Ki] A ttoeewtsot-nmgtinatedust "arandwbomoratthttoae the move, admit the publish“. "claimants of dubious titles. members of undiatinguishod clubs, persons politically in- . I I Winter 3 On The Way Be Prepared For WINTER WEATHER . OIL HEATED HOT WATER TANK . GOOD USED STOKER . USED (Large) AIR CIRCULATOR . SEVERAL USED FURNACES TO CHOOSE FROM AT REASONABLE _ ' PRICES. - q Russ Rah-son (Command from Pu. l) . rainc- News Tots re,',,"'"'" gave"), "SPACEMASTER" UNE 'llllRlllllllellllll. AVAILABLE AT L, new, emu HEATING a INSTALLATION SERVICE SPerma_stetFP1dipgDooey . you back allthe tltior and (i'G spuoetht old-fashioned 'cet, tijgiloorsstea1.0erstay the doorwty...aG'tgAhtthet 21 Roosevelt St. - Waterloo - SH 3-2073 ny...mak'e any maxim. ftaecosrersanbepauuoe HOT WATER TANKS INSTALLED - GAS OR ELECTRIC Save space . . . add bqauty with a smart new Modernfold FOR AS LITTLE AS $24.95 Spacemasfer. Door “KING“.I BEAUPRE INTERIOR iiiaiiiii+ ' -.', "a blue" "in iiaktesGietionftotttilrrrmietr eitieeandtotttrirpto-trw ateiti-tsrnatureemaiuuv 1lip-extveredmtithtusyfebri- c1foosst-ketxyirdooritrt 'tmavtahhutntreemssrzes. iivel ,i. "rrl,U'tt/gtlt't,ltdPi,'cttt - _ .cn thinking! the 1nd way In“ . Ga M “Want-loom morning for n couple of due} at Everton Boy Scout Camp. Under the guidnnee od the' Somme: Mr. John Fortune and three assistants, " mem- ben of the Troop enjoyed a weekend of fun and learning. Murat the boys slept in the :Tndlnx Poet, whilst the re- imnlnder slept under canvas. The Scouts did their own cook- ing and I understand from one young lad that the Pork Chops cooked in margarine.were the :best he had ever tasted. Birthday Party Friday evening prior to tak- ing off on the camping spree, the 2nd Waterloo Scouts and guest for the evening acted as Master of Ceremonies. Hon- ored gum were Cuhmuter Wm. F. Evans of the 17th Kit- chener Pack, and W. Dgnald had a star decorating his uni- form signifying his 21 years of Scouting. and the Cornwall Badge which signified his when he himself was 11 years old. All three men spent their Cub and Scout years with the 2nd Waterloo unit before it was disbanded during the war. “wanna-Input“, mu tttsSeouttrandCtNsquatting armmdtteampfrreentertained ,etthoo-amtahttn.Rerv.B. KW Look ahe ad . ' . buy new V "V fir' I ’cANADA ? 'tto1tte:MtIinNtraANillrTlllilrlroltiilt Illl41 at by YOUR OLD O' tav""" BONDS at 1". IAII VII? t0°II ARIA. I. I. m. lunar, Waterloo Bnnch for Auxiliary and the Group Com. mlttoo tor the trtmtltet the!†given the group: ‘thlu heitring over the out three years. Prior to the serving of bir. thdny cake and loft drinks, District Cuhmuter John Wir. merledthegroupinanhort prayer and declared the-camp fire closed. ,_ Scouts Visit Ponce Building On Monday, Oct. 26th mem- bers of the 5th Kitchener Boy ener Police Building. Sergeant Lipakie_ttf the Kitchener pol- ice staff took the boys on a tour of the Juvenile Court, the cell block. the detective de, partment including the ling up as the; tett-ttsanked Sci-gent Lush: tor devoting pin the ing their many Mm Ser- geant “pinkie replied with a note of jest "let this be the We being a "not so pm perous" farmer. Cub master Eric Filmer of the lat Kitch- Hallow“! Party North Waterloo Akela Club held their monthly meeting in the form of a Hellowe’en Par- tr. Akela of the 2nd. Waterloo Cub Pack Mrs. J. Fortune took top honors for the ladies Her Charlie~Weaver took top prim for-them . v.1." fiB's', Immaculate culling plou- vi'tho Nan. '1','lfAfetrte'JtUt,','lf. m.HmrhAarmmhm BU Eake, Mic} itirk Jr2Uii Ga. !1 the_sftt. lie!- Ggouq P. Irate 'Htqtlttu'SemrtbrCaasaeu. iously consented to sew; as Chief Scout for Canada. Founder' of Scouting, Lord Ba- geanowell of Gilmll, invited Earl Grey, then Gorimtr4- for Canada: He waged, and since that time everiGovuri- General has consented to let in autumn. . lie! Scout! Canada. 'lflri','fiT,lll ttpCapada,tho Touching Tmgk Sakty and: at hm Teach them to always walk on the " dd. when then or. no sidewalks facing the Tmffk tistiiaidr if“ 29me