mu» masmoucm I. m: EIMS 1nttRRarllNG & FLASHING sun I. â€ADAMS & REPAIRS an. $14-$15 MI 2-9124 2SB LAWRENCE AVE. - STAB MANUFACTURER REG. $39.75 2 OUR SPECIAL ONLY ' 9-00 ROSE 'rREhusEs 2 Denis- ST. JACOBS, ONT. PHONE MO ' PATIO PLANTERS B. BARNETT and G. LADDERS FOR YOUR EVERY REQUIREMENT CALIFORNIA REDWOOD I OPTICAL SHAPE ' SQUARE DESIGN ' CUBE DESIGN ' WINDOW BOXES ' HANGER STYLES $1.39 and $2.75 LAWN SWINBS 1lWllil SLABS m" x m†suns m POPULAR COLOURS BARNETT Sl' ONE iONCRETE PRODUCTS WINDOW Au.or'rmoEircmurrsmTHisrsstni:AreREAnr'r0srrrtvE "tIt-tq-l-l-"-"'-'"'"""'"""-"'""'-","")-:-.,.": - FROM COAST TO COAST MAY IS NATIONAL "BEAunPlcATiON" MONTH CALL DESIGNS And STYLES BOY KITCHENER Planters Also IN 4 SIZES IN 2 SIZES IN , SIZES IN 1 SIZE can†m: ermmm'tJllll i _ I), - . .237.“ re. " . -;:.. 'ill . . 'itll ii.ra. 7‘ 7 Ft “A T.", . a .-' . ki , _ = . J'.. .. . wax-.4: rf.u.'.-.Trr. '. . ' "F ', F ‘ I a» s g ' N v ' . l I ' _ , v I .. A = PM fi -..r-- n I. DI If!!!“ th and d an " d Se- corating your home during the coming Clean-Up, Paint- Up, Haw“ map "In. But do you realize that A small outlay at am: and mag 'gtg going to actually pay you large dividends. A house and yard that have been thoroughly cleaned, re- HOW CLEAN UP PAYS You 1,tlirthllllillilrlll,.at. . so Ft. Heavy Duty M - o TOOLS . HARDWAI_1_E___:1 MIAMI ENEM- . muss SEED Outsid; Vaite" Paint I Several De -.- _1t"'r '"'. Gal. _ __.- v Olly .90c "thssBtJlttrEHt ms Victoria Bt. N. (on Et-'. STEAM CURED mucus mu rm: VMOB way all†you atmirMt+B" SIMPLOX CURBING A tamer CONCRETE cums FOR muvzwnrs - mm In: - m. MAILING mu - "PfPPP's mm. mvm I PLANT: raiiriivG (MILL STREET) RES. - " 5-4054 OMY HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTRE " 3-1012 in: At. N. (on). El-Rancho Motel) Kitchener CECIL MAY "na-sac-rr-arm""" 5112-7348 ty M 3-0 33.96 with hardware RDWARE . ROOFING SUPPLIES . "I“!!! . TORO MOWERS SPECIALS GARDEN SUPPLIES paired, and Med qgi" - you added teak vain hm you wish to sell. Clean pre- mises will considerably reduce the an.) that you vii our stand over a rubble of what was not your home at yum cherished possessions, gutted by rigour family will enjoy bet- ter health as mosquitoes, flies SI 5-5313 THE MOST POPULAR FIBERGLASs AWNING Will Add Beauty To You Home Sevgral Designs mly .Me cl. and rats lose their favorite homes of mm There will be I". - d accidents to t“ d eg.rly persons {-3 y- - hve followed Mp may suggestions. Your children will learn the thrill of working togethu' for a common goat in contrast to challenging society at juven- ile delinquents. And you will have increased asu.rrnertt from living in clean. inactive sur. roundings. "£3323 Bee, you ean't af- bui not b Clean-Up, Paint-Up, MLUA Fix-Up starting right i, church winding? 4. Which had the greater value in 1959, Canadian goods sold abroad or foreign goods sold in Canada? ANSWERS: 3. Now part of ‘the Quebec General Hospital, Canada’s oldest church was "ruilt in 1670 by a member of the Franciscan order. 1. In 1859 16 architects entered a -m competition for the parliament buildings and con- struction was completed in 1866. 4. In 1959 imports total was $5,655 million, exports $5,180 million. 2. The 1959 ml in. 101.0004. 1957- total IIIIIE IIPIIIVEIEIT “HIS IUICK CANADIAN QUIZ When were Canada's parlia- ment buildings constructed? In 1950 was the total of im- migrants " enter Canada 107,000 or 282,000? What is the age and loca- tin of Canada's oldest GERUsACaI . Basements . Foundations . Chimneys . Water Towers . Septic Tanks . Swimming Pools . Silos mY¢Drwh BUYERLIMBER 1niElPllililfllill ULLMAN WATERPROOFING COMPANY COMPANY LIMITED 96 UNION ST. E. SH 5-8455 For Wells etc. SH 3-5727 Water Located the postwar