undo in the Point System to - it I more etteetwe mum cl lawman: drwing bananas. PAG1it TWO Gang ll Driving Point System Tun-port Emmet Romaine "Aa I... promised u my announced that I number! Demenl Plum Swarm Ron Hill, Master of Ceremonies, CKCO TV - Kitetener Band Festival '61 Stbolarslup Wivners and Champions KITCHENER " WATERLOO AREA Hamilton Sr, Flashettes Baton and Drum Corps CONTEST BATON TWIRLERS ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TOWARD BATON SCHOLARSHIPS AND EXPENSES BATON - A - RAMA HOW MANY PAY THEIR BILLS BY CHEQUE? TH! CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY ‘Mix Majorete of Canada" --l961 - 1962 Miss Colleen Cork of Hamilton EL1ZABETH's RESTAURANT as KING N., WATERLOO ADVANCE TICKETS ..,.......... BOX OFFICE ..............e.__.... TICKETS SOLD BY TWIRLERS POLL'S ROASTETERIA LTD. " rum; S. WATERLOO DeVaughn Baud, piano acsompanunent F OR PHONE SH 2-2363 DUNLOP FABRIC CENTRE " KING s. WATERLOO FRIDAY, JUNE 8th Waterloo Arena MISS when Hatwell, Danseuse "omradav-tpoov6o do-hoe-N-te-ttod- than! account /Wrttine . choquo to later than carrying out: and . timed-virus and ee-tim-tar-ua/r-tra-ttrd-aa- writ. mg. million chum... an Ina-mo h the part no you." of more than . million adarhtthomamttor ftowhutthroutttt melamine system/Th1- up-io-duo chm handling We. unke- pouiblo tho convomnco PRESENTED BY - 7 RM. TO 9 RM. FEATURING OF THE sr-andthe-aiu-used with a new to ingrown; and Denna! Pom Syuem was first 'trstrodtaeqd in May, Iâ€, we have dmmyoumyou'ohoquobooh. by- The-- M the higUighta at th- ehuicu Announced today. - . new oneness which will man [on of points have been M _ Point: have been increued for " of the present otfrtesees. . inatead of wiping of! all the point: a at present the st-sd, ed driver come: but on an road withTpointa.Thetimtv'ur [anon will being him but for an interview at which limo In may be again suspended. - A conviction for failing to re main under the Criminal Code wltichnowisassessesioinuis removed from the Point System and carries with it an automatic 3 months suspension. All other Criminal Code offences such an ability impaired. dangerous driv. Ing, criminal negligence, an, al. 50 have been removed and will roan}! GOOD lUCK BATON-A-RAMA FRIDAY " JUNE 8th There's more interest in your savings ' - - - (fl/2% . Chi invites all the people after Baionarama or any time, to drop in for a Snack, Sundae, or Jumbo Soda. RESTAURANT . . . at. Open 8 a.m. - 1 am. Daily Chequing privileges Calculated monthly term deposits mtherto-tat.adins-rt" smaitmimteitgotenotoetdtsxrtt. new to an to Amman. the “mod and W you. dad to amnion level. driver'sli-i-ad- 1 driver -utates " M a mu hematortnam "it u not an perm at It. Point system to up.“ driv- [nomad-WWII. 'ointiev"uttorthtm" tar1ntoatAtrxtmthedBUtb. "toe-tHat-tttrm m WA'IIILOO (my mom had wounded that I spec“! byth In conducted to allow the wanna to build the club in that n normally an industrial an "a". In. tax exemption; 1110 than than and that ift_didreeeiveatm. ex- WI. it! mom He City ad] Ind urban it could comm. a], be no“ to Mum-y. Wagner In then informed that the land I“ of a "peculiar m†and that it would be very hard uracil. Tho Waterloo Planning Board '"e.t'rtrqdtodarahttamiat aha-Mummy)!“ '1talttt-egtte-atsau Wagner Against -dhrrtodsag-ttngu, ititrb.itHtutrt-t.ta-. but on tho um waning. It. din-11w dab a th. thu- I in Ont-Ho's Dana-it Pom (WWW!) COME TO THE OUTDOORS SHOW WATERlOO SQUARE FEATURING HEIIJTE & APACHE TRAILERS NEW MODELS And SCALE MODELS DEMONSTRATING ' CAMPING AP- PUCATION AND TECHNIQUES. VAGABOND DISTRIBUTORS New Symbol of Seagram Quality ttur'" ya!" the ogteittt -vuiort of . India. Before introducing Seagum's 5 Star, Seagram tested* this great new brand of rye whisky from coast to coast against the three leading brands in its price class . ' . and in test after test Canndi-ns liked the male of Seagram‘n tr Star beat. Next time try Seagram‘s great new brand with the Five Stars on the bottle. Round 6rmsidiaiiG. an hi -arir-iriiei. A SHOW OF CARS WILL ALSO BE SEEN THROUGH THE COURTESY OF KAYE MOTORS NOW ON DISPLAY AT council are the special bel'; what was