Aitu,s;, a... ti. no: ' w;:.....* “:35... ’m win It:- at.» and» W and bath: at a and“ “auteur keeping quanta.- y.esuteiiniataratiiirii"iii". ',','rGiicp,r'arpd'i"i?iis Ptoestrttt-tpatuemr, tafe'rertoiseaiiidiidii'e', other adtt-isiirtheyrar. Pmtion tine . . . the don? is mixed cued-v and stored m ‘hich my be sliced into . lettiee.u 1360mm. heav- 99 In... St. s. SH 54m u. Oncolthuenurd‘ recipe hthO‘qummy it yidthurddoe HEART" RADIO 'rlitNGIs'raitmiD CAR RADIOS PORTABLE RADIOS mm'mlos CLOCK RADIOS ELECTRIC ALARM CLOCKS msnucms EEiEilii W"?! 4- a - e I,"'. 9W l..?' "T ", "iiF'Jtrypt.'ir, ' _ 5. »..., ', . _ ' u ___ .-“-.‘u."." .4'3’17 Interest npo Women "CAN - t29.ei up his “Aâ€. fender cf... Th eutmteittkud Butter Cream - to. ch. 11-1 to.†In! “.mm -. It’s no way mm but!†my be divided byâ€... m day! so thit new. am t1mes to relax we a tong cool drink as .mri Dans 'ill/r/ill",',,','.','?;,,',",'.': m PM no". k . co.." WIS l cup 1mm water ten-po- mud sugar ...-- t coffee cake: Waterloo at any“ and had until smooth. Divide dough into 4 equal portions; shape each por- tion Into a mood: hall, Cam. strawberry ians Beat egg whit- es until stiff but not dry. Roll oat one ball ot dough into I thin rectangle tt x 14 inches; spread with a quarter of the beaten egg whites and a quar- yours Weâ€: nit h lukewarm milk in! Tf mixture. Make a wel in ingredients, add liquids and mi- “monthly. adding a We no Nur, if necessary. to an n m slough. Grease in - mar m I!†a use bowl. on fy,ttytptitui'."ir. Rent can Smc "it? nut. let's; " was, then stir well. leer, “MAR-“- â€your. the Emma Mew-"93am in» ijijiitt gi2t SAVE ‘. ‘4 ' W0ltlltlkwtytitr tirar- "gli ollEttflili,tmt . MYWR MEI _ . WEIR SAFE ia,,iiti; Hm moms FIRE 4/ 2 turn (K CALL Nest day, punch down dough, , aim†â€Mum a . $88!; 08W! . 1 mummy" and! "hu,') V "' 1 «I Unruly-Chop“! mm 1 'hte""'"'"" W 1 cup mum“ brown ‘mubudym “Guam-5 o IN THE FALL, WOOLENS WILL BE WINE!) CLEAN, 'tilMtiiSNED & READ? POI! USE FOR PROMPT "(new SERVICE nus-1m - - Wan-ouch MI 2-3800 â€MILK. 'gll4/lhrlr'fta,,,, um. an mu twat alumna to: mom-rm T R. NIMMO / SH 2-3800 and cinnamon rehigeraii OPTOMETRIST to luke- have r 01mm! 5mm _.-,__ -- 'm “Us. “I! in a hot oven (400 deg. F.) un- til tops are firm when tapped - an to ss minutes. Cool slightly on cake racks, then frost with the following Butter to seal and tun ant under. Repeat With remaining balls of dough and filling. Arrange the rolls. stun side: down. when is d the but...“ Begiw ing at a 1m can, roll ., Jelly-roll his... much m... '2tlt1r3Lee,rt,1uruy?,ia-ca1.. ‘illl'm'ï¬hmmemmmual- htr,.e.ta?eiytiiitiiiFi7iiri' 1teumimiepmpairviCiiiee mmmhmwmkgm mmwmummmagfhmatéae SPtfp.etieifioriitkiFi,jiiG' .When admit In “MwaMamo‘moM “I I†DITA“ . for your 'grtio"),'ie2iii,t- Mmtt 'llowed to a can spoons), cream or undiluted .tpporyte.d mil} ta make an ltr tliced. warm or call. BUTTER CREAM m 2 tablespoons butter at. margarine 1% cups oncesifted icing sugar 2 tablespoons (about) milk. cream or undiluted _evaporated milk % teaspoon vanilla Cream butter or marganno until soft; gradually blend In icing sugar alternatively with sufficient milk (about 2 table- tirumeiii colour Send 60% money order as deguit. Balm "hipped C. .r?..,,orvousmay" re- lit h full and save the charm. SHERMAN'S Dept. Ms at: “on It West, M Ont. (tantalum: 1908) t)GEN.TY WANTED - no IOOI’ cum, black liq- vans, woodwork, plastar, over watt paper. etc. Colours: flttt white, gloss white, ioettteit yellow, mint gun, has: ivory. sky blue, Imam pink. shadow grey, fall .beige. turquoise. ALUMINUM PAINT ...... w- 5.1:“, “If!!!“ barn red, bright red, O'- quoise, coral, dutch bib. brown. We paint: Suitable Ate steel, ce-ment, mm (guts. Can be thinned dmm t - shingle? Colours: with. . This bankrupt and clear.. ance stock of paint in suitable for inside or outside, 0 It is mean paint and manufactured by Cat, k 'j.herwl.ttcyrirtiieis, Lon Bros.; CN,, Gliddénsf'eic'. o OUR GUARANTEE -- Ttr, P teport - try a hm- Stt,060 GALLONS PAINT 32-99 Per alitai, plete 106% new -__- Shipped mum", anywhere in Canada. mm is'un'ieim'" returztthe guty can a widely: ikririit GTi hi org"; “Hi; PAC! m consistency: Tr