v.- 'eSSll5lliil5iE . , yawi,mw - aatauttrrilllum/ mammortmul - futtredthevirgircgumofiee .aradamtwatWtrttsehtoardaat. Mt-'aartairtdar--ata-t Won on Tuesday, ttse/ wontday we have had so Ind Every intersection, wu tr nine aan., so slippery that un- less I driver Wt carefully before he at. h to it, he out he - 'he-ttMare. This 1min of course would be blamed on the driver. Paint the thought that the city Works Department could be at fault in any way. This nonsense was obvious at times last year when no pre- paration was made (or sgttiei- pated storms. hating the needs of the motorist has tte- come commonplace in Kitch- ener where even the main street is often left unpiowed, but that ie :3: ram for the same attitude to apply in this city. After all, you may be your brother's kemer, but he same doesn't apply to alies regardless of how you look at it. _ WHILE NO ONE ts TALtttNG my load at this time, it would seem that all Waterloo alderman intend making a stab at reelection. So far we know of at least two who are not Why on council, but who intend becom- ing members of that body if they can. These are cure pe.. lug and Norm Ratz. Alderman on several oom- sions and a’ defeated m- alty cam in the ha doc- tion, Nam-ha lost - at his intern h council End is funetions. As many WW) “Aer: um remember, me W om of the Cttt1 (“lemma tr, the mm the Wut, r Resource- (‘nmminw tried (a: mommaâ€) Watermo for their first cf forts. Norm want al‘..:.ys CL) quwtesk umber oi Lemma]. but whvn be dist-what! the new of 1hr members, at was usualh for a good â€rum. We don't know much about "r. mg. but if he makes council as a member this year, will no bably learn a lot mane. ‘ Actually, any man who will try for council has got to have something in his makeup, for there is very little glory in be-' ing a member of coma! and even less money. If you don‘t have the good of your com- munity at heart, there is mighty little point to the whole thing. . Mayor Paikin, while My ping voluntarily from his post this term, will at the some time run for m “manic position. it M could be that while the mayoralty race or rather the lack of one will tame down the elections to some extent, the efforts of po- tential aldermen could still create a little excitement. 1.11.3 BEST THING AMY - could do after he is in office for the coming term is to knock a few bricks out of the con- demned factories on King Street. There is more conjecture and guesses going on about this ef- fort than -tytttirttr qre have heard in a long time. Best thing to _do is show some vis- ual evince at what is to but pen, then everyone will be happy. AM CONVINCID that plan- ner: in Nraterioo and Kitchener coulb't have had a ruler within reach when they placed Baku Them-e ian one datum (Conn-Id on Page 2) J.H.S. J.H.S Ki? 79 Recently either approved or Fare awaiting approval ot tive \suhdlvnlous and it mortgage - hues more readily available Waterloo can loot forward go one of “a Ari-t t home td"iao"f,'d an. Bt-ttt 1, lots for build- any!!! thereby be opened up. Maple Hill Acres at the end ot “in Avenue has been registered, according to Ir'Arey Button, city engineer, pre- - huh}; the" only one" so far registered. "The others wil may not register their glans mail my ‘bacmes more avail, .ahle," said Mr. Dutton. "Onee the plans are regis- tered, the developer must pay ior the services within a cer- tain time limit". he added. . The whale building program tor next year could be set back Joy this hesitancy in registrar hon. (ttrlllrllgllllltt IDEALS US“ can AS TOOL like other four subdivisions besides the Maple Hill Acres, are Glenridge Park, lots between Lincoln road and Laurel Creek; a section of Beechwood Park, 200 lots at the northwest corner of the city: High Street subdivision. to lots on the north side of Columbia Street between Haz- el and King. and Wiuawdale mm "tsir', 1 4atts wood thy AM. in: mad as m and by the lib ‘)hy""th “I the WWI!" mg new ar. cow vil mm: the 1ti,bertd 1.8"]; N, fat- hush»? ties eerhaia6 altars