â€a!!! ,7 B I',,,.,,!,,,,,!,.',,,,,,.,,!,?,!',,.!,!',, no: tpf,-...,-..'.---'-..',]']],,-.]'.']"" ALERT DEALERS can average $2.50 to $3.00 per hour sell- ing our products. Commis- sion and bonus. Wonderful opportunity. Familex Dept. M-T, 1600 Delorimier, Mon- $200.00 MONTHLY minimum guarantee for part-time con- tract, must be reliable. have a car or light truck, $1600.00 cash deposit required. Give name, address and telephone number. Reply to Depart- ment HN Box 40, Waterloo Chronicle, Waterloo, Ont. PERSONEL WHY FEEL OLD? Feel Years Younger. Ostrex Tonic Tab. lets revitalize thousands past 40. Only 69e. At all drug- HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (rub- ber goods) mailed posbpaid in plain, sealed emelopeo with price list. 6 samples 25c: Me: 24 samples $1.00. Mail order Dept. W.34, Nov. Rubber Co., Box 91, Homil- ton, Ont. GARDENING - PAINTING WALLS WASHED a BASEMENTS CLEANED AVAILABLE ANY TIME - PHONE SH 3-2395 Illlilf MARKET Open every night till IO p.m. apples chickens butter AMPLE FREE PARKING AT REAR OF MARKET BUILDING Shop at your convenience Monday thm Saturday 9 an. to l0 p.m. Open every Saturday morning The vendors can supply you with WATERlOO MARKET HANDY MAN your family shopping centre €888 honey meats (Govern- ment inspected fresh & smoked) Mu'sr Tuxsoo, size 40 "e- A TWO BEDROOM HOME or apartment' in Waterloo for respectable couple with two teenage children. Reason- able. Phone SH 4-9470. Teacher Wanted ST. CLEMENT‘S S C " O O L Expert washer Repairs, Guar.. anteed Service, Reasonable WATERLOO STOVE 96 King B. Wat. SH 3-5241 het, 32 waist, for one night; Phone SH 2-7428. needs Catholic teacher im- mediately. Contact - Mr. Louis L C. Rosenblut, St. Clements. Washing Machine 1 t " mg. CHRONICLE classified Section pickling com fruits and "some. HOWALD WINDOWS ALUM-A-LIFE ALUM-A-ROLL AND FIBRE GLASS Ventilated Aluminum . CANDID WEDDING PHOTOGRAPH! . PHOTOGRAPH! SUPPLIES PHONE SH 2-6262 " King St. B. Waterloo " lull-LIV We stock MACH IMis,rar,u,,fe,ra,, WASHIFQWe (,'12h"d','dtlet repair “PAIRED a1 maxes Also TV, Radios. Vacuums, Trilites, Toasters and Irons. Elmer Filsinger 50 Ontario S. Dial SH 3-1449 CHIROPRACTOR WATERLOO (Opposite A. & P.) "Where Better Bulls Are Used" All Breeds of Cattle - Member owned and controlled .Cost Low - Efficiency High. Use of the best of bulls Disease controlled, Safety For service or more information phone - Waterloo SH 2-8397 or WHAT I; for long distance Waterloo Zenith 44450 or for Elmira members and St. Jacobs MO 4-2722 Between: T.3C and 9.30 am. week days " I In I Number Eligible For Group Insurance , t t , 6.00 and 8.00 pm. Saturday evenings Calls received on Saturday evening will be serviced on Sunday morning. For cows in heat on Sunday morning, do not all until Monday morning. Better Cattle for Better Living ONLY d WALTER BUTZ Rep. Otto Smith & Co. Ltd. SH 5-6131 or 5-9003 Awnings " colors to choose tron PHONE SH 2-8231 Saws. knives, clipper plates. meat grinder plates. Lawnmowers etc. J. GEO. STREBEL Ph.SH5-7511 .2313sz Artificial Breeding Service - Business Directory Mil 3-3821 MURRAY’S STUDIO Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association SHARPENING Awnin- £3 morons Lemma] Autumnal also & Sena Certified Public Accountant Licensed Municipal Auditor " King St. B. Waterloo Phone " 3-8275 Open 24 Hours Daily " King St. B. Waterloo DESOTO HILLMAN CARS DODGE TRUCKS W. K. GARDENS R. BUDDEll EYES WED - - GLASSES FITTED mummy town’s 3mm "axon GLAssas new wnnass . mom: sn B. " mam BE. noun , flWaflfat onmuuo FOR APPOINI SH 2-3514 I Can Deal With B.A., C,P.N Your Headquarters RESTAURANT C. R. NIMMO Manufactured ad Sold by OPTOMETRIST For Singer Sewing ‘Mackiuo Neat Sec n In; B. Wnterho " 5-411. To enroll Motor Club mem- berships in this locality. The- Ontario Automobile Associa- tion provides the finest in Motor Club benefits. Plea- sant work that can be hand- led either full or part time. Rush your name and address for full information " ter- ritories are being allotted'. now. You should have a car andbefrom25to50,male or female. Write Sales Mana- ger, Box 817, London, Can- Male Help Wanted STOCKIE Electric b Tan - 6 Weeks Old CALL Sit 2-8223 SALES REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED DACHSHUND PUPPIES FOR SALE REGISTERED PHONE SI! 24971 FOR APPOINTMENT P" ' n 1&4