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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 16 Aug 1962, p. 1

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"i"".'"'"'""'" ,, 1llilllr"" f iliiiii?iDiir6di%iiigi"ii'ter 1il4aeriutu!lt, It has been hacked and handled around tor " lens ive or six you: but usually $1M retail- er: themselves, There have been several occasions when the More operators have got togeth- er to solidify the deusion to close on Mondays and remam open Wednesday. Frankly we think the idea has a great deal of merit to: there is no real reason why a store keeper taking the risks at his own business should not be re. lieved of the pressure for at least a couple of days a week. Even the man working on pro- duction line or swinging a pick has at least two days a week in Much to relax. The thing that is hard to understand with the present con- troversy is how council mem- hers got mixed up In it, Some- thing like 94 per cent of Water- loo merchants voted against Monday elosing UNLESS Kitch- ener merchants agreed to do the some thing. Peculiarly enougn while bene- fit to the help in these stores could be used as an argument for Monday closing, we have talked to a number of store clerks and have yet to find one that does not prefer Wednesday afternoon and Sunday rather than have Sunday and Monday. We do feel that those alder. men involved have jumped into this controversial subject with- out enough research. Evidently they have the opinion of a very small minority. Might be wise to check with the rest of the merchants before trying to push anything through. IHS. Us? WEEK'S STAILING SHOOT was the largest ever held in this city. While we were carrying far more shells in our car than normally expected we were cleaned out before the shoot even got underway. The last few car loads of shooters had to supply their own am~ munition. Following the shoot we have had only one complaint. this about blackbirds and in an area in which we had not been re quested to shoot. It can be as- sumed from this our gunners did a thorough job and thore will not be another shoot until such time as we receive enough com- plaints to warrant it. If you are being bothered by starlings or blackbirds call this column SH b5214. 1H5. WITH SCHOOL OPENING September fourth. stores supply- ing books, clothing electra are grooming themselves for tho om slaught. No doubt the children will be well taken care of fand their education once they reach school wilt be along the most approved lines. . Lacking in many children to- day is parental "dueaiion which could start and sfop with m- structions on how to behave when they are away from home. Peculiarly enough somo of the parents having 1m:reccable mam nets seem to nurture children with none at all. ICs our pcrs~ onal omnnon they aunt ttoinp, the child any favor by lellmg him get away wtih anything he wants to do. Flying enth"stants wrll be m for a delightful surprc9' come Labour Day‘weokvnd an the 4M KW Wing, RCAF' Association co-spew.', with the Waterloo Wellington Flying Cluh play host to the World famous Go'ldon Hawks. The arrlal ”mus-0n than: of the Royal Canadian Air Force. The local flying club " pre- paring for a crowd of 25.000 spectators for the first airshow in. this Brea. Besides the Column Hawks, stunt flyers from the Cote Bros, Flying Circus will he putting on a low 19-on aerobatic display at death vii-tying tricks in the air, Also as a smcial adri- ed attraction will hrs the RCAF's "Red Knight". I "aring aerottat. ic soloist 404 K-W WING SPONSORS " SHOW Communications tor the aunt thaw will be handlmf hy the Kit. chener unit of the Civil valence. Radio operators will he sinuou- ed at all mm of thr "port and (Command on page a; CWIWIISY Ml no» AV retail dosing Is not new. 106 ( PROGRESS IN WATERLOO is shown try furniture Formerly located in Kitchener. Allan moved his I store owner Allan Rigpy as he points to a new sign be.. business to Waterloo and is now the largest furniture Kitchener merchants are showing indication at “valuing Monday clowns. It has been just three week: since Ald Arthur Paleemy an- nounced he would try to pass I by-law closing all stores in Wat- erloo with the exception ot nor. ists shops. nursencs and - houses, Aid, Patermsy's motion Mandi quite a furor Mt Waterloo - I petition was Circulated and war signed by Br, of the merchants.