I El, BI .953" hr", , hthi'ii . tasmttottstt1laEtt0illt.t1fs?/ “M li .;i?dliiillllllill , t , M, il,, 5 i, . g F - , _ - glll ifiill Eiiillifiiili iiiig t ‘f e i I ii'ili8llSQ Ell , , ‘ B, - fi [l ‘ l l j 'ill * ', IllllE'gl; Asgiilllllil _ Rsi5 rd it , iMrsi4 5 ' ‘ , I Ira BIB' $iBiltl f i,,,:.:,:,,,,::..:!,,-:,:.!:.")"-: I . a) ‘ lllliillFiigiiiI , A. 1?M, 'i'i'ltiiiti!"'iii"'(- If? " lllk fir , ' 3g, C?,, "t'1t' Am . itll? t r Tur. 5 ii' » M m at lf dll tiallllll t (= fill 'iis'i'Aliiilllliillliliiiiiii' p l ' Ages deSlll _ - . , m- Vin-"nan .2. Ball ., " Illtlll I) tii)) U (ihSiiiiiii I),i,ttst,l . Il - if 'l'ihijE),i . l) i r f â€irg' J..,'.s.3? , ’4 _ L,2d, “w' WMI' ' r. - . a." and! vi at; no --re" - M you mor.ndyw‘“«ioymmm“’"dp' MM“_ "iii,irJ'iido"-ariBoooomrTeve1 A - ___'.-_ 4- a â€and " I at"? 'iiriraiiiai,G __ w 'iii-ies ....- P" we " . m“mam.htimbfï¬"mk!::ï¬$ Mos-ak from Totem 'tta" a ot!rt1sftt 1;. “All ".tqMtllNaL%m. - -9re9tP".-- -- v . - The (N's new Grou, Economy True! and an: "All Imam" Western Travel plans cost so hue-why driver. MWMMM Wynn bell Canadian NM W of“. "her. mecd‘noremlau‘om New Vimaster Paints . Roy Rogers No. 2 ' Bugs Bunny KODAK PONY 2 POLAROID LAND OLYMPUS " . Sleeping Beauty . Popeye ' Steve Canyo- YOU CAN SAVE ALL THE FUN op CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS m HCTURES J. t. JAIME & to. 1lJt0.,,,, ST. W. aa in WV ,0. a near K- -4- “hm“... Sal." it nn- by pole. “Auction sac" it Im- munood in big. bold. M let- ters. This was like waving I rd In in from at a bull. cw god doyvn _the aide Artle iiiiir'aniiGiiiiiited a that an. tlon platform just a the con- 5: is1h'ie'ezte.. EYES EXAMIN- t'om' .. iiiiiiiiiiitt M“ ' "I I "tttst it?" KODAK POD" d AGFA MOI HEX PERI F 1.9 o-ri-sei-alters ‘Vaubond k makes. What the' conducmr Jaw me jump down he merely shrugged his should- ers and climbed abroad the m 'rtrrWtg min. Then I In! Ara, (all dril- "driiiiiittr.' than 1 get" um. al fee ulna!“ brain waves and mar- ‘oon any-en in mange places. new“ Ce a taxi driver can may: find an tn mellne accommodation in attrac- We pulled up in front of a run-down, late Victorian per- - he chi. ginger- - $ei-rtirtg In hanging h his: any from its can. M - (run the ar-ue datrbm.d and in the cum-w â€a woods no. "RhraMaemtqmslr8whert 'tedied%atasigaderendentas a.igmtiee,.Ne.odveansid_de? Liita'%rhim.rluatiiked bait aloneâ€, the driver said. as [instructed him to come M. - - a critical public to comment, were the Ityiatg habits of old, shall I call in, 'e-iflt Jopes. The bed- Sign In Me! um: We}: be motioned off to the highest bidder was in a epic-hie late of delapi- a phn for Jerem ory but vou'd never gun the expressior tunes of Ihe can in was offiqe whon dam and I lager; 'rr..tct into their don ter days he had known in the gay nineties, with his family, an deeeaiied before him, rol- licking around the then new -eattpgpor1 but: and jump- " Ii git! down on_the horse- It we: the set: that caught my wafer years it had ote vioudy been stored in the Men coop. Ita Was hung from its innards and the once , expensive tarshaiateeing (a fun i "ti-nee in Victoria', an was 1 bleached tan. Fea- ttors and fiith clung to the bum 1sandcarvirtg on the but " the sense. I watdtad the Women at the naitrhbowhood plWing over the oritts and tapping the saw can for cracks. I heard them bid We prices for, the dirty pots and pans, tttrt when iraarietotheuofa,mrwealt : little (and almost waned) bid at 'ssc" won the prize for me. â€(you at the tide look. aaa iiakt ___ hear them sleut- by was Wives. m tam' driver In; of Que iaiaCtGA soine asylum. "What on. earth coulg anyone an opinion when he arriv- a.rwiustsndingoveraniee gentleman who had volunteer- ad to help aft_er he_saw me singling with a borrowed wow driver, trying to remove tho but tom the sofa. I had a pin for Jererniah's old ttg but you'd never guess itl the expression on the gstNssaeahe-htttteCNR was qffiee when the taxi dd": and I leased the old wreck into their domain. Today it is the â€aeration piece d my dude. Scraped, mu. m. pained (iitt can and cold and in its new dress of white who]. mam-ml tor" a vnbigond's Bh- Jmilh for bent so stubborn and 1nsistin¢ on liv- ing dole among his treasures all!!! q taught up with this ode. I a me he woulan “rave d m having painte 1 "real walnut carving" hit I - now, the only ones miss- ing in old gplendour an "them " a. and ied with in wads of in the hom- an .9"