in to Mr desire to meet mail ot". Five issue‘s “and! wished to disetsrs “all! the Wing oqtmtatittee headed by Vmon fdlowéng the acceptance two weeks ago at the invitation by John Whenever, Ontario than! leader .and Waterloo Mayor PM, in answering Aid. Alviano, said “mute pos- subl' y might be greiiti ical moti- ves there. We can’t be naive faetdindistg committee. about it, But we will be dis- cussing only general Nuts. than things can’t cause .any Annual Purple & Gold Show !'r, houses and point his Srtger and say something about thou poor people up there in Wa. terloo. What benefit could we poodbly get out of the meet- Waterloo University Col- lege and Waterloo University presents their annual Purple and Gold Ended Show at Sea- grams Gymnasium. This rear's show is nailed 'Nhm't Tip The Canoe". The show portray: the development of chaos that re- sulta when an annual P & G show is staged. There will he Iiye__stertbrrnaneer. Nov. SS, an, n; a. Four um shows; AM. Alvin» stated that “If g allow this meeting. Mr. WW .l s meow 1 _ with jam , his Park, Mtt lots between India.“ d, “I u. t Ralph Berg, city 'buster, has stated that the Dem of Planning and Devhpm-t approval has began giver Mani: Hill A“ Beechwod Put a!“ that aubdintisioat.r 1y considering plans Ut the Willow'date and Glenrite mtb. divisions. the past hi its when 365 homes when 365 homes were mat. Home building in 1.9 has been slower than in remnt years. My one tntMivigton at Sunview and Lester sweets was developed. Mic Hill Acres my ex- noct installation of services to but“: early next week said the city engineer, which m tassi- litate some building that might take place this fall in ms sub- division. From 400 to soo bones will be built on the five aubdtivi. sions next year pavidng‘ building prospects immve. is the etgimate of Mr. Bug. on, Mr. button said. It is expeqted that - " lots on Somerset Crescent will have to be laid for me than a mile stretching from the end of Sunview Avenue to ser- vice the lots with sanitary saw- "Mr. WmLcrmeyer is the Me- presentative of this riding mid he is guy doing his duty. I can't see any politica! SigvKi- 1. harem! the Planning Act to proside for the use of man- ies from the upublic trust fund for the purchase and bade development of public lands. canoe these Council :set Dec. 14 tor the meetistg and Ald. Donald Mfr der mtggeahed minutes be tak- en of the meeting and fer. warded to the government. _ The tite points council wants ‘diauuased are that the provincial government should: X, Include in the winter and: ‘mxam. tree trimming, tsietartiattr ttgtehtrasins, leaf re- moval, Ming sewers, buihr silt maintenance. sign rqrnoval and and: maintenance. 2. Consider assuming the was of conducting a vote un- der the Liquor License Act. ' Consider the study of a means to establish an equit- able basis for fire department The special lecture of the Saturday matinee is that ald- may and teortfitted people we admitted tree, tranapoestatittn being provided by the Service Club in the net. s. Wide its own control and inspection forces to regu- late provisions of the Trench Eotttavtttimtig Protedion Act. curtain time Kao pm. plus a Sat. matinem curtain at 10.%0 mm. Shtteelott,dhttaa%, III-IN . s'tueiiib" iibikHEiiii An in all a most anionic aw of entertainment in h â€and a up I) mut’ns peakin 1055 behind the holding of qirng_in Mutual}: is rpnnb' 'ildtth-'lthasft-Jht.iimil hat-did. mjmd Jia.nt.amd11g0aar,auadLm Aid. Vincent Alviano told Waterloo 4!Uatrtege an not, "The school board should pay tttr in own was..." be. the trial run for an increased eeqtttimt in: service found 'Waterloo Public School. and qMheiaht requested the i-ed equine - tuo his“ Senior students of Madho- gor School attending the - tem's school for senior Joplin would be assisted by e in- creased service the council gstagtgatittate am told by Harold W. Wagner. a trustee. "Now just a year later he names hack and wants extna buses to transport these child. ren. Ameiration Agreement Rachel . came