" KING ST. SH 3-8234 PEOPLE IN CANADA WIll DROWN THIS SUMMER. THE ONLY PREVENTION or THIS TRAGEDY IS STRICT 0lGliilllt1WKlt TO All WATER SAFETY RULES ““6. In“ T. I." OVER 1,000 'Jute, Hemp, Sisal, Yarn, Twine Rayon Yam andee. Minilln. Sisal and Polyeropylenc Rope Ill. N. M. DEVElOPMENTS (NOW ON PISPLAY IN WA' PRACTICE SAFETY IN YOUR BACKYARD WITH A QUA rry REGAL SWIMMING gm WM. Phel.ll DOON TWINES LIMITED KITCHENER, ONTARIO MANUFACTURERS 0F - SOCIAL (REDI' CANDIDATE WATERLOO NORTH _ DOOM SPEEDY / DRIVEN COMPLIMENTS OF' W'KTER, SAFETY IS YOUR SAFETY SH 5-5671 KITCHEN" LTD. YOUR At's THIS PUBlIC SEWKE PAGE IS BROUGHT m YOU THROUGH THE COURTESY OE KITCHENER . All Welded Sums -.- Indestructible q Lighter . Stronger . Greiter Stability Tar. LAST-FOREVER KIND - 1% yrs“? " WILLIAM I misuse BOBBIN 5 an“... (ANBAR MARINE to. WATERLOO PRINCECRAFT ALUMINUM BOATS AND CANOES m LAST WORD m mums sum 'Tr PAYS TO GO CRESTLiNER" BY 'i8ilag/R4,t CARLING'S BBLWEBV LlMlTED FRESH BREAD COURTESY OF' COURTESY OF COURTESY OF SH 5-8934 WATEBLOO A: in u "'1'. mound, we'd rather you and In the trouble of writing your obit- uuy Obituariel are unpleasant pieces of reportage. Instead of writing your obituary, we'd "that print a story about your quick thinking and presence at mind, perhaps in saving nome- one else from drowning. But even if you don't make the ably have no well intention. but the has um hold that wiiiituethet'riiveatrrdrowm met. you can still help to save many lives " well " your u one of than deds entirely June t to June 9 is National Water Safety Week. During an. week, make it a point to contact} your Red Cross and find out a you can about water BOATS a 7 ter Shbili1 ", {11’qu [to-Me Welling: an 'AM (MI mom: DON'T BE A STATISTIC Evertings sunning J.', may, Get the In! “Water Satay luau-P Iron: the water, And at the um. time explain the an and don't; for yin: own safety. Then If. section: on weaving and art. mew respiration; action: on Boating and underwater diving. Even if you can't mm. you an are a life and the manual tells you how. When you've Ih', about water safety, you'll or and recognize water haunt. You‘ll know when other people Are tum: mks, You‘ll be able to coach youngsters in water safety habit: help them to re- cognize dangers. When you know your water safety, you an help others to pity safety too. You can help prevent pot- ential drowning vietims from meeting their horrible fate. You ensure your own life as welt, and uve us the trouble of hav. ing to put you in our obituary column this Hammer. WISE! HAlllDAY DISPLAY DEALERS IN CRESTLINER BOATS COMPLETE LINE OF BOATING SUPPLIES This summer - BE WATER CONTRACTOR . COMPLETION TILE INSTALLATIONS NOW INSTALLING CARPET INC FOR HALLS, KITCHENS. ETC. GOVERNMENT APPROVED unuvm AND Ml!!! IMPORTANT NEEDS Factory Built Naas; Cottages KING - (JUST rm MI OPEN 12:30 A.M. TO 9:00 PM? FORBES MARINE c k( Compliments of a Friend H. K. TILE COURTESY OF COURTESY OF (BLMIBA) NATIONAL WATER SAFETY WEEK JUNE 3ril "' 9th [ill Featuring JOHNSON "SEAH0RSE" MOTORS 37 LANCASTER 150 WEBER ST. S. BE WATER WISE BlOOMlNGDAlE MARINE And Wood Bouts Fallow The Bridgeport And Conestoga Road Into The Village Of Bloomingdale C'flB%WpiiTarii2ifE'] ORR AUTOMOBILE MAPLE lANE DAIRY no. For A Complete Line Of Fiberglass COMPLIMENTS OF COMPLIMEN TS OF COMPLIMENTS OF For Safety ND. P. CANDIDATE PHONE SH 4-8125 (SALES WITH SERVICE) WATERLOO KITCHENER PAGI m