no: POUR Outdoor Adventure hes and Kodiak bear, while a well placed shot from the .308 will flatten either of them, I personally prefer something with I little stronger argu- ment such as the .375 mag- num. I prefer to do my war dance after I have killed what I am shooting at, not with a bear's hot breath on the seat of my pants LAST SATURDAY's FINE weather was a typical example of hunting early and late in the day. . In the morning I had a small I party out from my shooting" lodge near lnnerkip. They got lost and arrived at 10 trm. in stead of 8:30 By that time the hot sun had evaporated most of the scent made by birds Ieding in the morning and the doe could only pick up bits of it. We Were lucky to get any shootin': at all and knowing there “ere hundreds of bxrds in the cover, 1,was more than a little dis ,ustod when l 0.1.113 in about ll am. I tried to get the bovs to stay until 3 p.m. when the birds would start moving out of cover again, but they had 'o be on their way. About 4 p.m. 1 took the dog (Continued from Page 3) PAIN! tlil ad I#lill8lilijlllill F -..l' ROXATONE gig} _. AT LOW . r, li - WINTER PRICES raf, MASTER " (RAFT PAINIERS Mil 5-8346 FOR FREE ESTIMATES “LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY" With " TROY SH 3-1867 173 BINSCARTH JOHN GOSEN ELECTRIC Ill. K. TILE common . Guaranteed a Adequate Wiring iitaltlr C New Work . Electrical Repairs . Alterations . Recreation Rooms . Kitchens . Bathrooms . Halls - ETC. LIGHTING MODERNIZING INSURANCE ESTIMATES CALL TO-DAY SH 3-3022 FURNITURE PAINTING WITH ALSO for I mu over about one] tenth of the cover we had gone through in the morning and she put up birds every few steps, I am told that pheasants on n shooting turn are not as wild at those born in the fields and bush. These on my place don't know about this ‘and insist upon pretending /iiii, are as wild as the wild birds. THE HUNTER TRAINING course is one of the biggest and best steps in the direction of killing game and not hunt- ers, yet undertaken. Yet this course lacks the ex- citement of suddenly being confronted with your first neer or for that matter, with your first rabbit. P'ihe urge to kill is more or less dormant in present day man, but put l firearm in his hands and he becomes almost‘ as bloodthirsty as his cave and tepee dwelling ancestors. In many cases, the killing of one hunter by another is not a clear cut case of carelessness. if the truth were to be told at some of the inquests, we think that greed would pro- bably be the controlling fac- tor. After all, if it was just :poor gun handling, how come [these people are able to hit what they shoot at, usually with MIAMI“!!! the tirst bullet? KITCHENER KITCHENER m WAMLOO (Dahlia) mama.- ' . '%ietir1?tie1ePr, 8. let mt. C. W. WIIANT. D.C.. HID. The Spinal Column and Cord placed one upon another, form- ine a canal in which the spinal cord is housed. Between each vertebrae is an opening from which nerve trunks extend from the spinal cord to all parts and organs of the body. The bones (vertebrae) of the spinal column are movable so we may move, twist. and turn. It is also the frame which the body is built around. It's the balancing mechanism and the centre of all major movements of the body. There are forty-three pairs of nerve trunks connecting the brain and spinal cord with all parts of the body. Thirty-one of these nerve trunks extend from the spinal cord and dis- tribute nerve energy to the thousands of organs, cells, and tissues. Every part of the body must receive its normal amount of this vital nerve energy from the spinal cord to func- tion properly. The brain and. the spinal cord are delicate structurestin which there are many vital nerve centers, and therefore must be protected from all possible injury. The brain and spinal cord are encased with- in a bony wall, and since all organs are connected by ner- ves within the brain and spinal cord, these nerves must pass Rat. 3, Waterloo, om. representing The Imperial Life Assurance Company ot Canada --. call Kitchener SH 2-4529 a use STREET SOUTH VIM RUSS ROBINSON Your Hedi and airqtraetie FOR COMPLETE IS ON IT'S WAY Oil, & GAS HEATING Installations PHONE [SUEDE] JOE STRUB SH 3-2073 The spinal column con- sists ot twen- ty-six bones, called verte- brae. Each of these verte- brae contain a hollow ring in the center, through opening In the bony case. Between each vertebrae there in an opening, one on either side of the column. These are the openings .the nerve trunks pass through to connect with some outside or- gan of the body. If the rela- tionship of the adjoining ver- tebrae should be disturbed by some mishap, accident or fall, the openings where the nerve trunks extend from the spine will be pinched, interferring with this life giving nerve energy. Because the nerves have such an important influence, both directly and indirectly on the physical action of all or- gins of the body, and since ill. ness is primarily abnormal All Makes of Mattresses Rebuilt - Pick-up & Delivery Same Day - Mattresses or Any Size Made To Order 202 MARY sr. BRICK WORK, STONE WORK ’SH 5-5829 or MI 3-0974 94 DUNBAR WATERLOO TO GET THOSE JOBS DONE AROUND YOUR HOME? CALL - - - DELTA HOME SERVICES METER JOSEPH EllERI & SON CALL O ONE PHONE NUMBER FOR OVER 100 SERVICES O 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE O GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP 0 FREE ESTIMATES TOO BUSY MAURESS REPAIRS NEW WORK And REPAIRS SN S.1311 Mhlll AND PlASIERING ' INDUSTRIAL . . RESIDENTIAL . COMMERCIAL 12 BROADMOOR AVE. KITCHENER G. BEAM 8: to. 10 YEAR GUARANTEE bk WRITE FOR your]: BROCHURE FOR INFORMATION ON now you CAN BECOME A nus MEMBER - FOR MEASURED - AUTOMATIC DELIVERY ALLEN SHIRK FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL B.A. FUEL OIL W ATERLOO SH 3-1444 activity in the named an. thot-tktentine amt i1 to realm there is some later- ference in the nervous system that As cutting off the brain energy to the affected organs. All of these facts have long been known, but it was the science of Chiropractic which discovered that minor displace- ments of a vertebrae in the spine would cause nerve inter- ference resulting in distress- ing effects on certain organs of the body, that proper spinal adjustments will correct the cause and restore natural health. Consult your Chiropractor for the simple truth concern- ing your condition. He is ready to help you regain your most treasured possession, your health. CONTINENTAL BEDS CtMT'oM-BmLX TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS PM. SH 3-3219 LTD.