state a an .3 no AW- tra WWII “a he needed if this (wolevel school system was set u,†Mr. Ai- viano said, "There is no pro- blem with children 11 mi " years .0111. They can take m1 of themselves." “I dmft think this council or the people of Waterloo Agreement on four points of contention which arose at, an annexe“ hating New 9th ms .achicned by Waterloo and W‘erloo Township hat night zoom-ding to AM.' Janos Bauer reporting to “term Coundl. i, I. Some 30 acres of land owned by Alvin Shantz on the east side of King Street, Mb of the pnesent city limits, be cachded from annexation. A sound healing in the proposed annexation of mm. 1,700 acres of township had lying north and cast of he city Willi now be unnecessary. It 1190 INA... -.s . A uh, hearing, by the Ontario Mun icipat Board that if the two municipalities could reach an £2:me a second bet-lg special meeting agreement bo- nnet!) lawn-drip and city di- cials covered: Waterloo's [Imam " he! Fur Blood Mars 2. A Wow-wide sub of land along Bridge Street mn- ning north out of Bride-t to a point '40 feet from Lin- coin Road, also be excludad. 3. The property of lame Weber at Shuh's corners be in. eluded. chic, said today that canva- sing at Waterloo industries for blood (knot-s is now underway. man of the Waterloo branch of the Red Cross. ahere we no longer any calls of donors to hospitals. The dime will be held from 8 - 4:80 pm. and from o - 0:†on. In order to facilitate an even distribution at don.- Pert,',', the clinic, housewives . non-Industrial d.- n the! an oil-be The fact that these clinics are now the ugly source of bloqd for humus was reiter- Nov. 25 is the date set for the Waterloo dinic to be held in the market building. Mr. Moyer said, "This blood is badly needed. The Twin Cit- ies still Show a defidt in terms of Mood collected to blood used in our hospitals in Ald. Bauer stated that at a tssiU link†. layer, chairman at "I aluminum“!!! . t,ttuutt'ettttQtr nan-saw - -. thit" she 9??ngth ms:- h y4 heneneigi. “My Isaiah pi» ved their point In}: an. lg said. _ 1.3m. syiqrested ItMare motaa-,trt4tediittiittr 4. Arproximatetr 150 new uorth of the city also be ill- ..oluded. The land is owned by New Bearimter, 4llare Mar. W. Irvin Clemmer. Paul Mar. 15et and the Waterloo County Rad and Gun Club. ment" be minimum fttr a» had received petitions for up tended cross-town service in New an» of the eitn 11m. include Westdale, Calm Slut. and the Weber Stud The" trial' run In W for a period of one month by Cow. The maximum cost for tho extahd We would In $360. according to Aid. Dan“ tion committee chairman.- . sue alderman added that I. these within the next for months or " the latest, next summer." denied an effective vote IN. year due to this, city offhiall painted out, About 250 eligible vote. in the proposed annexation will be able to vote in the town- ship. However. show the an- nexation be approved, I'aer will move tram the township to we city within a month of Shut Mote. Mittal ammo“! is expected within two or three weeks; tentative approval only of an- nexation having been give at the hearing here. hid council gaatUigtit that a city "gleam up: 0on p. aiiaAxCio vote in the' city demons Dee. T has been turn. Delayment of an inunMiato 3‘44... L... nu, 1., , vit .. 4.1 to a acquired 28 days fir m tihng of ar appeal and 3-for- J.lwr 20-day waiting pen-d. Over “(and from infectious jaundice or are suffering tum Mr or titan. diatteea. cancer. heart or kidney db cue, 0mm. hypertension or have aettre ttttterettltt.u. All. The blood collected at the chain is “Mable free ttd charge wherever loaded. " minatlng the necessity of bu!- ing to uk friends and uh- liyos to statute to: replacement inoiitttsotd-ammstib “a†' for afternoon clinics if on. siNe. . It takes only about 30 min- utes from registration at the clinic to the an! of the eeat period. of Blood am; must be he. tween 18 and 85 years of an. All donors will be accepted ttther than those who hurt ads arittuaabt appointmatg telephone SE 3-6007. ot