t S-ttlk-toth-ttsoar, - tux/thin; you want in b -ifiee something (give up in its place) tor it. in. it__one_ tiAUtrie" yo:- will . , sandals, scampers, and patent and tlilha s . white party straps. Qhoice of leather . or neolite notes. A real chance to stretch your shoe budget. Men’s - Good selection of men’s casual: and " . oxfords in broken sizes. Pequegnat Shoes 327 KING WEST Women’s: Punt-gun’s Substantial Savings On Broken Size Lines KING ST. in: In Stem Ins! WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OP ACCESSORIES: BROWNS STAIMANt CAMERA _ JY"acatiooa Fun! Tripods O Fla: Projectors O Ligl Flash Bulbs 0 Den Camera Cases Sets All Day Wednesday . Complete mums have eoetftieting Shoe Sale CLOSED MONDAY l t. JAIMET ' to. no. Summer Children's styles include Oxfords, sandals, scanners, and patent and white party straps. Poiee of leather or Income notes. A real chance to stretch your shoe budget. pumps. straps and ties in all colon; Sizes 4 to It. Widths AA to Elm. Women's limes “mam-heath; time and good energy that you can never get back. All this means the lame u the Bible 'trineiple that "you cannot BEE DIAL SH 3-052] Flash Guns Light Meters Developing Open Fri. Evening yon! hug _aetorrtNiahed on sale include of piecious Commas 0mm. JAIMET'S can! "I an: an"! I00“ 'tttty tt CAMERA can make our beliefs or ideas (or anything else) 1 habit, we must think or do it continual- ly. You cannot get results un- til your beliefs (or things) do become a habit. So we often lose faith and give up and break a hatuiis tot replacewirtr with another one. Before ‘we think abdut. We all knokit in} very hard to break u habit. In fact, the, only way we can “fldt‘n-vlll than "d"r-tttio.eandttotetta, ulna: It"! or think proper- ly on two conflicting ideas it the lame time. foe if you do, you will accomplish nothing "A houae divided against it- self cannot stand" or, tw idea divided against your de aim will not be filfilled (lan- ifeat) either. and comm be. Seek one idea ‘unlil it is fur filled or you will be wasting. or wishing your life away. and life will seem to just pass you by. Too many people feel its just bad luck. but it is really ttAt" so it is, njiiCiisit GT) Our beliefs form our faith aI-ulolgrfaith if but g fixed way of thinking. In other wordi, our way of thinking becomes a habit regardless of what we think - so are you, and your conditions in life. BROWNIE STARMATIC th mm 1.7 lineal-xiii: urs'rAms EYES EXAMINED MPH?“ we" Jllt'2,Ugt,,ig,, newâ€! ST. W. See it again and again "s an Picture it NOW BROWNIE MOVIE C1 her this. man can only believe what is right or wrong by judging. and each person can only Judge according to the amount of knowledge contain- ed in his Inind " that time, so we are all on different planes of thought or intelli- gence and we are always chang- ing. To understand a person's beliefs is to understand their plane of thought. Before you can grow spiritually or intell- ectually, you must accept new thoughts. To do this, you must mmhmouwgn,~ continue on until nu mks s thing s habit. For only in this Iâ€. by preserving and having patience will your desires come true. Your whole char. acter is composed of hehits; the only way anything can Be accomplished or completed is to who it a habit. To strengh- ten your faith you must keep thinking new thoughts or ideas until they take root in your mind and "the old man fades away and behold. you are made a new creature". As soon as ybu believe a thing 100%, y0ur faith is increased and strengthened. This means the some as you must know a thing, not just know about it. Continue steadfast in your be lief and it will manifest in time, depending on how much effort you put into it. Remem- Port APPOINTMENT PHONE " 2-1936 Lions Clubs around tuid" G,iri, compléted more than 192.000 in- dividual community service prok members in 106 countries or re- tions. is the wotld'a largest sew. ice club organization. Lions International is beat known for its many youth pro- grams. community service proi- ects. sight conservation activities and aid to the blind. Last year Finis E. Davis of Louisville. Kentucky, was elected Interna- tional President ot Lions Inter- national at the Association: 43rd Annual Convention in Chicago. Lions. International, with 610,000 Weight And See The man who thinks old soldiers fade away probably hasn't tried on his old service uniform lately. - D. o. Flynn I hope I have again given you something to think about. May God be with you. ledge it to exchange thoughts or idess or beliefs with others. Don't be afraid to chsnge your ideas or opinions, tor changing one', opinion is ususliy pro. ‘ress. and one cannot correct his mistakes or mistaken con- cepts until he changes his opinion. Remember also, all people change their opinion " time goes try. No one is per- feet. Here is something else worth thinking about. if the world was full of hate, would it not be hell? and it it were full of love, would it not be heaven? Whichever of these two you would like it to be, try to live your life in such a way " to help bring it about. GET THE PRESTIGE GINGER Alf (SH WILSOII’S who“?!