_ - ' Letter To The Editor JI fessional football dungeons, was the gut or moan nun-y George Grey, the 4th rl Grey, Governor General from 1904 to 1911. When he mteithe cup, in 1909 itrtus fer iiiiaiG' w "iiriniiiiiiio" ar.' -iiiiFCdav-, "i7iG" inicceeded' hi brother-in-law, Lord Minto, in the vice-regal poet, was one of the most popular of all our Governors General. SPORTSMEN ? No, they were a secret organization formed in the northern border states of the United States after the failure of the Rebellion of 1837 in Upper and Lower Can- ada. The lodges, dedicated to making the British North American colonies into independent republics twice in- vaded Canada, first at Prescott, Ont., and again at Wind- sor. Ont. There are believed to have been almost 1200 lodge with a total membershif of about 80,000. Lodge members assisted escaped rebels from Canada, collected money and arms for projected invasion to liberate the country. and acted as spies inside the British colonies. WHEN DID A CANADIAN REGIME“ FIRST SERVE OVERSEAS? _ In 1858, at the time of the Indian Mutiny at 1857-58. The British Government received Canadian penal-don to recruit troops for the British Army in Canada. An infantry regiment 1rf more than 1000 men, the-100th mean- Mian Regiment of root, was raised, gem to End ' eq- uipped at British expense and then new service at Gib- ralter, Malta and elsewhere. The regiment never became part of ghe Canadian military estab mm and recruit- ineforitinCanad.eeaeediiftertrfew-. thtaitn Battle Breeding Association On July 'tist., at 7:30 pan. a the Headquarter: tant Northeast at I HUNTERS’ LODGES GROUPS or my...» cum wan-lob mm W Bntmatr m, d-tted to .0 h- m.‘ l m“fls.“"°°mn,‘:‘a.3â€s‘:.‘°£ o . 3:3. alll'.' Jt,gtl'f,Nttd 'att I. ' . so "may.“ Association mg! at the 'lhllfll'l%dl,T, - Ottawa, “I NAM WORM Special speck", Gouge Coot "dale-n] wave " in. (but: "Where Better Bulls Are Used" guettsoraedm-deg-maRP.thm.t, 1.tt.mErrtg.tgnnn-1itrtrnndPittttV The whole family is welcome My 1; 1950 Remember our Anew Bull WM! opinioetaesindieatioes9ter 'ir.eatiedehriatunetvttimtiem tsartteenweitmedirtthettar aneeandfoundqmnttng. ‘l'II WA' "WPâ€â€˜Schfni Riripu $9.. tat so...» ph, SH: 5-4713 Russell A. McKenzie, Branch Mung". math“: L. George A. J. Augustine A. L. Heit A. L. Breithaupt B. A. Heit J. M. Donovan It. M. human I. M. Erb R. M. Infantile J. D. M. Mat W. J. UeCormick Thistuthereanatrordtorriiax. He’nmadesurehiswife and children will always have the comfort and security they now enjoy. He has based thinecurityonmomthanhisownabilityandambition. Hehaabuilt it â€mm-Haw" "" - ninety years of leadership in mutual life insurance--. an on the sure and certain protection of life insurance. You too can tttford to relax, by getting this same protection for your family. The Mutual Life of Canada, the company with the outstanding dividend record, can give you - " low net cost - complete protection for your family’s future and tlnancial security tor your own retirement. So that whatever happens, then will always hennahineforthoaeyoulova'l‘alkitoverwithyour Mutual Life of Canada man soon. his family in sunshine Is' Au, whé's for lila‘n's? SEED J. H. Montgomery D. K. Silverthorne L. C. Tallmtn R. N. Watrner Eldon D. Weber