doing on the coffee its tint. wand. and third read-, tPutt scene? Of the three clubs ings. Wagner votod tor the by- 11M! CEMIC SMITH stmng Hamilton for the weekend 1 had a chance to see hi everytime SHARPS 8: Mit The Waterloo Chroniek, Wierloo 1ish newspaper, devoted to the wrest: Twin Cities and Waterloo County, is published at King Street South, Waterloo, every Thursday. The CM I mem- ber of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers the Ontario-Quebec Newspaper Association. ' . A _ c. KYER, “yam 348355.; J. H. SMITH, Managing Editor I?. EJIJNPERSON- Wm Editor m, Waterloo ttttttttttte Authorized u ucoud class mail, P.O. Dept., Ottawa. fis, It rf/II/z SyWattrs - . 'IAREA“ 1, sons "mun wulmm mun-cu...- dwr’. "ff, You can Still See Europe [In Five Dollars A Day Canadians who "own no oil wells tn Alberta" and "have never struck It rich in Las Vegas" can still enjoy a wonder, fut vacation in Europe. accord- 1m: ot Arthur Frommer, author With the elections coming soon. the NDP, seem to be in- terosmd in usung folk musieiarrs l have four concerts hned up myself for the Party. which will feature labour. union and broth- erhood songs. the Happy Medium new: to be domg the poorest business even though they definitely have the best entertainment in the folk held I suppose atmosphere is the important thing, as proven by the success at the Black Swan in Hamilton Despite the expen- sive layouts that other clubs im volve themselves in the Swan with its rough "pawn shop" look packs the people in and has to lite'rally push them out in or- der to close. John Steele. folk, singer and cassical guitarist was featured there last weekend A Very down-to earth and sincere performer; he spices his singing with extremely fine guitar teete niques featuring solo flamenco and elassieal pieces. My prediction some time ago on the topulamy of Peter, Paul and Mary seems to have come true. A number of radio stations have been playing their album regularly and apparently one tune is doing well on the hit par- ade. Harry Finley, the owner of the Swan, is putting a temporary club into Mosport this weekend, Some â€.000 people will attend the sports car trials so It looks like a successlu weekend. In: will be featured Friday and Sat. urday night, so anybody going down would do well to look for the "barn of jazz". Mal "f,i-arriiro. C A}, 11/21My and Publisher (ivpsliil W N ';,;r'l'/i "23’ The mu: edlllon of the book, prepared for Scandinavian Aulmes System, u just mum; its appearance m the book stores. Uptoatate m every respect. all hotels and restaurants have been rechecked by Mr Frommer and even In these umes of mgher prices, hotels and restaurants listed awrage five dollars daily per person mcludmg meals, bar ed on double m'lupancy and, m many cases, substantially less. New chapters m this edmon include ones on Amsterdam, Stockholm and Oslo, Maps. charts. air fares, shopping ups. vocabularies and menu transla, tions, m addition to chapters on all major cums m Europe, make this book a complete budget guide, It ts avallable in the new easier-to-carry stlo at SAS ticket offices and wherever good books are sold. On behalf of the Toronto Scot- tish Regiment I am attempting to locate all former members of the Tith Battalion and the Tor. onto Scottish Regiment who may be living in your area. We would like all former members of the Regiment to send their names and addresses to the Orderly Room. Toronto Scottish Regi- mom. Fort York Armouries. Tor. ontoonto, Thoy are also invited to attend a dance at the Arm- ourios on Saturday Evening. June tttth, 1962, to rocognmi the visit to Toronto of Her Royal Highness. Queen Elizabeth. the Quoon Mother, Coftynel-irvChiet of the Regiment, The author emphasizes that the accommodations are all clean, respectable estabhstunents whnch have been checked and pnces confirmed in wrmng. Hotels and restaurants are typically con- tinental in atmosphere. exactly what a Canadian seeks but rare. ly finds in Europe. Dear Sm of , Day ooessoahmtt- WEICHEl HARDWARE Wat-rho (Limited) 22 KING s. SH Z-JIOI Ttittridar, Juno T, "" With eu'ry Good Wish 1aurope on Five Dollars D. R. Mchultiran Major,