‘ The petition protested the motion and gave the thy council one allemahve - the merchanls‘ Over sixty-river' men from Wat- erlon armed with shotguns turn, ed out last Thursday night to rid the city of its starling pro. blem. The men first met at the Carling parking lot, where they received their quota of shotgun shells, ing erected over his King Street showroom. SIX GOLDEN HAWKS in tight formation. with smoke trails billowing out behind them, was low over an- other Hawk 'parked on the tarmac Now in their fourth consecutivemeason, the RCAF Golden Hawks l HONDA r a USING The shells are supplied free STARlING SHOOT A SUCCESS Iilij0i][0lillit'J. IN FAVOUR would consider the by-hvt if the ed notice that the by-law will be prepared and read the first time “in the no” future." Despite the protest at nearly " the met-chants at Waterloo. Council heard Aid. Ptleczny': was held earlier this year, due to the heavier concentration of starlings. This was the sixth annual shoot lo be held in Waterloo. The shoot was organ- ized and directed by Herb Smith. each year by the city. The shoot The men were divided into groups of four or five and were mm, MAI”. At "In weer: Kitchen“ coun- cil meeting. Aid. Chapman, no In: been madman] a survey among the Kitchener merchants. nuanced m at his Minn. Out at so merchants asked. M) decided they were ll ("our ot closing on Monday. "t have no heaitatittta in mg- geug'n; that council than feel an obligation to lemme uni- tormity and that Momuy clos- ing is to he desired," said AM. Chapman. _The results of the poll show " percent of the Kitchener merch- ants in layout of Monday dos- assigned various streets to cover. By eight' o’clock over sixty- five shotguns were downing hundreds of starlings. The shoot eontinued for over an hour, and then. because of the lack of proper light, was discontinued. store in the city. are featured performers at the Waterloo- Wellington Air Show, co-sponsored by the K-W Wing RCAF As.. sociation and the Waterloo-Wellington Flying Club. Mr. Smith expressed surprise tW_upereetstirstavouref mmempercc-t eeat needed head cum approv- II before sioting. Aid. Chap run an the proposed Kitch- er by-taw would not upply to “tuner store" hotels, tavern. manna. service Italian. um. tobacco ships. variety that Ind omen. " the merchants in Kitchener accept loudly closing: it is no.~ “bk that the merchants of Wat. ering will reluctantly support Md. Palecmy'r proposed bylaw. Iliad So change-and ion: per ond satisfaction over the num- ber of men who turned up for the shoot. He said it was the largest number of men ever to turn up at a starling shoot. Although the date has not yet been set, at least one more shoot will be held in Waterloo this year. "g TROPHY FULL OF ROSES - Maurice "Moe" Salm formerly of 63 Norman Street Waterloo now of Edmonton an infrequent shooter this season endured the 100-bird competition Sunday July 8th to post a 96. adding to his 96 in first-half shooting Saturday July 7th to win the $1,000 Canadian Trapshooting For the first time in ils ten year history, the Ontario Camp Farthest Out is being held on the campus of Waterloo Luther- an University. This camp is ' non-denominational source of spiritual refreshment for any- one from children to middle. age adults and is a family af. fair. The CFO is a world-wide pro- gram which was started thirty years ago by a group of laymen under the leadership of Dr. Glenn Clark. There are over fifty camps held each year in Canada, the us. and other parts of the world. The camps provide daily pro- grams of meditations. creative rhythms and arts. recreation. prayer groups, sing songs and special speakers. This year, page 3). Charlotte Haurk, l2 of 308 Lester St., Waterloo. Is tho wm- ner at the "Elmer the Ele. phant" safety contest currently being run in the Chroniele. Charlotte had to find sown vr- for: in the picture corttest Miss Hamel: won .wcond prize in the contest -- a combination flash- light and hell for her hwytlo, The eontrst is sponsored by Orr Automobiles of Walorloo Ltd. Severat"voung Waterloo Miss. es took top honours at the re- cent Peterborough Exhibition held last Saturday Heather Voll Ind Shirloy Smith took first place in the Bur-tics Baton com- petition, Wendy Mttttstield and Beverly Cl-ytirld won second no? third place medallions in th competition Julie Schnarr won lint place in the solo com. petition. All are students at the Hellen volt School 01 Maiorettes. (The etmtest Cotttttttses. we WEEK“! 