Winnim Tribung Ihis HAD A LETTER "on oyr good friend Kit mum of the “um lllvuanv - w-..†Kit is one of the outdoor writers who really goes out and gathers material before he does any writing. His material is usually right up to date and depicts conditions in the local same areas to the last word. _ We have heard a considerable amount of moaning among duck hunters in this area. me included, and evidently we aren't the only province that has been hit hard try a duck shortage. Manitoba has always been considered one of the best prov- inces for the duck shooter and many thousands of words has been written extolling its virtues. But, according to the letter I received from m. the dud: population there is " bad as here. However, the big snow storms and cold wave, coming early in the season. pushed many thouiandsrof geese into the duck marshes and hunters have had shooting on the larger' birds which they never had before. This seems to be a pretty general story. Geese evidently did well on their nesting grounds this year, but ducks suffered considerably from the dry spring and summer. KEN O'HARA of Dare biscuits did well on the goose shoot we passed up at James Bay this fall. _ Ken. said the geese were so thick they could easily have shot a hundred a day and man that is thick. Evidently the increase in Canada geese showed in the C'ahe bags and he and his com- panion brought home three of the big birds Funny how things work out actually. We have been up on the goose shoot for the past three years and this year de- cided we would pass it up. Now we wish we hadnt 'AST SATURDAY SAW the (4iiiris mama tttii',',',',' 59/ , oud2tttd Regular Price m STIR-RING BEAUTY OF DESIGN IS MATCHED IN EXCELLENCE " THE ENGINERING QUALITY AND CONTROL THAT PRODUCES SYLVANIA “POWER PERFORMANCE" FOR THE SBARPEST, CLEAREB'r, TELEVISION PICTURE EVER SEEN. FRAMED m SYLVANIAS EXCLUSIVE HALO-LIGHT. WE ARE ALLOWING $210.95 ON YOUR ow TN., m ONLY EYE COMFORT FEATURE m T.V. TODAY. $509.95 M KING ST. S. T w HERE IS TELEVISION so MODERN - IN SUCH EXQUISITE GOOD TASTE. IT WILL SET THE PACE FOR ALL TN. DESIGNS FOR ._ YEARS To COME. . . AND 1.00llt AT THE EXCITING PRICE tr "llNAll)lllllA "sr1,00llii'rli'llii" STOCKIE ELECTRIC brBertt Smith W end of the pheasant season in Blenheim township where we do most of our bird hunting. So far as we were concern- ed, it was an excellent season with plenty of birds available to those who would work. for them as pheasants should be worked for. ‘. Outside of the first hour of ithe first morning, pheasants are strictly a problem for the bird dog man and the hunter wandering around on his own without a dog will be lucky to put birds in his game pocket. Personally, we didn't flush a bird. Every bird we get was flutthed by one of our labra- dora often after we had walk- ed right by them. There is also the Outéédii Writ-u WITH TRADE 'r-'-""-""" ELECTRIC SALE PRICE $299.00 “I.““w‘ nuch greatarthrt1t than the raestuniahootiruandt-rru "ritttNeaaarttnsomorusanda [-1th talk about, has " tartttehi1tingutoettotten. anâ€- â€I“, - .7 -that will ti-need- The license will be exactly the some on the one you would purchase if you were going into any of the northern areas. in fact if you don't get i deer in aouthern Ontario, you are entitled to so into any of the northern sections still open to deer hunting, and try and take ‘one there on the same license. One thing you must remem- ber, you are entitled to only ONE deer. Whether you take The BANK of NOVA SCO'l'IA TIME ro TRADE ' tteitiriiNA Eli" SH 5-4116 Vi! borrow at low cost through , habitat-Paula P. tuert-dtt-tttmaroqasd and an 000qu north. Anumberofourlocalnim- rodaaredoingciitttettr- ingtrere-therhavethrir northern deerahoot set for would not have inade - that for distant places if they had knqwn the load " tair' was coming up. PARTRIDGI SEASON ENDS in the southern sections this coming Saturday, but goes on' for some time in the north. We feel this season is open- ed far too early as awgenenl thing and doesn't last long enough. Game biologists tell us that shooting has nothing to do with the number of birds, so why the short season? '. W1 the . 4 SPEAKERS . HI-FI SOUND _ . TUNING IN TOP . BEAUTIFUL WALNUT CABINETS by Freddie Shanks Lest Saturday we held our sinus! fowl shoot and thanks to Cammle Shana and his com- mittee it went off very sue- oesstnlly. We would especial- tr like to thank We Wuerte let. Hermie -Wuergier, Mr. 'Wumler Sn, Walter Wyszyn- ski. Lemme Gitliek, Lloyd Schweitzer. Chyt Pfhannee and Ill those people who helped them make and assemble the automatic target machine. two once in awhile but on ttale it worked splendidly and understand that any odd trouble they did have with 'e'..eeSefRP' . q for Security tomorrow JOE STRUB RA. 3, Waterloo SH. 3-1362 SH. 2-4529 1|!in - l ill! mm com-AI" (Continued on Page 13) Save today WATERLOO tk'