I". manner! Alter “has. it h "tter I. removc the dawn: tron fowl Dd "ftigerate it and the m separately, adv/1m tho â€nation Branch of tho FRIDAY, OCT. 21 All.“ Br. E. "Arm Bargains Galore. CHURCH or THE HOLY SAVIQUR Cettt-Cdt0itaMEt0N iifET2Mjl LADIES AND CHILDREN‘S Sweaters - Skirts - Slacks - Slims And Blouses - Hosiery - Lingerie - Children', Winter Toes AND MANY 0mm ITEMS . as UNION SE. E. (A! MOORE) urn-moo PHONE SH 2-9575 SALE VICKI'S GIFT SHOPPE WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY tbotaaU'a 76:46 3M WALK OF "" SINCE 1917 Ask for your copy of our folder "How to live on your income and enjoy it?" VISIT and but. inlet [revue al- um I much Vitamin c " Inch on... according to the Intonation Branch of the Ontario Department at Agri- cumin. " ave vitamins and retain flavour, serve vegetables " soon as they are cooked. " wise: the Information Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. . . . Heat cooked at I M tem- pcr..lure is juicier than meat “which is seared, advises the Information Branch of the lOntario Department of Agri- culture. iud Finance F Ian limos a“ your persoool credit n.usdiiiiiiiiiriiii7iiiP _. m WAI’I'IIDO (Ontario) cannon BANK or MONTREAL tio many happy family plans can come within reach under the’B of M Family Finance Plan. If you have a steady income and can afford regular monthly payments, this low-cost, life-insured plan may answer all the credit needs of your entire family. Talk over your needs with your friendly neighbourhood B of M branch soon. Rings oll I your ponchol credit mods {M with a low-cos. tot " thr.inwred ktott mmemoratine Eldon House. built in 1834 by This plaque is one of a series being erected of Travel and Publicity. acting on the ad. es Board of Ontario. Participants in the cere- Scott. President of the London and Middlesex own. Dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral: Mrs. Lucy Margaret A. Fullerton, Chairman. London Honourable John P. Robarts. Q.C., Ontario's ar. a member of the Archaeological and His- front row are from left to right: David Har- 1t,,,ll.l,lll,l' papers were named The Gaz- ctte, " were papers elsewhere, because th price of one of the world’s first papers, published in Vinice. was a small coin called a gazet. _ y sl V w" I') _ = . "m e _i,,."/?N'ial tt _ {54‘ . f: V Ci (" r:'"' S , all all 's tlit -,.N ’ l ER“ C-v, "ir.',':, . ll. V†m 'Ng. 3 , _ K 7333 '5 "?'?'. . la.,, "R k'. r“ "tCl-,, "" I ' c,'., -.'I' ~. e, ‘ ttrt:'SiteL, _ x“: "r T ., _ _ J . C; 7%: It) A 'tCa ' tAf _ It, "P, . A f 0531’; Mill' , aéwiiwnmm, " i /,', "st N 3353’: . " Ji' Q. - 'iil%'ii't.t% K8t , l ' r.,,isj'i)'ii'i,r:%T,, All of Canada's early news- New Clarke Shampooer-Vac Now you can clean your up- holstered furniture the easy way - in minutes. Get spar- kling results at a third to half of the cost of sending it out. The new Clarke Shampooer-Vac works aerated foam into fabric with its nylon shampoo brush. It loosens deep down diet-and then Whisks away dirt and foam with its powerful vacuum. It'a as easy as that - and your up- holstery looks like new. J ust the thing for deming stair car- poM and auto interiors, in. _ "“‘" v"'"'".'. INTERIORS LTD." Pion-m no KING ST. s. WATERLOO SH 3-5283 . Wallpaper . Floor Coverings RENT IT NOW - only $5.00 per day Kem-Gto l Super Kem Tone Wallpaper ON OCTOBER 1, 1960, an historical plaque co John Harris, RPC, was unveiled in London. throughout the province by the Department' vice of the Archaeological and Historic Sit mony shown left to right were: Mr. B. 5. Historical Society; the Very Rev. It. C. Hr Harris Little; Dr. Robin Harris; Alderman Historic Sites and Museum Committee; the Minister of Education: and Mr. Leslie R. Gr toric Sites Board. The children shown in the ris; George Little; and Mary Harris. Beaupres Interiors The first census taken in Canada, in 1666, was the first modern census taken any- where in the world and the population then was 3,2l5. exclusive of Indians and Eski- mos. Clarke Upholstery Shampoo has spe- cial brightening agent and m itdew preventive forth c clean new look you want! Lamps Broadluom Drapes