'Ait'li'lllllllliSil' OUT . ' 3“...“ $rr,,i#aki'"" 5s,4Fri' Er” leaders of the camp include Dr.' Clifford Richmond. minister of Chevy Chase Methodist Church in Chevy Chase. Maryland, auth- or of "Why Are We Here" and "Making Life Sing" and Mrs. Geraldine Conway, a lecturer and a minister in the Metho- dist Church from Lucasville. Ohio. For the duration of the seven day gathering, the campers are living in the ttew' womens resi- Your roads may not be in theifall at all." best of condition at the end of To meet this year. with the w best of condition at the end of To meet the rising trouble this year. with the works budget. council At this weeks council moot-rig ' authorized the borrowing of Waterloo Council decided to cut $2.000 from the street signs sec- down on road repair msls. due lion of the trallic and transpor- to I strain on its work iiiGii/iii committee. The My is also running out of money with its annual budget l DUSTY set aside for street cleaning. Council. however, tell that it should not curtail spending on its street cleaning: account. Council decided that only roads in a slate of emergency would he repaired. Ald. Frank Dormer, chairman of the city works committee. pointed out the tart that $25.- 862, has already been spent out of a $27,000 budget The alder- man also pointed nut $5.841 had already been spent out of a 86.000 street cleaning budget. ALMOST All. SPENT “a Out of a [null works budget of $64.40!). $57.00] had already been spent this year. Ald, Downer said heavy snow romnval ends were hugely rp, sponsihle for the tremendous costs He predicted an oven-u~ penrhture of his hudget this winter, "It we have any snow It was also noted almost the entire works budget had been spent this year m Impruvm: var- ious parts of thr vity's sun’s. At this weok's munnl meeting. Waterloo Cnuncll decided to ror fer to as legislation Inn hv-lle eommittee a mohon from the administrative commit!" to ban all iee cream salesmen who sell their producls from a vehicle, The issue will he dismissal in September more womanly. (irElIlf0ffllEiflIE Ilil0 ICE CREAM Championship handicap title. Salm a 35' year-old Edmonton gas company engineer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Salm of 63 Norman Street Waterloo. "Moe happily sniffs fresh red roses. which set off his brand new George Harris Memorial Trophy. dence of Waterloo Lutheran University. Meals are being pre- pared and served to them by members of the Universitrkit- then staff. Mr. Hadley Perrin, Branllord. chairman of the Ontario CFO has stated that this year's at- tendance of approximately one hundred people from many [minis of Canada and the Unit- ed States has made this yen"! camp highly successful. .. In other hummus. Mayor Bau- pr assured those people who live on dusty roads and had been promised m-w roads this year would have therr roads by the end of tlus ypar. City 1'lerk " F, Preston quot- ml the properly owner as saying a "dnrl road was good enough" and "paying hr a new street and sewer was just ton much." Council was also notified that the (mm-m Municipal Board wtll mu- a special hear, m'.,' about the proposed ehirs unmm: of Itu,svvelt Road. Ong property nwnrr on the/ road had ottirrivd lo the rhm-vualing and now the.Mutuiurtal Board has walk-ll for a spousal hearing. Mayor Bauer said the work should proceed tor lhe benefit of all people on the Mreet and pointed out of tho surface is not treated soon the msl involved In maintenance and (his! conlrnl would ho a vonsiderahlo amount. On this mnhun. mum-ll decid- ed In adwsr thr Municipal Board In mntmue its work, The administrative commutes munch of It, F Preston, city rterk; " 1' srhavficr, my tru- survr. and D'Arty Button. city enmmv‘r The eommittee reported earti. or this your council allowed Earl Sandornw, of Call. to dis. (Contmued on poet a) ROADS 10.189

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