PAGE IEGHT LIBERAL ‘1 A, t t CCL' It ‘3' 't . A _ " I . lie, w: T V f 'i'itlt: i?j: --- - a,aiiislj'i",i'.iii,.it'.s'iirss HARO!D PAIKIN ir tiid '-')i,1r,'issrr.; MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR _ x 'cr/_': -'" Cu9BNBMBfiNifMif:NifiWifiifl . \ WhTfRL00G "OWN" 0 National Health t, Social Security Plan C Canadian Leadership F or World Peace . Vigorous Economic Planning For Adequate Growth & Full Employment VOTE On June 18th " the voters of the City of Waterloo along with the other voters of this riding and all other Canadians will MAKE A DECI- SION FOR LEADERSHIP. The Liberal party's program has been stated many times during this campaign. It is one of vigorous economic stimulation - sensible fin- ancial responsibility - steady social gain and bold leadership for world peace under Lester Pearson. There is much to be done - and our now devaluated dollar is but one ugly symptom of five years of Tory indecision confusion and irres- ponsibility. I'm proud to be the Liberal candidate for Member of Parliament from Waterloo-North. I feel, too, that it's a compliment to the CITY OF WATERLOO - which I served as Alderman and Mayor for nine years. If elected - I promise that YOUR interests will be M_Y_ vital concern at all times. . m llBERAl PROGRAM NORTH WATERlOO llBERAl ASSOCIATION JUNE 18th l PAIKIN O Renewed Canadian Dollar Confidence. . National Plan For Full Educational Opportunities For All Young Canadians The Plikim of 243 Erb St. East, Waterloo (Left to right) Frances, wife Sylvia. amid. Caryl, Gary. I'll 'Amo (ow-u)" emNNm" nun-um muwumhuud MW." Manama.†“mm '.tt,."ltttu"e,i'eueut a ta. Induced o,-ssr-inmrl,','a',"tir"i'li'.1"gdt'i".u'"Jllllil'l a.†and the - enema; loll! "tr m Inn “at - “Mth‘PELIP tsavetottett.ued-tr-ti" At In overflow Dunn; at the K-W Consult: the people of Waterloo North Ind tn "PPM- tunny to an . mm hand what Liheral Lamp for Canada leader Lam Pam to the “In: Clues. att4 'trift, 'uar-rsirs,.ttaoa--yt_wiyreerrtt1stt'tt1,t', an. At you must we will give your bird medal treatment (or . . . 0 MOUL‘HNG 0 SOBE AND SCALY FEET 0 BEAN AND NAIL we iii EDEN s. KITCHEN?! SH 2-2213 Political Notes HOLIDAY? HAROLD GOING ON A At the great load†“1 mutt“, n was clear to all that Mr. Pearson has all the qualities for leadership. It was clear loo ttsathetsateam--irtmet one of the leading members of Canadis Nu-bcr 0m Team. I.- who nun on outcry to m - wlu. Ills I.“ And niece-dud an. in Ill-national "lities load Ito M Inn tUt - have to be but“ up by MW mu and sound performance. IX] I know that everybody who attended that meeting came away from it realizing how much Can- ada needs Liberal Leadership. As I write this I have I clipping beside me which makes the is- sue so clear. The heading is “Lost $1.8 Million British firm to leave Canada? ted economm Walter Gordon, accompanied the Leader to this riding. The story goes on to say that one of Britain's biggest mvesl- ment companies, the Land See. urities Investment Trust, has STEVENS MOTORS Marian Household Centre 'shy,",),!,,',.','-" Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited has honored 2lrvteeltLoo,maitz,, Sincere thank you to everyone who has helped us with our work . . . including all contsibutors of items and those pro- viding material assistance. All types of used furniture is still great- ly needed. We now have our own telephone. Kindly phone this new number. .. Progressive management... Continuing interest in rendering superior service with the NIERCURY DEALER to owners of the Ford family of fine products Modern sales and service facilities . .. Thank You Sound merchandising practises . . . 742-8622 24 CHARLES ST. High quality standards.. . It was bad enough when Tor- eign capital which we so badly need to develop our country slowed down to a trickle. It is much, worse when money which was actually invested here is being withdrawn. Little wonder that we have reached an econom- found conditions in Canada so bad that it is prepared to take a loss on Its present operations and get out. The company's tot. al Investment in Canada is over '7,000,000. To take this out of our country represents a serious blow. in recognition of AWARD [EDIE] I have always been proud to be a Liberal. I am particularly proud to have been chosen the Liberal candidate for Waterloo North. But I never felt more pride in all my life than I ex- perienced as I sat beside my Leader Monday night and tar lized how much I could do for my riding when a new Liberal Government under Lester Pear- son is elected by the Canadian people on June lath. Mr. Pearson proved last Mon. day night that he Is no prophet of gloom and doom. He proved that he has an abiding confi- dence in Canada and he also proved that he is the man who. with his team. can restore us to the god old days of Liberal prosperity. Out of the 206 dealers Stevens Motors was chosen to receive the Ford Motor Company Dis- tinguished Achievement Award. Only four awards were present- ed in Ontario. The reason this has happened is that most of this money came into Canada when we had a Lite eral government in power. when times were good, when the ec- onomy was booming and ‘he whole world had confidence tn our country. The fastest way to lose con- fidence in any enterprise ts to have bad management at the top. This is what we have had for the past five years and the whole world knows it. it __s_lump of critical proportions rut-«y. Jun T, "" TWO HUNDRED AND snx FORD MOTOR COMPANY DEALERS IN ONTARIO