lead to a degree, from other universities will receive credit for their W.L.U. courses. GIOIGI M. 00.”! General W. B. Common listen as Dr. J. 0. Moore. research exprrt, explains the dynamic sled. lmilt to test belts. Inset, is a 2lll~pnuml dummy flying through the air after helm; catapulted by the sled. With a belt. the dummy would have been t'vwltminml. The sled duplicates the effects of crashing into I concrete wall at 60 miles per hour. ' 708.995 18,260 contractor will have supervision over the mechanical and elect- rial trades. The above total does not include costs for furnishings and equip. ment, architect's ices, landscap- ing. nocvssary alterations in the present building to which the NW building will be connected. removal of an old building and relocation of the Myntal Health Department and the "Home: who had occupied the building. (Continued on page tr) The conference was organized by the Home Economica section of the Ontario Education Associ- ation. . This year's theme is curricular interpretation a nd courses of study. The contor- ence is n continuation ol a pilot course held last year at WLU. The main section of the course deals with eta-ordination of cour- ses for grades seven. eight. eleven and twelve with those I! grades nine and ten. Much time is bang spent in workshops where the problems of home economics teachers In being studied and discussed. T The em all. Morton Fitty-five home economics high school teachers from all points in Ontario are attending the Home Economics Conference on the clmpus of Waterloo lather- " University this week. G. ERNEST ROBERTSON fiiilil,I] 10.189

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