It is the central range of British Columbia. It lies betwee Ranges and constitutes a trans, relief between these two. The n around 7500 feet but inward: This is the abbreviation for the Canadian Association it: Adult Education. a voluntary organization established in was as the clearing house and headquarters for adult education in Canada. Financed by grants from individuals, corporations, trade unions. cooperatives and government departments. it is managed by a national council with re- presentatives from every province and every walk of life. Its head office is in Toronto. The CAAE provides assist- ance to persons and organizations on many problems - where to get books and pamphlets‘ how to prepare or find study or correspondence materials. how to learn the most effective education methods. where to get training and where to get trained staff. It participates in the planning of the National Farm Radio Forum and Citizens" Forum. WHERE IS THE t'oroA"E" RANGE? reuer Between these two. The general iiariiiiiGiiiiid is around 7500 feet but towards the Okanagan Range there are many summits that exceed 8000 feet in height. WHAT FAMOUS BROADWAY PRODUCER WAS A IA‘I'IVE Of NEWFOUNDLAND? John Murray AnderiGGiio was born Newfound, in 1888. He was the son of the demon. Ednmatod a. wa:..|.......L A__a 7 _ --- 7...- u“. WI: on. me non. Jonn An- demon. Educated at Edinburgh Academy and at Lausanne University. he was an art dealer before entering the thea- trical field. Anderson's first production was The Green.. wich Village Follies, presented in New York in 1919. From then until his death in New York in 1954 he was respon< sible for hundreds of productions of a lighter character - musical comedies. miniature revues. masques. pageants and films - for the New York and London stages. His final production. John Murray Anderson's Almanac, was running on Broadway at the time of his death. _ _, _ --w"' .___.. .. up†at run noyal. IN.ti., a distance of about ten miles. It was built by Samuel de Champlain in 1606, a year after he and the Sieur de Monts had established Canada's first permanent colony at Port Royal. The first road in New France. Mt miles long, was built in 165 between Chambly and Montreal. It was 1734 before a road connected Montreal and Quebec along the north shore of the St. Lawrence. One traveller reported that it took four and a half days to make the trip by this mad in a-carriage during the summer. WHERE WAS CANADA'S FIRST GRADED ROAD? tha. a-.. ..__...J _ . - ,..- _ n--. -- avail! The first graded road in Canada. a military road. enneeted9Ngtry Cape with a fort at Port Royal. N.S., a t??stanerof about ten miles. It was mm in: anâ€.-. 4- a central range of the Cascade Mountains in nbia. It lies between the Skagit and Okanagan constitutes a transition both in elevation and n OLA-u- a-., "‘l - . - - evnauon [or the Canadian Association a voluntary organization established " houae and headquarters for adult Financed by grants from individuals, mlona. cooperatives_ and government lot the Hon. 361111.11; _in St. John's PEOPLE b MAKE THE DIFFERENCE TORONTO-DOMINION E wuuuuuuy-wnmous girls yw'u nna anywhere. Among other things she's an active member of a Young People’s group, her church choir and an award-winning 4-H Club enthusiast. In fact, Shirley takes a lilrely interest in just about every form of community service, simply because she enjoys meeting and working with people. She feels the same way about her business career with "The Bank". In her four years with usrherqttieucurmintrrGontuitru-thermanyfriendsamongour St. Marys Branch customers. Friendly, efficient, courteous . . . Shirley Rundle is typical of the hundreds of men and women you’ll meet in Toronto-Dominion branches across the country. Drop in soon' and see for yourself why . . . Shirley Rundlc, liability ofticer at our St. Marys, Ontario, Branch, is one of the community-conscious girls you’ll find anywhere. Among other things she's an active me Service is second nature to Shirley "eople Make the Difference at /‘!.'A JK A. ECHIJN, law, Wank. Bunch Before Hawaii became the fiftieth state of the Union last year, no less than 48 Hawaiin statehood bills had been in- troduced unsuccessfully in Congress. The Book of Know- ledge describes it as a state made up of twenty islands in the Pacific. nearly 2100 miles southwest of San Francisco. The population is 600,000, of whom pure-bred Hawaiins. descendants of the Polynesians, comprise a very small per- centage. The nature of the task is to develop an inner moral con- trol, respect for moral rules, and the beginning of a ration- al sense of values. The basis of conscience is probably the disciplining acts of parents combined with their love and reward for the child and the child's love and de- pendence on them. Through the process of 'identification' with parents. the child deve. lop: within himself the warm ing voice of conscience. From this time on he carries with him a moral controlling force wherever he goes. by Larry Hamel Children hoe the task of developing Conscience, Moral- ity, and a Scale of Values. Morality, or respect for rul- es of behaviour is imposed on the child first by the parents. Later, the child learns that rules are necessary and use- ful to the conduct of any soc- ial enterprise. from games to government. Some authorities state the middle childhood is the crucial period for learning the morality of cooperation. In this phase of development the Y.M.C.A. with its graded pro gram ot physical skills, clubs, and craft classes is prepared to aid the children of our 50TH STATE AT 49TH TRY from Waterloo Y.I.C.A.) Y's Comments Yo live, one must choose be tween values. Many important life situations require a choice between two or more values. The growing child must deve- lop a scale of values which will enable him to make stable choices and to hold himself to these choices. Once again the YMCA. is able to help the child develop his scale of val- ues. The staff at Waterloo Boys' Town are constantly on the look out for situations community. Track and Field Day it , Saturday, June 4th. Some ' the events are the high j standing and running bran jumps. races and the hop, - and jump. "Every man's life, in a - se, resembles a work of at} Practice for Track ark Field was held as scheduled last Saturday. The contestant. for the various events took to be in fine condition for the m event. unpe- lend tux-mam G in